
Gamer in Naruto: The Devil

Truck-kun found yet another victim, yet another story about reincarnation with some cheats in the naruto world. ----------------------------- Disclaimer: These are purely speculative works of fiction. It is not intended to gain any profit. I do not have any rights to Naruto, The Gamer or any other fictional series mentioned in this work. -----------------------------

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Training the girls - Most Naza POV

[Note: The part between [ ], Naza doesn't see, it's just so I don't get lost in the status card afterwards.]

Tetsu buy some books and came home.

When he got home he smelled food and went straight to the kitchen, she was wearing a red skirt and a pink T-shirt, with a green apron on top while making food.

"What a nice smell"

I remember some form of training that I read from some Fan-fictions, all the techniques, the Kuro-sensei technique is the best I don't remember the title but the author was something like Shiro ... no, Dark Shiro doesn't would it be Wolf Shiro?

Propose the Idea to Naza and she accepted it on the spot, much to my surprise.

<< Days later>>

Every time I massage her she makes erotic sounds, and every time I get a boner. Will I still be considered a lolicon even if we are the same age?

With the days passing by i started to make her give me some blowjob and buttjob, but i still train her, so that would be my payment? With Rin participating in the training, the two of them fighting and I removed the flaws from their instances.

Naza is getting stronger every day, so Rin came to ask me if I can train her the same way, I said I was training Naza with a clan secret technique and I made her promise not to tell anyone.

As she promised I started to massage her with a technique injecting chakra making her vitality nourish, and as this is a sensual massage, she always ended up wet, but with Rin I did not proceed to the next step.

Entering the academy, I realized that it is very different from the anime, there are several classes, and the girls are annoying, the girls who should be annoyeing Sasuke are always wanting to rip a chip from me, thankfully Rin and Naza make them away.

Tomorrow will be graduation day, the day when the cannon starts or the lack of cannon. The girls got a lot stronger, they won't have any problems.

<< Naza POV >>

Naza was fascinated with the house, as she lived in a small house, the house in which she now looks like a mansion.

She was very surprised by the young man with white hair, he appeared when she needed it most, she is sad about the death of her father, deep down she knows if the boy could, he would have saved him, her father died trying to protect her, only if she were stronger, he would be here with her.

Tetsu is the white-haired boy's name, she felt safe in his arms, and even now that he leaves she feels that she is being protected, not only by the demonstration of the barrier, but she feels that he is watching even though she is not in his sight.

She chose the room closest to Tetsu's room, packed her things, all her things are in [Scrolls Seal] sealed with [Fūinjutsu: Enclosing Technique]. She printed all the items on her bed. And arranged everything, filling the wardrobe in the room, she looked at all these clothes, it was an old dream, to find a gentile husband to buy several beautiful clothes for her, thinking about it she starts to blush.

After some time it was getting late, she thought of the boy.

(He will come back hungry)

She headed for the kitchen, she thought about what to do … if Tetsu will find it tasty … she blushed slightly, poking her fingers together... she would be lying if she said she didn't have a crush on the white-haired boy.

"What a nice smell." he said as he opened the door, moved over to her trying to spy on the pots. The hand on her back making her blush deeper... it was fairly low, if it went any lower he'd be touching her ass.

They'd had plenty of body-to-body contact while they hugged, but she just couldn't get used to it.

While eating he explained about the acceptance of the academy, how he would be responsible for training her .... she knew she was weak, but he was mentioning a Clan secret technique he was offering to use on her to increase her Chakra Control and Reserves... he is doing a lot for her but what can she give in return? he is going far, he even offered his Clan secret technique.

Quickly accepting she blushed as he gave her a soft smile, he never smiled like that before ... quickly agreeing to not mention this to anyone she followed him through the house freezing as she was led into a bedroom.

Despite her embarrassment she trusted him, so she let him guide her onto the bed face first as he placed his hands on her back, she could feel him channeling chakra as he did.

As he started to press his hands harder she let out a moan, before she covered her mouth in embarrassment, feeling relief as her sensei told her that it was normal, and that she had nothing to be embarrassed about.

Closing her eyes she took Tetsu advice, trying to relax as he did his work...

