
Game of thrones System of worlds

Well, what if Arya obtains a super system of realms that will make her summon armies of ather worlds? This is my first novel, not for money, just as a hobby. If there are errors, point them gently if you do not like it do not read it note cover image not mine Thes novel about OP power so deal with it

GGilgamesh · Televisi
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Chapter 7

Rob: Theon you won't believe what happened (Theon) suddenly straightened up when he saw Ned Stark (Robb) He submitted to my father warriors along the mountain and they came from far away to serve him (Theon) was really amazed I can't believe it until I see them with my own eyes (Ned) Smile Well let's go to sleep, we have an eventful tomorrow غدا


In bed Catelyn was telling Ned do you think they would be good for us (Ned) Well I think they will be of great help to the North, especially after our war with the Iron Islands so that things between us and the Boltons and Dustin are not in the best shape (Catelyn) Yeah I think that too


The next morning, everyone in the castle was amazed at what they heard about the new people, especially their height, weapons, and strong armor. Some might say that they were giants who came from the wall. The master of weapons was very excited because he had never seen veteran warriors like them before.

Arya: So, the system, what about the special gift (the system) that the hostess is very lucky. I have earned 20 builder dwarves who are considered the best in their kingdoms. (Arya) tell me I won another 20 warriors (the system) not just build (Arya) frowns Hmph (the system) wait Until they build you a castle you will occupy the rest of the castles in shame

Arya ok then how am I going to supervise the construction of my castle when I'm here in Winterville (System) I can take you to your soldiers and take you back to your point of departure but not the other way around (Ariya) What (System) ~_~ I can take you to your soldiers and take you home (Aria)"-" Well I understand if you take me to them


In a place surrounded by trees, a white whirlpool appeared, and Aria came out and sat on the ground vomiting her breakfast.

(System) Yes, you will get used to it soon. The first time is always the hardest. (Aria) I looked at him angrily Well if you could warn me at least (System) Yes and I want to convince people that the earth is round and not flat (Aria) What do you say (System is no) Thing

Aragon: We salute the Queen (Arya) Well I have a mission for you (Aragon) We live to serve you (Aria) She concentrated and twenty dwarves appeared in front of her, some of them fat and some of them weak, but all of them had a thick beard and a muscular and thick body. They were four feet (122 cm) tall. We salute the Queen, all kneeling to her Despite their height, they make up for it all perfectly

(Aria) I want you to build the best castle in the world and I looked at them who would bear this responsibility and presented before them a dwarf who was the eldest among them was four feet and half my queen I am honored with this responsibility (Aria) What is your name

My name is Eatari from the great mount Arbor Happy to serve you (Arya) ok Eatri how long it will take 3 years and 10,000 normal human workers (Arya) How can I get that

System: Well you can earn some reputation in the north so that they come to you from all places (Arya) Well then yes right my father always complains about bandits If Aragon I command you to eliminate all bandits in the North (Aragon) I order you, my queen

Arya then where shall we build my castle (Itri) my queen We are surrounded by trees and mountains I think the best thing is to clear half of the forest and build the castle at the highest point of the biggest mountain here (Aria) on top of a mountain? Like the kingdom of Jun Aryo (Itri) no better, believe me, the castle will be an impenetrable fortress and the most beautiful of them all (Aria) Well I trust you

Arya: I moved back to Winterfell and tried to do some new missions Show missions / Meditate five times a day 1000 coins / Learn Speech, Life and Targaryen Kings 3000 coins / Learn the sword 1000 coins / Learn archery 1000 coins / Learn horse riding 2000 coins / Learn to sew 500 coins / Killing bad people 100 coins / Building the Little Black House 5,000 coins / Turning the base into the strongest house in the North 20,000 coins

The system, you accomplished the task of creating the base and you won 10,000 coins, the system advises to buy twenty five human warriors,and fourteen killers and two chances of fortune wheel