


In a dark room, 6 people could be seen sitting around a Round table. They were in a discussion about something important.

"Do you all know the reason for this gathering today? It's to discuss about Zesshi Zetsumei." Asked an middle aged man. He's the youngest one out of the six people present in the room. This was Raymond Zarg Lauransan, the Cardinal of Earth, and the overall commander of the Six Scripture.

"So it's true. The abomination has truly ran away. I always said we should keep a stricter eye on that thing. We can't trust our safety to inferior beings like that." Said an old fat guy. It was Dominic Ihre Partouche, the cardinal of Wind.

"Oh shut up you coward. All you can do is insult others from their backs. If you truly think she's inferior, why didn't you ever say that in her face. Scared that you will lose your head?" Said an Old and plump woman. It was the Cardinal of Fire, Berenice Nagua Santini.

"Stop taking that thing's side. She's an abomination. The only reason I even am okay with her existing is because she has the God's blood flowing through her veins. Otherwise I would have that thing killed long ago." Said Dominic with anger and dusgust in his voice.

"You bastard! She has saved Theocracy from so many crisis. And you behave like that, you ungrateful old fool. Is that what the gods taught us to behave like?" Shouted Berenice in anger.

"Don't bring the Gods in between such talks. And they would also have thought of her as an abomination." Said Dominic.

"You!" Screamed Berenice.

"Stop you two! Let's get to the main topic right now. I have other things to do as well." Said Maximilian Oreio Lagier, the cardinal of Darkness.

"Yeah, you two should top your childish quarrel." Said Yvon Jasna Dracrowa, the Cardinal of Light. He had a mocking smile on his face.

"What did you say!?" Asked Dominic in anger.

"STOP IT! We are here to discuss something important. Zesshi is nowhere to be found." Interrupted Raymond as he brought back the main topic of the Meeting.

"That abomination probably betrayed our holy country at last. It's to be expected from a dirty thing like her." Said Dominic.

"Don't go on putting slander on her name. She might have gone out for some reason, but she will definitely return. She won't betray us." Said Berenice.

"What about the others? Why do you all think she left?" Asked Raymond.

"She probably left to fight that new 6th tier magic caster that appeared in Re-Estize." Said an skinny old man. It was Ginedine Delan Guelfi, the Cardinal of Water.

"I think you might be right. She's crazy for battle afterall." Said Maximilian.

"So who else thinks that's why she ran away." Asked Raymond. At Raymond's Questions, everyone except Dominic raised a hand.

"I still think she just betrayed us. She should be killed." Said Dominic.

"You can think whatever you like. But since the majority thinks she went to Re-Estize, we need to decide what to do." Said Raymond.

"What about sending a scripture to bring her back." Suggested Yvon.

"We can't send any scripture. If she really betrayed us, as Dominic says, then she would kill most of the scripture alone." Said Maximilian.

"Then how about sending the Black scripture. They might be able to convince her to come back without any conflict, since they are the closest people to her. And even if conflict ensures, they are our best bet. She's way too strong to send anyone else." Said Ginedine.

"They are our best option. If they fight together, they have a chance defeat her." Said Maximilian.

"But let's also send them in the best equipment of Theocracy." Said Yvon.

"Are you mad? What if something happens? What if someone kills them all and takes all the equipment? We will lose our best equipment. They should use their normal Equipment. We can replace the members of the scripture, but we can't replace the equipment. They are equipment left by the Gods Themselves." Said Dominic.

"If someone strong enough to kill the Black scripture with them in the best equipment we have, we won't be able to save the Theocracy anyway, with or without the equipment. So sending them fully equipped is the best option." Said Ginedine.

"Yeah, we can't let go of our trump card. Members of the scripture might be replaceable, but she isn't. She alone can make a huge impact on any battle we may have in rhe future." Said Berenice.

"Yeah, she's way good of a tool to give up on. We have to bring her back." Said Yvon.

"So does everyone agrees on sending the Black Scripture with the best equipment equipped." Asked Raymond.