[VIT +1]

[MND + 1%]

[Next Day]

He brought another girl, he said she will be a team partner, my intuition tells me that it is more than just team partners.

He realized how uncomfortable I am with her, and made us two do a friendly fight, but I am much weaker than her, after the fight he corrected my mistakes, but he touched much more than necessary.

[STR +1]

The Girl is called Rin, and she seems to have a Crush on him, at that moment I made a decision (She may like him but I won't give up!)

<< Days Later >>

[MND +20%]

[INT +3]

[VIT +5]

Keeping her face against the pillow she could feel her cheeks heating the soft clothe up as her face burnt...

She'd seen the results already, her chakra came to her easier now, so Tetsu said they could move up to the next stage... which was why she was only in her panties and nothing else as he massaged her lower back before his hands moved lower, slipping into her panties as they massaged her ass...

She was sure it was a special technique, but it just felt like he was squeezing her butt-cheeks, after a good few minutes of that he turned her over... she kept the pillow over her face so that he wouldn't see her burning face as his hands moved up to her growing chest, his thumbs moving over her nipples in circles before he started squeezing the breasts, and she felt something warm engulf one of her nipples... Tetsu was a genius, he is doing it for a reason... so someone like her should just accept it and be honored that he was helping her...

She had to remind herself of that when she felt some pressure on her chest, Tetsu is mounting her... and the weight of something long and hard between her breasts as he started thrusting, his hands pressing her breasts together.

[STR +15]

[DEX + 25]

[VIT + 30]

[INT +10]

[MND + 15%]

[AGI +2]

<< Days Later >>

It was absolutely working, even better than before.

Which was proof that her faith wasn't misplaced. She just had to do what Tetsu told her, and she'd be an amazing Kunoichi...

Laying on her front she bit her lip at the feeling of his long shaft sliding between her ass cheeks, she was still getting use to this.. the feeling of his fat balls hitting her privates with each thrust, she was sure this was called a 'butt-job' but there must be a reason he was making her do this, she'd already seen the proof of his techniques so she had no reason to question him at this point...

If she was honest she preferred when he used her breasts, he normally made her open her mouth and take it in slightly... and the sticky seed that would flood her mouth tasted delicious, it put her in a sugar high for the rest of the day. She knew this all was look wrong to anyone else, so she wouldn't tell anyone, they'd just ruin her training...

As she felt him finish, the hot seed that she was becoming so familiar with landing on her back she pouted at the waste...

<< Days Later >>

Sitting in his lap she grinned her barely covered body into his crotch, the hard shaft pushing against her bikini bottoms.

This wasn't to help her control... but it was still training.

As a Kunoichi she had weapons Shinobi didn't have access to, and Kuro was teaching her how to use them.

As his hands slid under her tiny bra, she moaned lewdly... she was told to act like she was enjoying it, but that was easy... his touch was amazing.

As he kissed her she returned it immediately, letting his tongue dominate her own as he groped her breasts, rutting his shaft into her wet pussy, the bikini barely stopping him from penetrating her.

As he molested her she forget that she was supposed to be training…

[STR +15]

[DEX + 25]

[VIT + 10]

[INT +15]

[MND + 10%]

[AGI +10]

[CP automatic recovery speed increase +2]


The time for graduation is coming, Tetsu taught me the necessary Jutsu to pass, Transformation Technique and the Clone Technique.

In addition to the special training, Rin and I fight almost every day, always with Tetsu guiding us about our mistake, always patiently and gently.

In the beginning I didn't get along with her, but as soon as we went to the academy, our competitors had a great time, Tetsu won a fan club, his nickname became 'White prince of Konoha', as he kindly treats people and always responds with a smile in the face.

Rin and I did a truce, we have to keep the girls away from Tetsu, they knew Tetsu like them both, but they always fight, although I am already considered his ... after everything we've done … She realized a time back he had used her naivety against her, she tried to be angry to him, but she grew wet just thinking on him.



I was doing some 'research', reading a lot of fanfictions and one of the best I read is 'A Gamers Guide to Necromancy' written by 'The Dark Wolf Shiro', very good I recommend, if someone reads it, they will notice that I copied some parts in this chapter.

Thank you guys.