
[Bonus Chapter] 70 - Opportunity!

"Oh, and the way for me to have respect for you would be to do what? By not being happy that you managed to do three good shows?" I asked dismissively.

"You've only had three great gigs, kid, I've had hundreds and I don't go around telling people I'm amazing." The man complained.

He was about 24 years old, with spiky blue hair and a lot of makeup on his face. From what I could see of him in the dim light, his charisma was low, probably around 7 or 8 points, I think that's why he covered his face with so much makeup.

From his reaction, I don't think he realized that Jason had pointed the camera at him.

"Really? What do you want for it, a cookie?" I asked dismissively. "You've done hundreds of great shows, good for you, but how many shows have you done in total?"

"I'm almost on my thousandth show!" He said with disdain, as if it were emotional pride.