
Gamer in Danmachi

A boy went sleeping and wake up in danmachi. Found out he have a shit gamer system, but wants to enjoy the adventure life free of school and he will do everything in his power to achieve that.

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9 Chs

Chapter 6

In a white room bigger then even whole Orario a teenager is fighting at least 20 kobolds.

Eren found himself facing a group of 20 kobolds, all howling in unison, preparing for battle. Eren too, readied his sword in front of him. In the heat of the moment, as the first kobold made a move, Eren swiftly charged, slicing through the creature and watching it disintegrate into smoke without even realizing it had been cut.

With each move, Eren's speed increased, swiftly running through the horde of creatures, dodging their claws while delivering precise strikes.

 His agility reached a point where he could cut through three kobolds before the first one's claw could even touch him. Jumping up and performing a dynamic double kick in mid-air, he swiftly dispatched two more kobolds blowing their heads, landing with a punch that pierced through one of the creature, leaving a gaping hole in its chest.

 As Eren turned around, slashing through the air with such speed that a whooshing sound echoed around him, three kobolds were cleanly bisected at the waist. Surrounded by the remaining kobolds, their anger palpable in their eyes, Eren stood in the middle of them sword ready to attack.

 "What can't beat a lone man? Before you all were really enjoying this, what happened, huh? Do you need some mommy's milk?"


The kobolds howled in anger and rushed towards him all together, seeing this eren leaped onto one kobold and struck it down with his sword, breaking free from their circle. As the rest of the group closed in on him, Eren charged towards the lead kobold and delivered a powerful punch, decimating half of the group in one blow.

Continuing his relentless assault, Eren leaped towards the remaining kobolds, whirling through the air like a destructive tornado, cutting through them effortlessly.

 There is kobold left without his one arm growling at me, I looked at him, then I turn my back on him walking away and it dissipated in smoke. Laying down on the ground I closed my eyes and fell asleep in seconds. After an hour sound started to blaring loudly I open my eyes and saw the countdown on the panel, standing up I started stretching and came back in my room after the time ran out.

I learned many things from memories of martial arts masters, like intimidating someone with magic like those master do with their dou-ki, you just have to look at someone and have to imagine torturing them or horrible ways to kill, pour your intent in magic. I started learning jujutsu from Koetsuji Akisame Jujutsu master, Chinese Kenpo and all forms of Chinese martial arts from Ma Kensei, Muay Thai from Apachai, Karate from Sakaki Shio, and Bujutsu (mainly sword and knife) from Kousaka Shigure. For the first 50 times I trained for 5 hrs taking 10 min break in between and sleep for one hr waking up from the sound of countdown. I haven't learned even quarter of their teaching till now.

From 51th I trained 3.5 hrs and started fighting imaginary monsters for 1/2 hr, when I brought 70 goblins at once to fight.

As fight started and as time went on I was starting to get overwhelmed, I screamed "Fu** off" and they vanished into air, that's when I learned I can unmake them by imagining it. At the end I can fight 20 kobolds without getting hurt and tired.

"Time to change sword" I said as mine chipped too much but money is on the low side.

I put on my adventure gear which I got from the system with knife on one side and sword on the other.

Heading towards the Babel tower I come down to Hephaestus Familia shop going towards where low level weapons put together in a pile. I picked some, testing it by swinging it around hacking and slicing in the air, found 1 to my liking, paying for it I started heading for the dungeon.

I started going forward towards the tunnel where there's no people around, the tunnel is like train tunnel with 2 trains can go together with space between them and on the sides. After walking into it for a bit there's the sound of wall crack, looking back a goblin came out from the wall, as it's getting ready to charge at me I rushed forward slicing his head of, 1 monster core and one goblin fang fall in its place. Picking both and putting it in inventory I started walking then stopped.

'Hmm....I killed 4 monsters and got 4 drop loot, is it just coincidence or my luck....'

"Wait a minute...."

Opening my skill tab luck is at as rank SS.

"Does that means I will get loot every time I kill a monster because if I remember correctly there was not this many drop loot in the anime......."

As I started thinking about it I remember Jack bird. I only saw anime 1st season but I have read some fan-fiction of it

'If my luck is as good as I think... .'

