
Gaming in the Walking Dead(Rewriting)

After being killed by a deranged psychopath, the mc finds themselves being reincarnated into the world of TWD as Lucas Anderson. However, he was left astray as he has the survival system. Will Lucas survive this world? Well, only time will tell.

Boots_ups_your_ass · Televisi
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6 Chs

Unexpected expected encounter

"Drop the gun!" He continued as I looked in shock.

[Shane Walsh(Rare)]: A cop from King County Sheriff's Department. After making a hard decision and seeing the Bombing of Atlanta, he has become more determined to protect Lori and Carl. He is starting to understand the changes of the new world. He is currently feeling tense and ready. He will shoot you down if needed.

My eyes trance over the box in silence. I knew he was coming but I didn't expect this as our first encounter. Seeing no other way, I quickly put the gun down. He'll kill me otherwise.

"On your knees." He quickly orders and I comply. He hurriedly jogs over to me and kicks the gun behind me.

"Careful," I said, suddenly feeling annoyed.

"Yeah. Well, I'm sorry about that." I don't think he means that. He grabbed my hands and started tying it with something. "What are you doing out here?"

"I'm waiting for my cousins," I said truthfully. Right now all I wanted was a gun not to be pointed at me. The only reason I surrender is because Shane is more experienced in firearms and situations like this and I didn't want to get in a shootout with him.

"And who are your cousins?"

He was trying to information to see if I was a threat, causing me to feel even more upset. However, despite my emotion, I would comply just to get him off my ass.

"Woah..." However, before I could answer, someone awed nearby. Looking around I see a boy standing on the road, his eyes fixated on us.

"Carl!" A woman came from behind her and grabbed the boy, bringing him back. She pushed Carl behind her but the boy kept on evading trying to watch the scene.

"Wha- what y'all doing here? Go wait in the car." Shane said, distracted by the two involvement.

"But I want to watch," Carl complains as the woman I assume is Lori, covers his eyes.

"Shane," Lori begged quietly, trying not to expose the boy to this scene. It got quiet before I heard a slight rubbing behind me.

"Alright. Alright." He let out and I felt my binds being unloosed. Soon my wrist was free from the rough rope, giving my wrist air.

"Thank you," I said to the woman as I rubbed my wrist. She flashes a quick smile before gesturing Shane over. They walk away to the trees where they start to argue. He deserves it.

I was about to get up when a tan car pulled up. Shane also noticed and ran over. "What are you doing?!" He yelled as he got to the side of the car.

"I'm tired. Let's just set up camp already." A man said before moving forward.


"Shane, forget Ed. Besides Carl and Sophia need to sleep." Lori stops him and pats his chest. "Let's just set up the tents for now."

Shane grew silent before replying. "Alright. Yeah. Let's do that." He said before walking down the hill leaving my sight. Lori watched him go before turning around, noticing me.

She walks over with a sheepish smile. "Sorry about that." She apologizes.

"It's okay."

[Lying skill has been created]

Okay, it's not, but I'm just trying to make some friendly relationships.

"I did point a gun at him so it was my fault as well. Um, you are?"

"Lori." I knew it. "You?"


"Nice to meet you, Lucas. If you'll excuse me, I have to go."

"Bye," I said, watching her hurriedly walk down the hill. I also got up and started walking towards my car. From my car, I could see Carl, a girl, and an old woman talking by the tan car. I could've interacted with them more but I just didn't have the energy for it.

I roll down my window a bit and lay across the seat once again. My lack of sleep caught up to me and I blacked out.






A rhythmic tapping sounded as I saw someone tapping on my window. "Huh? Wha?" I let out in confusion, scrambling sitting up straight, and unrolling the window. "Yes?"

"Hey, man. I was just coming to see if you want some soup?" An Asian guy said.


"Yeah, sorry for waking you up man."

"No, no. I appreciate it. Give me a moment."

"Nice." He replied before walking away.

I stare blankly in front of me, seeing the sky sitting around noon. 'Just how long was I sleeping?' I open the door and step out.

The campfire I made was improved with stones surrounding it and three well-placed sticks holding a pot over it.

I saw people sitting around the fire which was kind of rude as they didn't ask if they could stay. I wasn't going to say anything about it as I didn't really care. But you know, first come first serve.

"Well look who's finally awake." I look to see the guy from earlier making a sly remark. I used [Observation] to confirm something and I was right.

[Glenn Rhee(Common)]: A Korean-American formerly working as a pizza delivery guy, granting him a wide knowledge of the streets of Atlanta. He is currently feeling tense about the situation and his family but wants to keep the mood light. He is also thankful to T-Dog for saving his life.

"That's my chair," I said, retaliating as I noticed he was sitting on the chair I brought. He purses his lips and slowly looks toward the group. Chuckles and laughter arose at the sight of the instant karma.

I even let out a small chuckle as he stood and walked past me in shame. I sat down on the now empty chair when a bowl was immediately given to me.

I looked up, seeing the old lady from earlier holding it. "Thank you," I said as I grabbed it.

"You're Lucas, right? I'm Carol." She gestures to the girl. "This is Sophia and my husband... Ed is sleeping over there. It's nice to meet you. She introduces them, saddening while talking about Ed.

