
Chapter 5

Sorry for not updating the novel I have been through somethings.

Daenery's POV

Last night's talk with Y/n has never left my mind, every time I close my eyes the image of a broken boy both physically and emotionally comes to me. The way he spoke, moved and acted towards his mother is heartbreaking to me.

I never had the opportunity to be a mother to my little one, I was never able to hold him in my arms and enjoy him with his father Khal Drogo. But I do know that I would never, never have allowed anything to happen to my son, much less inflict that pain on him myself.

I am like this with my dragons, they are the only children I will have and I love them with all my heart. I couldn't bear that something bad happened to any of them and even less if it was my fault.

So I can't understand how Cercei, as a mother, has been able to be so cruel to her own child and leave so much to be desired as a healthy mother figure.

But what torments me the most is remembering his look when he told me about the promise and the reason why he can't marry me. It's not that I was looking forward to marrying him, but I accepted the proposal because it would help me reach the throne sooner and avoid many deaths thanks to that union.

And I have to admit that Y/n is a handsome man. It is something that I cannot deny, even when he is beaten, a little underweight and injured, the beauty of his face can be appreciated. Especially his incredible eyes and the combination of green and brown in those eyes.

Besides that by education, he has clearly received a good education and from what little I have seen, he has good manners. Therefore, he would not be the worst husband, after all; my own brother sold me to marry Drogo at first.

So getting married even if it's just a formality to get to the throne, with someone who speaks my language and who I know rape is not part of their culture, is not the worst thing that could happen to me.

But after seeing the pain and longing in his eyes, when he has spoken of his beloved. I understand you can't get married and have turned down the offer.

Anyway, right now I have other things to worry about more important and urgent than a denied marriage.

Right now I find myself looking out the window at the sea, from the map room and listening to the people behind me talking to each other.

Yara: If you want the throne, take it.- I listen as she tells me directly, so I turn to look at her. -We have an army, a fleet and three dragons. We can attack King's Landing now, with force, with everything we have. - she says with some anger in his voice. -The city will fall in one day.- she assures all those present.

Tyrion: If we free the dragons, tens of thousands of people will die in the fires.- he reminds her wisely.

Ellaria: It's a war.- she exclaims as if it were an excuse for the deaths. –If you have no stomach for it, then run to hide. - she says seriously.

Tyrion: I know how you fight wars. Here we do not poison girls.- He reproaches her with a certain resentment. -Myrcella was innocent.- he assures her and I can hear some pain in his voice.

Ellaria: She was a Lannister.- She excuses herself. -There are no innocent Lannisters. My greatest regret is that Oberyn died fighting for you.- she reproaches him with venom in her voice.

Daenerys: Enough is enough.- I ordered fed up with their attitudes. -Lord Tyrion is the hand of the queen and you will treat him with respect.- I remind her seriously. -I have not come to reign over ashes.- I clarify referring to the main conversation.

Olenna: I'm very glad to hear that.- The old lady sitting in front of me assures me. -Although, the truth is that I do not remember any queen more loved than my dear granddaughter. The populace adored her, the nobles adored her. And what's left of her now? - asks without any emotion. -Ashes. Commoners, nobles: they are but children, really. They will not obey you if they do not fear you.- she assures me with sincerity.

Daenerys: I thank you very much, Lady Olenna, for your advice; I thank you all.- I tell her sincerely. -But you have decided to follow me, I will not attack King's Landing; we will not attack King's Landing.- I clarify with all the seriousness in the world.

Olenna: And how do you plan to take the Iron Throne? Asking her please? - she asks me ironically and I look at my hand before saying anything.

Daenerys: I will lay siege to the capital, I will surround the city on all sides.- I tell them my plan. -Cercei will have the throne, but not food for her hosts or for her people.- I explain.

Tyrion: But we won't use Dothrakis or Immakulates.- he explains starting to move. -Cercei will try to recruit the lords of the west by appealing to their loyalty, their love for their country. If we besiege the city with foreigners, we agree with her; our army must be from the west.- He finishes explaining the reason for their presence.

Ellaria: And we will contribute to the Westeros.- she points out.

Tyrion: That's right.- He agrees. -Lady Greyjoy will escort you to Sunspear and her iron fleet will transfer the Dornish army to King's Landing.- he tells as he moves the pieces on the map. -The Dornishmen will besiege the capital together with the host of Tyrell. Two great kingdoms united against Cercei.- He finishes explaining the plan.

Olenna: So your infallible plan is to use our armies.- she denies almost imperceptibly. -Forgive the question, but why did you bother to bring yours? - she asks with a certain arrogance.

Tyrion: The unsullied will have another objective.- he explains, moving a token on the map. -For decades the Lannisters have been the true power of Westeros. The seat of that power resides in Roca Casterley.- He tells and looks at me. -Grey Worm and the Unsullied will sail there and take it.- He ends up throwing the lion piece with the one from the Unsullied's helmet.

Olenna: And that is the complete plan? - asks with interest and some curiosity.

I look at my hand, watching him take a deep breath and looking at me for confirmation. Before the meeting started, I told him about the end of my talk with his nephew and about his support for my coronation.

Tyrion: It's not everything.- He denies with a sigh walking towards where King's Landing is on the map. -Nothing shows more the end of a reign, than your own son and rightful heir to the throne; supporting another queen and not thier own mother.- account creating expectation and intrigue in the room.

Ellaria: What do you mean by that? - she asks leaning forward, a clear sign of her interest and curiosity.

Tyrion: My nephew Y/n Baratheon, heir to the Iron throne, is in this castle and supports Daenerys's ascension to the throne.- he answers without hesitation. -There is nothing that demonstrates the end of Cercei's mandate more than that her own son being on the opposite side and demands the throne for Daenerys.- He finishes telling and I can see the astonishment on the faces of all those present.

But there is something different in Lady Olenna's face, I couldn't point out what feelings the news provokes and the reason for those feelings. What I can say is that a certain brightness has appeared in her eyes and I can't understand why.

AN: sorry for not updating things have been hectic since the past weeks and school has started so chapters will not be long