
Gamer in TBATE

With wide-eyed eyes I watched the scene as the man tried to steal some booze in a test tube. But that wasn't the most surprising thing. The vendor, noticing the theft, jumped up from his seat and raised his wand to send a fireball at the hapless thief. My expression became even more puzzled when he saw it. I fell to my knees, struggling to contain my hysteria over the absurdity of what was happening. "What am I going to do... I'm going to die at the first poke..." But suddenly the expression on my face slowly became normal, even enthusiastic. All because of the voice in my head, which was my salvation. [The system welcomes you. Do you want to make a contract?]

Felegranco · Komik
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30 Chs

Chapter 29

Nothing noteworthy had happened in the last few weeks. My duties as an officer of the Disciplinary Committee had taken up all my free time between studying and practicing magic, which had taken a great interest in me. Instead of flying, I started practicing using something like mana air platforms to move through the air when needed. Little by little, the students began to get used to me and the attention to my person decreased, which was a big plus, though I began to notice groups of students following me around, which was very unnerving.

Sometimes I also had to help Arthur, who was so busy that he couldn't even visit his family. Leading mana manipulation classes seemed like a fun pastime.

My studies in deviant theory of magic went rather slowly, because the professor clearly stated that we would only take on new material after we had successfully completed our midterm tests. One semester was 16 weeks long and only four have passed so far. So it will be another four weeks until the fun part starts. Although my gravity was fine, my lightning was still weak.

This Saturday we were supposed to go to the outskirts of Beastfields as an entire combat mechanics class. Professor Glori had gotten permission from Principal Goodsky on the condition that we go no further than the third floor of the dungeon, which we would study.

The dungeon was small, but quite a popular place for novice adventurers. It was only inhabited by class E mana beasts, so the professor decided that this would be a great opportunity to put all the combat techniques we learned into real life practice. This time, though, I was reminded that in this dungeon, we would have to face howler queens, which shouldn't have been a problem.

When I reached the auditorium, I sat down next to Arthur, ready to listen to the professor, who announced the preparation for midterms.

- That's all for today, class. Try to keep up with your studies, and don't put everything off and cram the night before the exam. I know you all like to do that," Professor Meyer said sarcastically, handing out a few fliers with basic spell formations.

"Hmm, how else do you actually prepare for these exams? I'm already used to doing everything on the last day, and I'm not going to change a thing!" - With determination in my eyes, I put my answer sheet on the professor's desk, already knowing that I would only get an average grade...

- ...I'm too focused on training, which makes me too lazy to learn anything..." Arthur and I were walking toward the hall of the AC.

My companion only nodded tiredly, continuing to follow me sluggishly.


- I hope you'll be able to handle and maintain order at the academy while we're gone. We've all looked into a couple of emergencies you might have, so I'm sure you'll be fine. Kai will be in charge. Remember that Headmistress Goodsky is back, so if things get bad, feel free to call on her for help, although I doubt it will be necessary. Dismissed! - Ethan clapped his hands and we rose from our seats.

Arthur and I were walking toward the exit when we were stopped by Theodore, who was hungry for revenge. Arthur stunned him by saying he was going to his family, and quickly jumped down the stairs so he couldn't talk him out of it.

I heard Curtis grumbling worriedly at his little sister:

- You're still wearing that protective ring your father gave you, right? Use it immediately if you get in trouble. Promise me, okay?

We won't be back until Sunday, so for today, that's the last time he saw her.

Caitlin responded with a simple silent nod, her face as unemotional as ever, though I tried to make her feel better. Curtis left his sister and came toward me.

- I'll see you Saturday, Aaron. I hear Professor Glory is thinking about forming groups. Hopefully we'll be in the same one as you.

- Yeah, that sounds good," I waved goodbye to Arthur with a friendly nod.

It was already quite dark outside, the only light source being the soft floating orbs. They gave the campus a very mystical look at night. It was already getting cold outside, but the mana-enhanced body, kept the cold at bay by maintaining a normal temperature.

When we reached the main gate of the academy, we saw the familiar charioteer already waiting for us.

- Good evening, Mr. Arthur, Mr. Aaron. Are you ready? - he asked, taking off his hat and bowing slightly to us.

- The meeting ran a little long, so we'll leave right away, but we have to wait for someone else. - he looked around, just in time to see the Elfess running toward us.

- I'm sorry I'm late! - Tessia said, slightly out of breath.

- It's all right, we can go now.

When the charioteer opened the door, we quickly climbed into the cart.

I decided to visit the Leyvins, since Henry was out of town on business, and the hostel was boring. During the ride, Arthur dozed off, and only got up when we reached the Helstia mansion.

- We're here, Mr. Levin. Good night.

We went up the stairs, and before we could knock on the door, it opened and Ellie flew out of the house at rocket speed.

- BROTHER! Welcome!

Arthur prepared to hug his sister, but froze when she ran past him, hugging me around the waist. Her dog came running out after her, barking merrily.

- And you're here, brother. - She smiled at Arthur, the look on her face that promised me all the punishment of death, and hugged him tightly.

- And I was wondering what all the fuss was about. You're a little late! - Ray leaned against the door and smiled at us.

- The meeting ended a little later. Long time no see, Father - Arthur hugged him.

- How far have you come, Ray? - I asked, already knowing the answer.

- I made it to the light orange stage! - He exclaimed with a touch of pride in his voice.

- Come on Tess, I'll show you how advanced I am at archery! - Ellie pulled the Elfess inside.

- Glad to hear it, now I should probably get going.

- Brother, are you leaving already? - Ellie stopped and looked at me with puppy dog eyes.

- Yes, Aaron, why don't you stay the night? - Ray asked.

- Don't think that'll work on me Ally," I smiled, and flicked her for trying to make me feel better. - I have a lot to do, and I need to get ready for tomorrow's trip to the dungeon.

Ray, like Arthur, didn't believe my words, realizing that I could clear this dungeon alone without any equipment.

- Don't worry, we have everything we need. - Ray threw his arm around my neck, dragging me inside. - And how are we supposed to let you go without at least some tea and sweets.

"It's not fair to take advantage of my love of sweets..."

- Well, I guess I could stay for a while. - With a shrug, I let myself be pulled inside.

- Ha ha, great! Since you're staying, we can fight!

- So that's what you needed. - I smiled, seeing his slightly embarrassed face. - Okay, but don't think I'm going to condescend to you!