I started rushing through the tunne, a goblin came in front of me I jumped above it slicing it's head, picking up the loot continue running looking around for Jack bird.

There are 2 kobolds in front of me; I kept running jumping between the two slicing ones neck and kicking another one on its head blowing it to shreds.

I make a face of disgust looking at the bits which went away in smoke. Now I don't puke my guts out looking at destroyed body parts but still makes me feel yucky. Picking up the loot again I started to run.



'I am running around for 2 hrs now, killing 20 kobolds and 35 goblins but haven't seen Jack bird even once. What kind of shitty luck is...'

As I turn around the passage coming across a wide closed room with pond on the side and a bird drinking from it and ruffling it's feathers.

'There you are. This is the best skill I have indeed hehehe....'

A smile forms on my face as I started running towards it. seeing me it started flying around me towards the tunnel, as I went to slash it, the bird dodged my attack rushing past me, turning around I dropped my sword spreading both my hand and bring it together to clap imbuing the clap with magic like hulk. A wave of energy bust out from the clap and hitting the bird and it falls to the ground. Seeing it tries to stand up I rushed towards it and stomp it's head to mush making it go up in smoke leaving behind golden egg.

"Ha it worked."

It just came to my mind about hulk blowing away the fire on helicopter by clap in the movie.

Picking up I marveled at the sight of golden egg as I have never in my life held gold this big, it was the size of my palm. After looking at it for a while I stored it in inventory.

"Now with money problem gone let's go to adventure..."

Picking my sword up I went forward towards the next floor happy and excited.

There's increase in height of roof on the 2nd floor where's 1st floor was similar to tunnel 2nd floors is like 2 storey building. All the tunnel from the 1st floor end near the start of the 2nd floor. The floor is the same as 1st one with light grass covering the ground and a big open space like 2 football ground and on the sidewall there's tunnel leading somewhere to the 3rd floor entrance.

As I started walking to the one far away tunnel I saw people in groups fighting monsters, some eating snack's, drinking water keeping their energy up.

Seeing that I also remove the bag from my shoulder taking out candy bar and started eating slugging my bag on one shoulder. After eating I throw the wrapper on the ground and drink water.

'Where will the wrapper go, maybe dungeon cleans it by eating. Heh people should dump their garbage in the dungeon so there's no problem of garbage cleaning.'

 From where monster comes out and maybe end the world one day and here I am thinking about making the dungeon a glorified garbage disposal.

In the tunnel as I am fighting 7 kobold a whooshing sound from above enter my ear as I look up and a crocodile falling on top of me.

' I fu**ing hate this monster'.

Jumping forward rolling I stood up turning around 7 kobolds and 1 lizard.

'That crocodile looking lizard always stays on high ceiling hiding and when in fight it drops down from ceiling to ambush.'

 I swiftly dealt with the two kobolds as I simultaneously dispatched them. With a powerful kick aimed at the lizard's head, I obliterated it into pieces. Skillfully dodging the claw of one kobold, I deftly maneuvered through them, executing precise cuts removing heads and legs until none remain alive. 

Loot is some kind of leather from the lizard. I think this makes the leather clothes like I am wearing right now.

Looking around not seeing anything I took out sweet potato and beef jerky I bought from the market and started eating.

'I have been in the dungeon for 8hrs now on the 4 floor, so the question is should I go forward or stop here, in the book about dungeon floors it's written that monster birthing is faster from floor 6 and monster horde starts to appear from there. I have become strong there's no doubt about that but...'

Turning around I started walking back.

'There's no hurry I will get there one day. One eye dragon, our battle will be legendary.'

"Muhahaha..." I started the chunni laugh because I am alone here.

Going to the guild I saw one booth is empty.


Sitting in front of me is a girl with red hair, cat ears, yellow eyes, fair skin, juicy lips, milf type breast, so hot that no model from my previous world is even 1/4 compared to her.

"What can I do for you sir?"she asked.

"Beautiful" I whispered.

"Umm.. sir do u want me for something." Her face contracted to frown.

