
Gamer System in Uchiha World

In the dark and complex world of Konoha, Uchiha Shisui's bold defiance against Danzo sets off a chain of events that reshapes the village. With cunning and determination, Shisui gradually seizes control of the council members, bending Konoha's politics to his will. Amidst this political turmoil, Kushina Uzumaki discovers the manipulation of her husband, Minato, and confronts Shisui in a fierce battle. The conflict results in the tragic deaths of Fugaku, Kushina, and Minato. In a desperate attempt to protect his children, Minato splits the Kyubi's chakra, sealing Yin and Yang into Naruto and his sister Himawari. In the shadows of these monumental events, an overlooked and talentless member of the Uchiha clan meets an untimely demise. However, this is not the end for him. A soul from Earth takes over his body, giving him a second chance at life. This soul inherits a unique power, navigating life with the aid of a mysterious Game System, setting him on a path of growth, discovery, and power. This is the story of Horyu Uchiha, a character marked by pragmatism, neutrality, and a thirst for knowledge. His journey is one of self-improvement and strategic maneuvering in a world rife with conflict and intrigue. Caught between the legacy of his clan and the machinations of the powerful, Horyu must carve his own path, all while keeping his biggest secrets - reincarnation and the Game System - closely guarded. 1. Smart MC: Expect a protagonist who is both intelligent and strategic. Horyu, the main character, uses his wit and knowledge to navigate the complex world he finds himself in. His decisions are often based on logical reasoning, providing a cerebral aspect to the story. 2. Selfish MC: Horyu is characterized by a certain level of selfishness, often prioritizing his own interests. This trait adds depth to his character, making him a more realistic and relatable figure, especially in the cutthroat world he inhabits. 3. Complex Political Landscape: The novel delves into the intricate political dynamics of Konohagakure, including power struggles, betrayals, and alliances. Readers can expect a detailed exploration of how different characters vie for control and influence. 4. Dark and Mature Themes: "Gamer System in Uchiha World" is not a light read. It deals with darker themes, including manipulation, betrayal, and the consequences of power. The story's tone is mature, catering to an audience that appreciates a more serious narrative. 5. Reincarnation and New Beginnings: The novel features the theme of reincarnation, with the protagonist Horyu getting a second chance at life. This element adds a unique twist to the story, allowing for fresh perspectives and developments. 6. Intense Action and Combat: Fans of action will not be disappointed. The novel features intense combat scenes and strategic battles, showcasing the skills and abilities of various characters, including Horyu. 7. Emotional Depth and Character Development: Expect a narrative that explores the emotional journeys of its characters. Horyu's growth, his interactions with others, and the personal challenges he faces add a layer of emotional depth to the story. 8. Unexpected Twists and Turns: "Gamer System in Uchiha World" is full of surprises, with plot twists that keep readers engaged and guessing. The story's unpredictable nature adds to the excitement and intrigue. 9. Moral Ambiguity: The novel doesn't shy away from exploring morally grey areas. Characters, including Horyu, often face dilemmas that challenge conventional notions of right and wrong, adding complexity to the narrative. 10. Romance: Light romance. Harem is a possbility, and matching is still in the air. I will see how it goes. Nothing certain. 11. R-18: Maybe. Not heavily, but possible.

TheFanficGod · Komik
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253 Chs

Hirato Strikes


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"Any news of Gaara of the Sand?" Hirato asked. His first target was the Jinchuriki of the One Tail.

Zetsu nodded. "He remains in the Sand Village. His movements are well-guarded, but there are opportunities. They are unaware of our interest."

Hirato's eyes narrowed. "We need to move carefully. The Sand Village is not to be underestimated. I need him alive, and I need to make it quick."

Zetsu frowned. "Hirato, is it wise to move now? We wouldn't want to alert other villages to our existence." His eerie voice was as calculated as ever. He had no regard for Gaara's life but didn't want to jeopardize the plan.

Hirato's eyes shone with determination. "I have already planned what to do."

In the evening, atop the Sand Village, Hirato stood in the sky. Around him were six Uchiha, their three-tomoe Sharingans blazing. 

At the Sand Village, Rasa sat in his office, the gourd of gold sand resting against the wall behind him. He was deep in thought, unaware of the danger lurking in the shadows. His children, Temari and Kankuro, were out on missions, leaving him relatively alone while Gaara was in his house. As a Jinchuriki, Gaara couldn't leave the village casually.

"Lord Kazekage," a guard interrupted, entering the room. "There are reports of unusual movements near the village borders."

Rasa looked up, his eyes narrowing. "What kind of movements?"

"Scouts have seen unidentified individuals. They seem to be probing our defenses," the guard explained.

Rasa stood up, his demeanor calm but alert. "Double the patrols. We cannot afford to be complacent."

As the guard left to carry out his orders, Rasa felt a strange sense of foreboding. He couldn't shake the feeling that something significant was about to happen.

Hirato waved his hand, and one of the Uchiha entered through the barrier, immediately alerting the entire village.

Kazekage Rasa, still working in his office, was swiftly notified. Moving outside, he arrived at the patrol team. "What happened?" he demanded.

The leading Jonin reported, "Kazekage-sama, a Shinobi at Jonin level barged in through the barrier."

Rasa was surprised but also wary. "Only one?" Although it sounded ridiculous, his earlier feelings and the strangeness of the situation made him frown. But before he could think further, six explosions reverberated from six different sides of the village.

His gaze sharpened. "How is this a single enemy?" he shouted, realizing the gravity of the situation.

