
Gaming IRL?

Blake Corvin returns with his family to visit his old world before he had gotten isekaied. Read as Blake, Selene, and Lena get up to some tomfoolery in our world before taking a quick stop to the world of DbD, where all three proceed to absolutely clown on The Entity and it’s chosen Killer. You may need to read Gaming in the Underworld before this if you want to get the background information to the lore. It isn’t wholly necessary though.

Vargr_the_Skald · Derivasi dari game
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15 Chs

A Day Out

The next day I woke up to a small foot mashed against my face and a chuckling Selene.

Luna during the night had gotten turned around and was now snoring away with her feet planted on my face. Aurora was drooling into her sister's hair snuggled into her side.

I sighed and carefully got out of bed. Thankfully the twins grew faster than normal. That meant that they didn't wake up crying in the middle of the night.

Also meant that diapers were a nonissue and that the only thing we had to worry about was feeding them.

Selene provided milk for them but expected them to start eating normally soon. They even started taking in a small amount of blood with their milk.

They were conceived before I had ascended to divinity so fortunately they were only hybrids and wouldn't have crazy powers that would make my life difficult.

Unfortunately they were the first natural born hybrids, which meant that neither Selene, Lena, or I knew exactly how they'd turn out.

They already displayed faster aging, increased intelligence, and were beginning to show the first signs of their strength. I decided that this was a problem for another day.

After a hearty breakfast courtesy of the hotel's kitchen we stepped out onto the street with heavy glamors on everyone except for the twins.

Lena held their hands as they dragged her around pointing at things and letting out excited cries at everything they saw.

Selene and I followed close behind holding hands and smiling at our strange family. As we walked I pulled open my system and looked at the completed quest notification briefly before swiping it away. 

'Lord of the Void' (Hidden Quest)

Your name has been evoked by a mortal in another realm.


Find Who Summoned You: Complete

Save All Survivors (4/4): Complete

Defeat 'The Entity': Complete


Perk: Way of the Wolf

Skill: Resurrection

100,000 EXP

The Experience points were negligible as I hadn't 'ascended' to the next level yet. The perk sounded interesting to me so I read the description and sighed. 

Perk: Way of the Wolf (Sword Fighting Style)

A fighting style taught to the Witchers in Kaer Morhen. This sword fighting style utilizes acrobatics and unconventional stances that allow the fighter to face multiple opponents at once. 

The perk was almost useless as I was stronger and much faster than everyone I had ever fought. Though the knowledge of such a fighting style would no doubt be useful should I find myself in a situation where my powers are limited.

It was only a matter of time before I got into a fight that wasn't so easy. I brought up the new skill and wondered what the limits were. The description wasn't too forthcoming. 

Skill: Resurrection Lvl. 1 (0%)

You hold life and death in your hands, you have been granted the ability to resurrect the dead. You are only limited to resurrecting those that have been dead for less than a day. Each level extends your limits.

WARNING: Resurrecting the dead can have unforeseen consequences 

(Cost: 10,000,000 MP per resurrection) 

My time manipulation skill could only go as far as to restore someone's body to a previous state. In theory I could potentially bring someone back to life but I had never been in the position where I had to use the skill in such a way. Now that I had an actual skill dedicated to that particular task.

The price was a little steep but for what it was. At my current level I could bring nine people back from the dead. Though, I didn't know how it worked and I didn't really want to test the skill just yet.

I cleared my screen and closed the system. We had finally reached our destination. I looked up to the old musty apartment I had used to live in.

Memories of countless nights coming home alone to an empty room came through my mind. I wondered if they already held my funeral. Lena and Selene seemed to be taking in the sight of where I once lived. 

"Come on, let's go to the next spot." 

"This is where you used to live papa?" Aurora asked.

I looked at my daughter who now looked like she was about four years old. You could almost forget that she had been born recently. I was honestly afraid of how fast the twins were growing. 

"Yes sweetheart, this used to be my old home." 

"It's ugly." She mumbled. 

"Yeah, it really is… fortunately I have a new home now." 

I picked Aurora up and put her on my shoulders. She giggled before grabbing hold of my hair to steady herself. 

"Giddy up horsey!" She cheered. 

I fought a groan and looked over to a grinning Selene who shrugged at my predicament. Lena was also stifling her laughter while Luna was looking at Aurora with a bit of jealousy. 

"No fair…" Luna grouched. 

Selene picked her up which seemed to placate her a bit. Lena looked on after having finally composed herself. I sighed and began to walk much to Aurora's delight. 

"Come on, let's go see your grandmother." 

I had made up my mind and decided to bite the bullet. My mother and I had not parted on good terms.

When I had died in my first life I didn't even know if anyone showed up to my funeral. I had no friends that were close enough to care, my mother was the only family I had left and I hadn't spoken to her since I had left at 18.

I didn't know what I was expecting, nor did I really think it would matter in the long run. I had made a new life for myself after all. I had a family now, I could even call myself successful in certain ways.