"I agree." Said Berenice.

"I agree." Said Yvon.

"I agree." Said Maximilian.

"I agree." Said Ginedine.

"I think We should just kill her. But whatever. I also agree." Said Dominic.

"Since all are in agreement, I will Inform the Black scripture to get ready for the mission." Said Raymond.

"The meeting is over." Said Raymond as he got up to leave.





"Welcome to my Home Zesshi. This is the Island of Japan. And on top of it is my country. The Nazarick Empire." I introduced Zesshi to the place.

"Wow, I never knew there was a Island this big in the ocean. And your Empire looks fancy. I have never seen such unique architecture." Said Zesshi as she looked around in wonder.

"Well, you never knew cause the Island didn't exist before. I just created it recently." I informed her of the truth. She's my lover now, so there's no point in hiding such small things.

"You created it! But how?" She asked in suprise.

"Well I used an Item. A World Item. You might know about them. You used to guard such Items in The Slane Theocracy afterall." I told to her.

Her Eyes widened in Shock. "So are you also a Descendent of a player?" She asked.

"Nah, I am a player." Hearing my answer, she was dumbfounded.

"Anyway, let's introduce you to my guild base and it's inhabitants." I said as I teleported both of us to Nazarick.

The entrance of Nazarick is now in a basement located below The Palace. So The palace and the whole city is just a cover for The Entrance.

Though The city will be useful in the future as I will bring the most useful and loyal people to me, from this world, and give them a place to live here.

The NPCs will also get a house for themselves in this city. Though I doubt anyone will use this place instead of the one they have at Nazarick. But having two places to live doesn't hurt anyone.

This city will be the place to live for the best of the best people of My Kingdom.

After Teleporting to Nazarick, I called Albedo and CZ2, or Shizu as I like to call her.

Albedo was here within a second. The ring of Ainz Ooal Gown truly is useful.

When Albedo tried to ask her reason for being called here, I just asked her to wait for Shizu.

After a few minutes, Shizu was here as well. "Now that you both are here, I will tell you about the reason I called you."

"This Is Zesshi Zetsumei, My new Lover." I introduced Zesshi. Albedo was shocked at hearing that. Shizu was... just being Shizu. She doesn't show much emotion anyway.

"My Lord, but she's just an Half elf. How can you love such an interior being." Asked Albedo.

"Forget about race, that doesn't matter. But she definitely isn't a weakling like the rest if the beings of this world. She's one of the Strongest beings of this world." I informed her.

"And I love her. That's that. And don't worry, just cause I love her doesn't mean I don't love you." I said that as I gave her a small kiss.

"If you say so My Lord. I don't have a problem with her. But I will keep an eye on her." Said Albedo. All it took was a kiss. I like this one better. Way less problematic than the original one.

If she was like the original, by now she would probably have made 10 plans to get rid of Zesshi by 'accident'.

Extreme emotion of any kind can get in the way. Like Albedo's extreme hatred, or Sebas' high sense of Justice.

"Anyway, Albedo you will be the one to inform all the NPCs about Zesshi. She will be living with us from now on. Can't have anyone attack her by mistaking her for an intruder." I gave the job to Albedo.

"Yes My Lord." Said Albedo.

"And Shizu, you will give Zesshi a tour of Nazarick." I ordered Shizu. Since she's the one with the most neutral opinion of anyone, she's the best for giving a tour.

In response Shizu just bowed her head in acknowledgement.

"Okay then. I will be going back to work." I said as I teleported away.




(I fell asleep once again -_-

I really should change my habit of writing late at night. But I am way too busy in the day.

I also said in a previous chapter that I will release a double chapter but I didn't. I just didn't have enough time.

I was busy playing video games, watching YouTube, reading Fanfics. You know, just important stuff.

But I will do this double chapter release someday this week. Or maybe next week. But it will happen for sure.)

(And fck my network. Takes a minute to do just a simple Google Search. Annoying piece of shit. And those shameless bastards call their network fast. Curse them.)