"I was going to say hi earlier but you were passed." She snaps out of it, continuing with the conversation.

"Oh, sorry about that, I was just tired. It's nice to meet you, too."

I look at the bowl and scoop me some soup. I haven't eaten anything these days besides chocolate and granola bars. Chocolate is good but I'm glad to change it up.

The warm mixture melted on my tongue, giving me a juicy feeling. My eyes widened a bit as I was briefly stunned at how good it was.

"It's good." I let out.

"Thank you."

I ate quietly scanning around the campfire, using [Observation].

[Shane Walsh(Rare)], [Carl Grimes(Common)], [Lori Grimes(Common)]

The triple sat in chairs in that order, Shane was messing with Carl's hair. Lori smiles at them before looking over to the sides.

[Carol Peletier(Common)] and [Sophia Peletier(Common)]

She talked to Carol as they ate the soup, having an occasional burst of laughter.

[Merle Dixon(Rare)]

The rare Merle Dixon, sat on a log, showing no thought of looking civil as he drank another bottle of beer, dropping the previous to the mountains at his feet. Where is Daryl though, they were supposed to arrive together.

[Theodore Douglas(Common)] and [Glenn Rhee(Common)]

Glenn chatted away with Theodore, or otherwise known as T-Dog. They were close, probably because they're the outcasts here.

I look at the tags of the people's names. 'System, what are the rankings for?' I asked looking at the group's rarity.

[The ranking system is a mix of a person's skills and reputation. Skills alone won't get you far; you need both decent skills to add value and a good reputation to climb higher. Reputation doesn't matter as long as it holds power within the community. This also has

a hidden function called "Mentorship", which is when learning from another person, the respective skills will level up quicker. The higher that rank, the quicker and longer the gains.]

So if I were to get someone of a rank or decent rank I can learn skills fast? Interesting...

I took note of the names present, noting not everyone in the main group was there.

'Wait... where are my cousins?' I suddenly realized.

"Are my cousins here?" I hurriedly asked Carol.

"Um, the only people that are here are us and Merle's brother."

"Dammit, where are they?" I let out, seeing their chance of surviving getting lower by the second. I rub my head in slight frustration.

I don't remember anyone with the names of my cousins, can they really survive? I thought longingly about their survival when a sniff entered my enters my ears.

Immediately, my heart sank as it involved into a sobful cry.

"Oh, Sophia..." Coral said as Sophia started to cry. I unwillingly look at Sophia's sobbing figure before regretfully looking down.

Mentioned by the system's prompt, everyone present was tense and concerned about what was happening. This happy gathering was just an illusion. And I accidentally broke it.

I didn't know how to fix it. It's probably too late. I just sat there unsure what to say or do. I look at my hands, clenching them, rubbing them, unwillful. I didn't mean to break it.

I listened to the fire crackle, its orange glow painting my face as I thought of a way to make this better. A stray thought entered my mind, one so daring I wrestled with the thought of its usefulness. But after hearing Sophia's sorrowful cries, I gathered enough courage to open my mouth.

"My..." I spoke up, a timber quake in my throat as hesitation looms. "My cousins are the only ones I got left. They were there for me in thick and thin... I was alone back then and tired, a little scared. But they were there for me."

"When you have someone to rely on, things change. It gives hope and strength. A way forward even when everything is blink. That's why I'm here... because in times like these... family is all we got."

I looked around seeing everyone listening attentively to me, causing me to lower my head once. "I guess what I'm trying to say is, back then I got through with my family. We can find strength in each other. We may not be related in blood, but we are all survivors and we are all here. That should mean something."

"I guess what I'm trying to say is... I hope we can rely on each other in the following days, through rough times and happy moments." I finish, not daring to raise my head.

Suddenly, a hand gently clasped my arm as Carol spoke. "That was a wonderful speech, Lucas."

[Inspire skill has been created]

I looked up, seeing everyone still tense, however, the system showed that they were a little more hopeful. A small step. May it be in the right direction. "Thanks, Carol."

[Leadership skill has been created]


[ Name: Lucas Anderson (Previous) David Goans.]       [Age:17]








Points remaining:1

Combat skills:



Survival skills:

Campfire Crafting-Novice(30/100


    Fire Starter-Novice(10/100)


Lake Fishing-Novice(0/100)

Water Purification-Novice(0/100)

Outdoor Cooking-Novice(0/100)

Primitive Shelter Building-Novice(0/100)

Plant Identification-Beginner(25/50)



General Skills:

Driving- Apprentice(2/300)







Perks: Zombie kill counts(1)


Inventory: 10 slots

1x hunting knife

1x Barnett Jackal

28x Crossbow bolts

1028x water bottles

5x first aid

4x painkillers

1x Ruger Blackhawk

7,511x .44 magnum ammo

2247x Chocolate bars


Carol: +5

Glenn: +5

Carl: +5

Lori: +3

T-Dog: +2

Sophia: +2

Shane: +2

Merle: 0


Word count: 2026

So... it finally got published. It would've been sooner but I felt awkward at the speech in the end. I don't keep chapters saved up so I can't bless y'all with more. However, I do plan to release the next chapter within a week.

Tell me what you think of it so far.

My dog ate my phone.

Boots_ups_your_asscreators' thoughts