
highschool love

phone rings*


y/n GET UP

oh it's the first day of school.... ITS THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!!!!


and put on a pink crop top with black shorts and Nike shoes

bell rings*

late on the first day of school y/n?

sorry Mrs chinchilla

it's ok have a seat please

(๑•﹏•) whispers* that was a close one

mr jungkook your late as well I see🤦🏻‍♀️

sorry Mrs chinchilla I had some work to do for my next concert

girls in the back ground***

hhhhuuuuhhhh he's like a dream

teacher** sit next to y/n pls

yes ma'am

he looks at you** oh I know you your taehyungs sister nice to meet you☺️

nice to meet you to😳

3 hours passes by bell rings for lunch

your best friend waves **👋


another group of people ask you to sit by them

you were a k-pop star sisters so it wasn't surprising that you

you went to your best friend

so girly I see the way you look at jungkook


mhhmmmmm you where blushing like crazy



*You see jungkook*

he seats with your brother and the rest of the group

after school was over you walked home on a rainy day****

ugh my mascara is everywhere this calls for a warm bath☺️

then you hear a car honk at you***

hey y/n need a ride????

oh no thx

come in

jungkook scoots over***

thx it was thoughtful of you 😊

no prob

you see your house***

welp this is it☺️

wow your house is big

not that big

we'll see you later

to be continued

thx my goobers for watching ily♥️💘