
Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Dragonwolf

NOTE! I do not own this story or its content, that credit goes to 'Revan Knight' on ff.net under the story name 'Wrath of the north', I am merely correcting some grammar issues and reposting on this website to give this story more recognition. If 'Revan Knight' wants me to take it down I will do so if he messages me on ff.net

xLucqs · Televisi
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14 Chs

Chapter 12

Words: 1050

Short Chapter - next one will be longer

Daenerys sat on her throne as the messengers entered the room. One of them was a red priestess, while there were several short, hooded figures with her. The hoods were unique since they covered the face so well that you couldn't see who was wearing them unless you got about an inch away from the wearer's face.

"Your grace, I am Melisandre. I have come to deliver a message from both your emissary Jorah Mormont as well as your nephew, Jaehaerys Targaryen."

"Well, I welcome you to Meereen, but who are your companions?"

As soon as Daenerys asked, the three figures lowered their hoods. The entire room gasped as the figures were revealed to have heads shaped like plant life.

"In case you aren't familiar with the ancient history of westeros, these people are known as children of the forest. They were the original inhabitants of westeros, along with other non-human races like giants."

One of the children spoke up. "We are here because we need to speak with you about something, your grace, something far more important than your family's quest to reclaim their throne."

Daenerys recovered from her shock and addressed the child who spoke up. "Does this have something to do with this threat that my great uncle aemon mentioned in his letter?"

"Yes it does. Have you heard this prophecy: the prince who was promised will bring the dawn?"

"Yes, but as you can see, I'm no prince."

"Your grace" Missandei spoke up from her seat beside her "I'm afraid you are mistaken. You see, in high vaylarian, the term prince refers to the heir regardless of their gender. So, in the common tongue, the proper translation would be 'the prince, or princess, who was promised will bring the dawn."

"Hmmm" Barristan Selmy replied. "That doesn't exactly roll off the tongue as well."

"No, but I certainly like it better" Daenerys replied with amusement. She then turned back to the messengers. "But what does this have to do with me? Are you saying you think I am the one this prophecy refers to?"

"We don't know, your grace" Melisandre replied. "For some time, I was sure the one who the prophecy referred to was Stannis Baratheon. But recent events have shown me I was mistaken. The children say that you are one of the few possible candidates for this prophecy. The only remaining candidate other than you is your nephew."

Daenerys was silent for a moment. "So, you mean this Jon Snow really is my nephew?"

"Indeed he is" a child said. "The few remaining of our people confirmed this. However, we need to discuss just what else this prophecy refers to as well."

"Very well" Daenerys said. "Please inform us."

As the sun set on Meereen, Daenerys sat alone on her room's veranda looking at Jorah's letter.

Khalessei, I have spoken to the new king in the north. After meeting with him and his advisors, I must inform you that the stories about him are true. Jon Snow truly is your brother's son. Therefore, his claim to the throne is stronger than yours.

However, Jon understands that you have been working hard in an attempt to reclaim the throne, and he feels that you are just as deserving of it as he is. Therefore, he wishes me to tell you that if you wish to sit on the throne, he is willing to discuss a marriage alliance. You would both sit the throne and rule as equals, and while it might not be a truly loving marriage, he assures you that he will remain faithful to you should you two decide to marry.

Finally, I once more must say that I can never express how sorry I am for initially betraying you to the baratheon dynasty. While at the time I was hoping to receive a pardon for my crimes so I could return home, I did not realize how much I would come to care for you. I truly believe in you and would like nothing more than to continue serving you, if you will have me by your side. But I also must say this; while I truly believe in you, my loyalty goes beyond that. I love you. I know I have probably ruined any chance I had of winning your heart, but I want you to know that.


Daenerys felt tears roll down her cheeks as she finished reading. She had been angry when she learned that her oldest and dearest friend had been a spy. But his actions, along with his declaration, truly pulled at her heart. Jorah was correct, she could not return his romantic feelings. She just didn't feel the same about him. But she could forgive him. The next time she saw Jorah, she would gladly welcome him back to her side.

She had spent much of the day talking to her nephew's ambassadors. In the process, a clearer picture of him had entered her mind. Jaehaerys, or Jon, was a kind hearted man who genuinely cared for his people. He knew when to be harsh and ruthless, and when kindness and love was needed. He was the exact opposite of her brother Viserys, whom she had assumed she would marry most of her life. She also knew how it felt to lose a loved one to a murderer; she had lost her husband to a witch after all. Their journeys also seemed to mirror each other, as they both started out with nothing and rose to become leaders of their people.

It seemed to her that the gods were trying to bring them together. She did worry that she might be rejected when her nephew learned she was unable to have children anymore, but something seemed to let her know that this wouldn't be an issue. Daenerys felt that she could actually come to love her nephew if they decide to marry. With that, she made her choice.

The following morning, Daenerys called her advisors and Jon's messengers to her throne room.

"I have decided that the time has come for me to return to Westeros. My nephew will need help when these white walkers invade, and I wish to be there when our family takes the throne back from the ones who betrayed us."