
Gamer in Naruto: The Devil

Truck-kun found yet another victim, yet another story about reincarnation with some cheats in the naruto world. ----------------------------- Disclaimer: These are purely speculative works of fiction. It is not intended to gain any profit. I do not have any rights to Naruto, The Gamer or any other fictional series mentioned in this work. -----------------------------

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11 Chs

Meting the Fifth Hokage and Hot Spring

In a large circular-shaped mansion, there is also the kanji for "Fire" (火) painted on the roof of the building, we see a white-haired boy, ready to enter – the boys is none other than Tetsu.

(And now that I'm going to start my dream. Apparently that dream influenced me and now I want to be a ninja, this letter in my pocket should help)

The boy entered through a very large door and arrived in front of a beautiful girl - perhaps a secretary.

"Hello beautiful Onee-Sama, I need to speak to the Hokage."

"Oh a Lady killer, I'm sorry but I can't let you speak to the Hokage-Sama."

"But ... i want to be a ninja, and only the Hokage can help me - mom asked me to deliver a letter to him ... and … said that i would be a ninja."


The woman looked at the boy, tried to use her sensor skills, but all she felt was a normal child - without chakra at all, coming out of his body. (Wait, she didn't feel any chakra).

While she analyzes the boy ahead, the boy did the same to her.

---- Analysis ----

Kara Sarutobi LV 65 (Each lvl grant +10 status most used)

Title: Daughter of Hiruku Sarutobi, Sensor Ninja, Chunin, Hokage's secretary

HP 1.200/1.200

CP 3.000/3.100

STR 200

DEX 215

VIT 120

INT 250

AGI 100

MND (NA) → CC 80% (Almost perfect)

LUK 11 (For being a Secretary of a pervert)


Sensor Ninja LV 4 (1Km radius)

Status Abnormality Resistance LV 3

CP automatic recovery speed increase LV 1


Wind release, Yin Release


(She doesn't look very strong)

"Okay Onee-Sama, could you do me a little favor?"

"All right, as you are well educated, if it is within my reach i can help you"

"Thank you very much, older sister, take this ... is it Mom's letter you could give to the Hokage?"

Kara took the boy's letter, looking closely at the 'letter', it's just a piece of paper with a lip mark marked by a red lipstick.

As it is well sealed and has no sign of chakra, she decided to hand it over to the pervert(Hokage), perhaps it is one of his lovers wanting a favor.

"Okay, i will deliver"

"Thank you Onne-sama, i love you, i need a bath i spent the night in a tree, can you tell me where there is a hot spring or something?"

"Oh boy, if you continue like this Onee-Sama may want to marry you ... Just go in that road and you can see the hot spring"

After watching the boy leave, Kara looked at the letter and headed for the Hokage's office.


<Jiraya - POV>

Inside an office, sitting at a corner table we find a man with white hair tied behind him wearing a Hokage trage, in front of him is his biggest enemy – paperwork.

(Why did I even accept this job? I had no choice that red-haired demon forced me.)


Someone knocked on the door

"Hokage-sama, a boy came to visit you, but I sent him away. but before he left he asked me to give you this 'letter'."

"Kara, are you accepting deliveries? normally you just send them away without even talking - oh the boy called you Onne-Sama .... I see …"

Kara looked to the side with her flushed cheek.

"It doesn't matter, as i already promised, take this."

Kara handed the letter to Jiraiya, who tries to rub his hands in hers when she takes it, but she tapped it with her other hand to stop him, Jiraya observed the lipstick mark very carefully

"A love letter, this is new"

Jiraya opened the letter just to get scared and jump back.

As the letter fell Kara took the letter and started reading aloud.

"Toha Yamaji aka Jiraya.

Your son Tetsu Yamaji got it into his head that he wants to be a ninja, well I sent him to you, take good care of him or I will rip your *** out.

With love Lilith."

As soon, Kara finished reading, the room went silent, somewhere not visible, four 'gasp' were heard.

Jiraya speechless, and then he asked

"I have a son, when? ...."

Jiraya seemed to remember something, and water droplets formed on his forehead, and then his perverted tone was gone.

"Kara, where's the boy?"

Kara, as if she had done something very wrong.

"The boy?"

"Yes, Where is the boy?"

"I don't know what are you saying"

"Ok Kara, I will increase your salary, just tell me where the boy went, that woman - she is crazy ... if I lose the boy she will come and take my *** and I will not be able to do anything. please I beg you."

"Do you believe that he is your son?"

"If that woman wrote that, then it's true"

"All right, I sent the boy in the hot springs near the academy, he must have arrived by now."

"Thank you. I love you"

Jiraya disappeared using [Shunshin no Jutsu].

"Fuck, he just left the paperwork, lazy pervert"


<<Tetsu POV>>

In a hot spring Tetsu is lying quietly, he is thinking about what to do from now on, he closed his eyes and remembered the first girl he talked to,

Rin Hatake, she had short, chin-length brown hair that framed her face and bright, brown eyes.

She also had two rectangular purple marks on each of her cheeks, she wore a simple outfit, which consisted of a light-colored blouse with a bow tied in the middle and a simple sleeveless haori.

In a word, she is beautiful.

After a while, he opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was.

The ugly face with red lines that ran from his eyes, and white hair a little damp at the moment, this man is the Fifth Hokage Jiraya.

With the fright he jumps backwards, however the boy has somewhat high statistics, and his jump was a little high, making him cross the thermal water division fence.

The boy fell on the other side of the fence, but his head landed on something soft.

I reached out and gently stroked a soft flesh, and looking back I saw the same girl I was thinking about a few moments ago, but this time she had a red face like a pepper.

"Beautiful ..." was all I said before the environment changed slightly, and again Jiraya appeared in front of me.

"I see, I see, you like her"

"You ... again, don't you have anything better to do? because of you I ... she will hate me now."

"Ah stop, from what I saw she doesn't care much about having her breasts touched by you"

"Humm, I will apologize …"

"Before you go, do you know who i am?"

Looking at the old man ahead, not understanding what he wanted.

"You… is the old man that mom said would help me be a ninja?"

"Yup, something else ??"

The boy remembering the title in his status, looked at the old man.

"You are my father?"

"According to your letter, yes"

"No way, this old pervert is my father, how is that possible?"

"Believe it or not I also have no idea"

"I don't know either, but for now I'm going to give you a room at my house, and enroll you in the gym, although less than a month before the Genin exam, if I don't do that, your mother will castrate me"

"Ok, old men, I'm strong there won't be any problems at the gym, you can put me on the same team as Rin, I need to apologize to her but i don't think it will be easy, on the same team i will have more time."

"Already taking advantage of the privileges of being a son of the Hokage ... I see, just like your mother, just to be sure, let's do a kinship exam."

"Old man, are you telling me that my mom is a whore?"

"No.. no, your mother is a 'saint', it's just me, i should be unable to make children after an accident in the war."

Tetsu looks at Jiraya in a strange way.

"Forget it, just don't talk about this conversation to your mother."

Tetsu looks at Jiraya in a strange way.

"Ok, Ok, I'm going to put you and Rin on the same team, just don't tell your mom about it."

"Nice to do business with you, old man"

"….(This boy...)"