The village was in chaos. Smoke billowed from the explosion sites, and villagers ran in panic. The Sand Shinobi moved swiftly to contain the situation, but the explosions had been strategically placed to cause maximum confusion and damage.

Rasa quickly assessed the situation, issuing orders to his subordinates. "Secure the perimeter! We can't let any more intruders in."

Meanwhile, the six Uchiha moved through the village with precision. Their Sharingans allowed them to anticipate and counter any resistance they encountered. Their focus was unyielding as they made his way toward the building where Gaara was likely to be.

In the midst of the chaos, Gaara sat in his quarters, meditating. He felt the disturbance and opened his eyes, sensing the danger. "An attack?" he muttered, rising to his feet. Sand began to swirl around him protectively as he prepared for the imminent threat.

The door to Gaara's quarters burst open, and one of the Uchiha stepped in. Gaara's eyes narrowed. "Who are you?"

The Uchiha didn't respond, launching an attack instead. Sand surged to meet the Uchiha's assault, but the Sharingan user deftly avoided the sand's grasp, countering with a swift strike. Gaara's sand shield intercepted the blow, and he retaliated with a wave of sand, forcing the Uchiha back.

Soon, Rasa arrived at Gaara's quarters and saw his son fighting against six Uchiha. "Konoha!" Rasa rode his gold-sand and launched an attack. "I didn't join others in crushing you, but you dare to attack my village?"

One of the Uchiha smirked and replied, "It's not that you didn't attack; you simply weren't worthy to be part of the other three."

This remark hit Rasa hard, as it echoed the painful reality. When Cloud, Stone, and Mist declared war on Konoha, they didn't want Rasa to join them. Although Wind later probed Konoha's borders, the conflict had been limited to small skirmishes. Now, Konoha attacked them in the dead of night and attempted to kidnap his Jinchuriki. Unacceptable! Rasa roared internally.

Rasa's gold sand surged forward, clashing with the Uchiha's attacks. Fire and sand collided, creating a chaotic battlefield. Gaara stood beside his father, his own sand weaving defensive barriers and counterattacks with lethal precision. The Uchiha moved with uncanny coordination, as if they could see through each other's eyes. Their Sharingan blazed, predicting and countering every move Rasa and Gaara made.

"Stay focused, Gaara," Rasa ordered, his voice steady despite the chaos. "These are no ordinary enemies."

Gaara nodded, his eyes narrowed with concentration. "I know, Father."

The six Uchiha attacked relentlessly, their Fire Release jutsu scorching the air around them. Gaara's sand shielded them from the worst of the flames, but the heat was intense. One Uchiha sent a wave of fire that curved around Gaara's defenses, forcing him to counter with a massive wall of sand. The sand absorbed the flames, turning into molten glass in some places. Gaara suddenly remembered his defeat three years ago in Horyu's hand. How he was almost cooked alive in his own barrier of sand.

Rasa retaliated with a wave of gold sand, aiming to encase the Uchiha in a solid trap. But the Uchiha were too quick, dodging and countering with precision. They moved in unison, their coordination almost perfect, making it difficult for Rasa and Gaara to land any significant hits.

"This isn't working," Rasa muttered, frustration creeping into his voice. "We need to change tactics."

Gaara nodded. "I'll create an opening. Be ready."

With a swift motion, Gaara's sand surged forward, forming a giant hand that attempted to crush one of the Uchiha. The Uchiha dodged, but Gaara anticipated the move, sending another wave of sand to intercept. The Uchiha countered with a burst of fire, but Gaara's sand absorbed the attack, giving Rasa the opportunity he needed.

Rasa's gold sand shot forward, wrapping around the legs of one of the Uchiha and pulling him off balance. The Uchiha struggled, his Sharingan blazing as he tried to break free. Rasa tightened his grip, but another Uchiha intervened, severing the gold sand with a precise fire jutsu.

The battle raged on, with Gaara and Rasa holding their ground against the coordinated assault. But slowly, they were being forced back. The Uchiha's relentless attacks began to take their toll, and the strain of maintaining their defenses was evident.

"We can't keep this up," Rasa admitted, his breathing heavy. "We need reinforcements."

Gaara's expression remained determined. "I'll hold them off. You call for backup."

Rasa hesitated for a moment but then nodded. "Be careful, Gaara."

As Rasa moved to call for reinforcements, Gaara focused all his energy on the six Uchiha. His sand moved with incredible speed, forming barriers, launching attacks, and protecting him from the onslaught of fire.

With Rasa gone, something so unbelievable happened that Gaara lost his focus for a second. The six Uchiha's Sharingan morphed into purple eyes. Gaara's eyes widened in shock as he recognized the Rinnegan, a power he had only heard of in legends.

The six Uchiha charged forward simultaneously. Gaara's sand surged to defend, but the Uchiha were faster. Black rods shot from their hands, piercing through Gaara's sand defenses as if they were paper. The rods embedded themselves into Gaara's body, causing him to gasp in pain as they began to absorb his chakra.

Gaara felt his control over his sand slipping. His vision blurred, and he could feel his strength draining rapidly. "How?" he managed to ask, his voice weak and filled with confusion.

The Uchiha did not respond. They moved with mechanical precision, their faces devoid of emotion. One of them stepped forward, placing a hand on Gaara's forehead. A pulse of chakra surged through Gaara, further weakening him.

In a final, desperate attempt, Gaara summoned his remaining strength, sending a wave of sand towards his attackers. But it was too late. The rods had disrupted his chakra flow too severely. The sand collapsed harmlessly to the ground.


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