Looking at her face I remember what I said

"Umm... Sorry I wasn't thinking straight". I apologized hurriedly.

"That's fine sir so..."

" Can I get a private room."

She arch an eyebrow

"I don't want to make a scene bringing something out." I whispered near the booth.

Standing up "please come this way sir " she took me to the room behind the counter.

Sitting on the sofa I opened my bag taking out the 10 goblin fang, 4 kobold nail and 1 lizard hide and small pouch closed up. I put everything I wanted to sell in bag on 1st floor tunnel in the dungeon.

"First how much these monster drop worth?"

She arch an eyebrow looking at the pouch closed up. She then looked at me and I kept looking at her.

"Exhale.... "

"3400 valis".

"Ok and about this" saying I handed the pouch to her.

She looked at me and then the pouch taking it and opening she saw what is was

"Oh..." there was some interest in her eyes looking in the pouch

"This is a very rare item where did you find this?" She asked me

I understand her skepticism as it was indeed rare and it was written in the monster book that and adventure in his 10 years of adventuring may be find one of them and even that's rare.

"There's a pond on the first floor somewhere and the bird was drinking water from it"

I know I shouldn't have told her about it but think about this - with my luck at SS I have to run around for 2 hrs to find that bird and I doubt there's anyone in this world with as good luck as me except maybe bell but even his won't be SS that's for sure. And yes I looked around, there wasn't anyone as far as I heard or even Hestia for that matter.

And do you think it will spawn the same place or come to drink water again. I know after this information get out many people will stake out there for the bird and they will waste their time only.

My luck's undeniable; while browsing skills and items, I found a ranking S Super Dragon Ball on sale. It's not just any Dragon Ball—it's "super." My golden egg find wasn't about the spawn place, it's all thanks to my exceptional luck.

I don't want them to be suspicious of me thinking I stole from someone else, if I was powerful than I wouldn't care what they think but for a level 0 like me too much ego will be my own downfall even with my luck.

"Hmm... It's 1 million valis for this so total is ....1,003,400 valis."

"Could you do me a favor, don't talk to anyone about me."

"I am not that kind of person" she said little heatedly

"I'm not accusing you of spreading rumors to adventurers. Just asking, please don't mention me to your guild members. It's not about bad intentions; even innocent chats can spark rumors. I just want to avoid any gossip."

"I have to tell the guild master about this" she remarked.

"That's more than fair, thank you" I replied.

"Just wait here, I'll fetch your payment" she instructed.

I nodded as she exited through a different door. Ten minutes later, she returned with two pouches of valis. The largest coin is worth 10,000 valis. I took one coin and placed it on the table.

"Thanks for listening to my requests." I pushed the coin forward towards her.

"I don't accept money for doing my job," she said, frowning and getting up to leave.

"Wait, I meant it as a gift for listening to me and understanding. I didn't mean to offend you. I am sorry," I said, standing and bowing.

As she reached the gate, she glanced back at me bowing. "It's fine kid, I'm not upset. You can raise your head."


"I said it's—"

"I'm not a kid," I interrupted.

She studied him from head to toe and back up again.

"Just you wait."

I picked up the pouch, putting it in the bag, and then placed the pouch in the inventory hiding it from view. Slipping the bag onto my shoulder, I approached her, unintentionally positioning my face in front of her breast as I looked up to meet her eyes.

"When I will hit my growth spurt then you won't be saying that," i said before exiting through the gate.

I could hear soft chuckle as I left.

As I was bathing I noticed my little buddy down there is a little thicker and maybe 1/2 inch bigger too. Going in front of the mirror I saw the freckles on my face become nearly non-existent, moving my finger through the hair it also feels little soft then before, there's muscles on my body and my height...

'I can't tell.'

Moving towards the door frame of bathroom I marked my height with my fingernail.

'I will know in a month'

I think my body is becoming better to accommodate my power and is being nourished by magic otherwise there's no way to become this good maybe having a radioactive spider bite you but I don't have enough SP to buy those expensive shit.

'Ok let's go buy the ticket.'


Sorry for late chapter as i was busy in my work i forgot to upload.....anyway enjoy the chapter

lucifer38hellcreators' thoughts