
Gamer in Naruto: The Devil

Truck-kun found yet another victim, yet another story about reincarnation with some cheats in the naruto world. ----------------------------- Disclaimer: These are purely speculative works of fiction. It is not intended to gain any profit. I do not have any rights to Naruto, The Gamer or any other fictional series mentioned in this work. -----------------------------

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11 Chs

Home Sweet Home / Imagination in the work

---- Previously ----

<< Cat ANBU POV>>


"So kitty, show the way"

(This boy, how bold, lets see if you can follow)

Using [Shunshin], she run with all her speed in the way of the boy's new house, after a while she think the boy is left behind and stop to look.

"kitty-chan, are we here?"

---- Now ----

<< Tetsu POV >>

In front a hot spring we see a white haired boy. Together which him is a purple haired woman which a cat ANBU mask.


"So kitty, show the way"

The ANBU used [Shunshin] to move, she is fast almost teleport, any normal person would say that.

Tetsu isn't a normal person, Tetsu is a cheater, when she used [Shunshin] Tetsu as if by instinct made time stop ... Well time really didn't stop

Only for Tetsu's time stopped – or time almost stopped, because he has a lot of agility, Tetsu's reaction and speed is at another level. For Tetsu it was not him who was fast, but the world was very slow - while he was in this state an idiotic thought came to his mind - (Ooo now I am the 'Flash').

Tetsu has a lot of time, so he start to analyze the ANBU, he is a curious person so he ant to know: How hers speed more than doubled, after a small observation he deduced the technique she used.

Cat ANBU enchanted her legs, which doubled the agility status, she used chakra to enchant, however only the legs were enchanted, this cause flaws she cant change directions.

As her body is not used to the new speed she practically has control only of the direction she wants to go.

After his analysis he realized that he is faster than her, maybe later he will take a scroll, with a scroll explaining the technique in theory using his magic he can recreate it and maybe remove the flaws.

After controlling his speed, he kept his speed the same of ANBU's enchanted speed, following ANBU he begins to imagine his new home. After a while the ANBU stopped and started looking back, she didn't even notice that he was on her side.

As she did not notice me, as I am a good boy I decided to tell you that I am here.

"kitty-chan, are we here?"

After hearing my voice she raised her eyebrows, realizing that I am here she continued towards my new home.

After some time we arrived in a small village, the village is composed of two buildings, a large house and a small Dōjō, with a very large yard and some very wide and tall trees, if we observe closely the trees are with several cut marks, it can be said that they were used for training.

"Jiraya gave you this house as a gift, nobody lived here since he became a Hokage ... "

ANBU left me in the yard and disappeared.

Entering the house, the house has 5 rooms, and a corridor connecting all the rooms, I can see that the house is all covered with dust and spider web.

Observing, the furniture is all old, following to the kitchen I see that not all food is in a deplorable state, and there is a mountain of garbage in a corner, I will have to do a little renovation.

As the house is in bad condition I decided to leave the house and try to use [Imagination Magic].

I tried, I imagined a house completely renovated. In an instant my imagination became reality.

I approached the house, however as soon as I tried to open the house, as broken cracks appeared in the 'renovated' house and in a few moments the old house appeared.

"I thought it would work"

(Maybe it was too abstract?)

[The next paragraphs is full of BS, if you don't like it, i don't care '-']

"I will try to do in stages"

I opened the door and imagined all the garbage, dust and cobwebs, not forgetting the spiders, imagined all this accumulating in the yard, and used [Imagination Magic].

A few moments later, all of this came flying through the door and formed a pile of rubble.

After checking if it was everything, I used again [Imagination Magic] to separate all the atoms of each item of this pile of rubble.

And the whole pile is gone. Only spiders were left, I did not imagine them turning into atoms, it would be very cruel, this time I imagined the ambient oxygen accumulating next to the spiders and I imagined all of this catching fire, and with a (Boomm) the spiders burst.

"So this work, next step, renew broken parts"

To renew it was easier, I just thought about what the original would be like and injected MP inducing the duplication of atoms.

When I finished all the repairs it was already night.

Now all that remains is to refill the kitchen, first i need an inventory like skill.

After thinking a little about how to do this, I remembered a visual novel that I read in the past, I did it like Shin Woldord, I imagined the space in the shape of a cube, then I enveloped the cube with my MP, and that's it.

Now i just need to imagine the item i want to put inside the cube.

I tested it by placing a chair, and the chair is gone.

I imagined my eyes on the cube, looking at the cube I can see the chair floating inside.

Imagining the chair coming out of the cube.

"It worked"

Now I need money, all I can think of is gold, I think I can get gold from the earth.

I imagined all the AU atoms contained in the land below, approaching my hand forming a bar. A pure gold bar of approximately 10 kg is ready.

Leaving for the village in search of a market, but everything was closed on the main avenue.

An old lady as passing by, I go to her and ask for help.

"Hello lady, can you help me?"

"Hello young lad, what do you need?"

"Old lady, I'm out of food at home, is there a market open?"

"Lad only the 'All ninja shop' is open, the market only opens in the morning."

"Can you show me the way?"

"Look lad, look at that tower (she pointed to the mansion of the Hokage), the place you're looking for is right in front of that building."

"Thank you!"

"Arriving in front of the store, I thought of everything needed."

Entering the store, the first thing I see is ninja equipment: shurikens, daggers, ninja food ... various gadgets.

Behind the counter is a bearded man, sharpening a dagger, I approached the man.

"Hey man, I need supplies for my home"

"He looked at me, and continued to sharpen the dagger"

"Not knowing what to do, I watched the man's work …"

As he did not stop sharpening, I decided to look around, after observing everything the store had to offer, I wrote what I need.

Going back to the man, I handed the paper over.

He scanned the paper, stood up and fetched everything I asked for.

"45k ryō"

"Do you accept gold?"

I took a gold bar from [Storage Magic]

"I will cover this bar for 100k ryō, your change 55k ryō"

With that I have money to spend.


<< Author POV >>

Hello guys, I'm working and have little time to write, two days to write this chapter, about 6 hours chopped, the next chapter will come out in two days.