
Gamer in Danmachi

A boy went sleeping and wake up in danmachi. Found out he have a shit gamer system, but wants to enjoy the adventure life free of school and he will do everything in his power to achieve that.

lucifer38hell · Komik
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9 Chs

Chapter 2

"Did I actually get a gamer system? No fu**ing way!"

"Yes, oh my God, yes!"

"This is real, this is really happening—oh my fu**ing luck"

The sheer excitement overwhelmed me to the point that my previous experiences faded into the background.

"Alright, calm down. Let's check out the tutorial... hmm, okay."

I began to reach for the control panel, but paused midway thinking about mentally activating the tutorial.

"Yes, got it!" I exclaimed.

'All those hours watching anime, reading manga, and diving into FanFiction really paid off'.

Overwhelmed, I collapsed onto the bed, tears of joy streaming down my face. After a moment, regaining my composure, sat up, and slapped my cheeks lightly to refocus.

"Okay, you can do this."

"Hell yes, I CAN do this!"

Glancing back at the panel; instead of the tutorial, the start button was displayed. With determination, I mentally tapped on it, ready to embark on this incredible journey.

"Welcome gamer" a mechanical voice said inside my head





"Please click on status" it said

After waiting for about 30 seconds without hearing any more prompts from the system, I tapped on the 'Status' tab to see what information it would display.



STR :H-154

END :H-135

DEX :G-267

AGI :G-260

MAG :I-0


"Level signifies the advancement or hierarchy status of user. As experience accumulates, this value usually ascends, unlocking additional skills, equipment, or hurdles for the user."

"Strength denotes the force or potential of the user, encompassing in physical. This attribute frequently dictates the potency of offensive moves, defensive maneuvers, and unique skills."

"Endurance signifies the capacity or durability of the user, showcasing their aptitude to resist harm, weariness, or extended effort. A heightened endurance indicates the user capability to persevere through numerous challenges or combat scenarios without succumbing to failure or fatigue."

"Dexterity indicates the nimbleness, accuracy, and synchronization of the user actions. Elevated dexterity correlates with enhanced precision, swifter motion, and superior command over weaponry or instruments. Additionally, it may bolster the user capacity to dodge oncoming threats or execute complex actions."

"Agility represents the velocity, dexterity, and comprehensive movement capabilities of the user. High agility can swiftly respond, evade imminent threats, and traverse landscapes seamlessly. This attribute is pivotal in combat situations, evasive actions, and scenarios emphasizing stealth."

"Magic embodies the mystical or ethereal capabilities of the user, enabling the invocation of spells, manipulation of energies, or execution of magical actions. The magic metric dictates the user adeptness in wielding magical powers, affecting the strength, scope, and diversity of spells accessible to them."

"Am I really that weak?" looking at the status I asked myself.

"Please navigate back from the top left corner and click on 'Skill'."

I returned to the panel and selected 'skill'. Navigating mentally as practice to avoid drawing any unnecessary attention. After all, nobody wants to be that person from fanfictions who stands out in public with odd gestures or talking to themselves. It's best to blend in and not attract any suspicion or unwanted attestation.




Skills refer to the specialized abilities, magical talents, and knowledge unique to the user. It empowers individuals to navigate challenges, wield magical artifacts, interact with mystical creatures, and thrive in diverse and magical environments."

"Please navigate back and click on 'Inventory'."

"Only poison resistance, really?" After thinking about it—seems like because he drank that waste wine i got the skill. It's a sobering thought. Without awakening in this body, a deceased person wouldn't typically have a "poison resistance" skill.

The exclamation mark next to the "Poison Resistance" skill piqued my interest, ignoring the message of the system I clicked on it.


Effect: Grants basic resistance against common poisons.

Benefit: Diminishes the impact of mild toxins.

Limitation: Users may still experience discomfort or minor symptoms when exposed to stronger toxins.

'So, the exclamation mark must mean there's something new or important and I should check out. Got it'.

Went back and clicked on 'inventory' . Noticed 100 square boxes, and there is a wooden treasure chest in one of the box. Seeing it jogged the memory of the system's first message about getting a starting package.

" Inventory is a designated storage system where items and resources are stored, managed, and accessed by the user. This space allows accumulation of various items"

"Please navigate back and click on 'System Point'."

I decided to wait and open it after the tutorial is complete.

Going back and selecting 'system point'.


"'System points' refer to the virtual currency or points awarded by the system for various achievements, tasks, or milestones accomplished by the user. These points can be accumulated and used to purchase items, unlock features, enhance abilities."

"Go back and select shop"




"'Shop' is a designated section where players can acquire items and skills using accumulated resources or currency

Now enjoy the game player"

I tapped on items


"what the fu**"

Dragon Balls - "Dragon Ball" : 1,000,000,000,000 SP 

Death Note - "Death Note" : 5,000,000,000 SP 

3D Maneuver Gear - "Attack on Titan" : 50,000 SP 

Soul Candy - "Bleach" : 5,000,000 SP 

Devil Fruit - "One Piece : 2,000,000,000 SP 

Stands - "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" : 8,000,000,000 SP

 Quirks - "My Hero Academia" : 300,000,000 SP 

Zanpakuto - "Bleach" : 900,000,000,000 SP 




"This could be game-changer if I get any good one from these." Then, seeing the value and remembering I have zero points, the thought was, "Don't get too excited." Hands and legs were shaking just thinking about it. Deciding to go back and selected 'skills'.

