
Back at it


For the next 5-6 days there will be no chapters because I and my class will be going to Paris. I don't have a laptop, and no way in hell will I be writing on my phone because your eyes will bleed from my grammar.

The only reason it is how it is now is because I use google translate and Grammarly.

Anyways, hope you like the new chapter. Drink water.


As I was standing in front of the 3rd Hokage I relaxed my body and evened out my breathing a bit. 'Relax, the quest is complete, it means that he believes I am a Senju.'

"Good Morning Ren...It seems we meet each other quite often now?" Says the old man Sarutobi, looking at me with a simple smile. "...Indeed. I hope I wasn't that much of a problem."

"Well...It's not like a descendant of one of the strongest man in world comes around the corner every now and then... But, it's good too know." He jokes with me while I just stand there, in front of his desk, while he tries to ease out my mood.

Seeing me still quite he starts talking "Anyways, after conducting some tests we found out that you are truly related to of my teachers...surprisingly it wasn't the first but the second, Tobirama Senju.

During the 2nd and 3rd war it was believed that all of his decedents were killed... Your father included, but it seems that he ran away and lived his life in the orphanage.

Just like you said, being a Senju at that time, was basically suicide...I believe your father chose an easer life and decided abandon the name." In the end I heard a voice with surprise, care, regret and sadness.

"I know it may not be appropriate to ask, but I do want to ask you some questions..?" I cutoff his thoughts and ask for permission to talk. Hearing me he nods.

"...What will be done with this information now? As you know that Senju name, even though little is know about them, it is still feared. If it leaks out that I exist, I may-no, I will become a target... What shall I do?" I ask my most wanted question. I needed to know, do I train, hide, or just continue my life without the worries and announce about being a Senju once I become strong enough.

"...I wanted to talk about this later, but since you asked... As of right now Konoha is weak. Couple months ago we lost a great deal of man power and strength-".' Ah right, the uhchia massicare.'."-and from out...'spies' we gathered intel about what other great villages think about out 'loss'. They believe we are weak, unable to fight and are in a state of panic.

Kumogakure, in the next two months, will host the next chunin exams." As he finshed speaking, pieces of his plans start to click in my head. "Ren, do you know the reason of the chunin exams?"

"...It is for the villages to show off their power to the other. To show off their prestige and geniuses." I answer him.

"Indeed...Ren, I give you a A-rank mission, in the following chunin exams, to win the first place and show that Konoha does not lack in strength. Do you accept this mission?"

[Quest: Chunin exams!

Survive and win the chunin exams in Kumogakure

Rewards: Alive, promotion, a page in the bingo book, ?, ?.

Fail: Capture, death,? ,?]

"Yes I do.". 'Knowing the rewards of the previous quest, this will be good.' (A/N: Please give me ideas for the rewards, I have no idea. Something not so op, but good.)

"Very well. Do you have any questions?"

"I do. May I have a teacher? During this time I want to gain experience fighting other ninja, and want to get better at kenjutsu and ninjustsu...My fighting style is focused on quick and swift movements that cause a lot of damage...I wish to master what I have now and get more comfortable with my sword and it's 'art'."

"Hmmm. Seeing you alone do so much progress so much is already amazing. With the right teacher, you could achieve even more...There are two people capable teaching you your...'fighting style'. Next week I will summon you and tell you about them."

"Thank you Hokage-sama." I bow.


New day new me.

Anyways, It's the next day after the meeting with the Hokage. After coming back home, I just needed to relax my mind and think everything through. The chunin exams will be in two months. I know that I am more than ready, but everything can happen.

Kumo is unpredictable. It's obvious that they will show off in their on village, since Konoha agreed to participate, it means that other villages did too...

'The Jinchuriki.' That is what I fear the most. 'Since this will be happening in Kumo, the two-tail will probably be in the test...Takigakure might even send the seven-tails...'

"This is such a mess." I said to myself. Even if I wanted to fight the Jinchuriki I will not win against them. Seven-tails and its Jinchuriki are in a good relationship, and Kumo are know for their Jinchuriki training.

'Let's just focus on my training for now.'

As I said those words in my head, I opened my inventory and took out the sword that was sitting there all this time.

Shusui sword-one of the 21 Great Grade swords and a Black Blade that was once wielded by the legendary samurai Shimotsuki Ryuma. It is prized as the national treasure of the Wano Country. After his death, the katana was buried with Ryuma, until his grave was robbed by Gecko Moria 23 years ago.

Just seconds after taking the sword out I felt it's overwhelming presence. Unsheathing the blade I looked at it. The blade was black, sharp, and ,even for an untrained eye, very beautiful.

As I hold it, I try to channel my chakra through it, and while doing so, it felt as if I was channeling it through my own body part.

Granted, the backlash was somewhat strong. While unable to speak, I felt him trying to get out of my grasp.

'...The only way to wield such sword, is to concur it.'

"This will be fun training." I say in the end with a smirk. I will definitely make this sword mine, I say to myself while standing in Moon Breathing sword style.

'First Form: Dark Moon, Evening Palace.'


"Huf...huf...huf..." I was tired. I started training at 7am, now it was 6pm. For only minutes did I stop training and let my body relax. But due my immense chakra reserves and regeneration, I quickly got back up.

But right now I just wanted to completely relax and ease out my mind from this dizziness that I am feeling from training my body to use moon breathing.

Moon breathing sword style was extremly hard on my body, since I didn't use the breathing and only focused on mastering the moves. Even with out it, it was a deadly style, of course weaker, but strong.

Couple times that I tried to do the Breathing style, I felt pain in my lungs and body. Maybe it was instinct, but I understood that my body couldn't handle it yet.

But... 'It was surprisingly easy to use, even if it hurt, I am not far from using it in a battle.'

Maybe it was due my constant training, skills, and physique that I was able to use it? Just like I though previously, I am not far from using it in a battle.

"Maybe after a month of training it I could use it?" I was talking to myself. 'Well, I'll just train and see what happens...'


"Now the real problem...my fire power."

As of now I had jutsu that fit my fighting style very well...but the problem was, is that I don't have one strong move, a trump card against my opponent.

Most of my justu, if not all, are C-rank. They have good power and with shadow clones I could 'level them up' by training. But something like a rasengan or chidori is needed.

"...If I remember correctly, Kakashi created Lightning Release: Purple Electricity which should be a replacment for the lighting cutter...Since it works in a similar way, I could probably recreate it..." I said to myself.

Lightning Release: Purple Electricity was an impressive jutsu, similar to the chidori and the lighting cutter, it is used as a perfect one-hit jutsu, most notable difference is that you at the use of the jutsu you don't go at your max speed and is more versatile.

'That fucking guy is way to much of a genius.'

"Plus, since it works similar to the rasengan and chidori, I could probably learn them too...I definitely have enough chakra to do it."

[Quest: Are you a genius?

Create (recreate) a jutsu that will guarantee your win.

Rewards: New justsu, 20 chakra control points to whatever element you focus on, ? (depends on your justu strength and how many you make.)

Fail: potential death,?]

Well, back at it. Training.


1546 words

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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