Kamehameha- "Dragon Ball" : 800,000,000 SP 

Shinigami Zanjutsu- "Bleach" : 900,000,000 SP 

Nen Techniques- "Hunter x Hunter" : 300,000,000 SP 

Geass- "Code Geass" : 3,000,000,000 SP 

Alchemy- "Fullmetal Alchemist": 900,000,000 SP 

Rasengan- "Naruto" : 750,000,000 SP 

Quirks- "My Hero Academia": 1,200,000,000 SP 

Magic- "Fairy Tail": 950,000,000 SP

Titan Shifting- "Attack on Titan": 400,000,000 SP 

Bankai - "Bleach": 7,000,000,000 SP

Shadow Clone Jutsu- "Naruto": 12,000,000,000 SP 

Telekinesis- "Mob Psycho 100" : 900,000,000 SP 




"Fuck" pulling hair out just looking at these because not a single point is available, and these items are valued in millions of points. 

'I need to figure out how to earn system points since there's no quests tab or anything guiding on how to get them'.


The stomach started growling, feeling quite drained from all the excitement.

Checking the pockets, there's no money. Then recalling getting mugged the previous night.


I'm searching through the room hoping to find something to sell outside... but there's nothing.

Heading to the bathroom, checking the cupboard... still nothing.

"What kind of crappy hotel is this?"

Scanning the entire bathroom, when bending over to check under the bathtub

 'Something's there'

Pulling it out, it's a small metal box. Upon opening

'ha found it'

Counting reveals a total of 5000 valis inside.

It's not as if the person's entire memory has been taken on by me, it's more like a general understanding or common knowledge. Perhaps because his death was recent, he must have probably cursed those people at the death's door, which is why those memories are accessible. Details like what he ate yesterday, nothing.

From this summary of memories, it's clear that he didn't have anyone in his life. He was just moving from one merchant group to another, without any parents, family, close friends or even a familia.

In a way, it's a good situation because there are no attachments or strings to worry about.

Taking the money and getting up to leave the room for a meal, the thought of having a treasure chest crosses my mind. Sitting down on the bed, opening the inventory I tapped in the chest.

Congratulations on opening your first treasure chest

Sword x 1

Leather shirt x 1

Leather pants x 1

Sp x 10,000

Novice health potion x 10

Novice mind potion x 10

Valis x 5000

It opened inside the system and distributed into 5 box for five things

And I saw my SP and money is not there. I went back to the menu and saw my Sp is 10,000 and there's a new $(dollar) sign on the lower right corner and it's 5000.

I put my 4000 valis in the inventory and it vanished from my hand and went into the inventory and then it vanished from there and $(dollar) sign value is now 9000.

"How do I get it out?"

I tapped the $ and it shows a box with blinking curser for me to write how much I need to take out and I thought 1000 valis and it came on my hand.

'There's no light show thank god'

'Did I have gamer body and mind to?'

I took out my knife and poked my finger with pointed side and it started bleeding.

' so no huh...'

Well this is enough.

I put 2000 valis in my shirt pocket open the door and went outside.


As I was looking around at the hotel lobby I saw the receptionist human female over 40 maybe 50 years old and it shows on her face.

I came near her

"Do u guys serve food here?"

" No sir we only serve breakfast from 6am to 9am" she told me and I saw the clock behind her on the wall, it is 1pm.

"Ok thank you" I said as I turned around and went outside.

The hotel is on the corner of the street where three roads intersecting each other.

 I saw various types of stalls and people are selling their wears on them. I kind of know where I am from the summary of memory I got and I think this place called free market so there are adventures also selling their wares to other people.

As I am looking around for a place to eat I saw a place where a woman is calling people to come eat.

"Welcome sir, please come inside"

I noded as I went in and there are people eating, I come to the counter and sit on the stool.

"what do u want buddy?" said the person behind the counter as he handed me the menu.

 I looked at it "2 piece of fried chicken and a bowl of noodles" I said handing back the menu.

"Coming right up".

After 2 mins of me looking around as he went to other costumers my order came up. I picked the chicken and took a bite and then pick the chopsticks and started eating noodles

'There's something missing'.

There isn't that taste which u get when eating in restaurant back home.

As I am eating my lunch I started looking through the shop section of items and skills. After 15min of eating I asked for fruit juice and gave me orange juice. As I sat there taking sip of juice

'I have a feeling that whoever gave me this system doesn't want me to buy anything from the shop because anything remotely important have a value of 500 million SP or up as more stronger the skill or item is.'

'Its like someone saying "do u want to buy this, well u won't even come close to touch it fu**face, so go somewhere else and beat your di** imagining what if's".'

My mood turn sour at that thought.

I asked for the bill and it was 345 valis so I paid him and went outside.

I turn my head upward and looking around, there it is the Babel tower all whitish in color standing tall.

"Huuu..."I exhaled.

'I should rest for 1 hour before going to the dungeon'.

I come back to the hotel room and the smell of piss got stronger as I scrunch up my nose.

I forgot I didn't clean the place, I closed the door and started cleaning the floor after that I went in the bathroom and took my pants and shirt I was wearing in the morning and wash it off with soap. I came out of the bathroom put everything on the chair to dry.

I lay down the bed and started looking through skills and items.

One hour passed by as I saw there is a clock on the panel in the middle top of the section which is showing its 3:00 p.m.

 I stood up from the bed started going towards the Babel tower.




Thanks for reading

lucifer38hellcreators' thoughts