
Game of thrones System of worlds

Well, what if Arya obtains a super system of realms that will make her summon armies of ather worlds? This is my first novel, not for money, just as a hobby. If there are errors, point them gently if you do not like it do not read it note cover image not mine Thes novel about OP power so deal with it

GGilgamesh · Televisi
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10 Chs

Chapter 6


After seven days in Arya's room she smiles as she closes her last book (System) Congratulations, you accomplished the task and got 3000 coins (Arya) smiles and says finally ok show me my status


Name: Queen of the Realms

Health status: you need more food and nutrition, you will not grow and become short

Coins: 3000 coins

Soldiers: Two (2) from Middle-earth, six Assassin's Assassin (6)

Song: She's looking at us dumbfounded Well I guess I'm going to eat some vegetables (order) I want to warn you that you didn't use the wheel Luck Arya Sanna so let's use her The wheel was fading funny

System: I won a human war general from Middle-earth, and her wish appeared, an eight-foot-tall soldier with short black hair, a plump black beard, and brown eyes.

With a black-golden shield decorated with a tree in the middle of the shield in golden color, he holds a long sword up to a length in black, and kneels on it. I salute the queen.

Arya: She looks at him with joy and curiosity and asks Nizam what is the difference between him and ordinary soldiers (System) Well, he has a mind of his own and can command human soldiers from Middle-earth. Her soldiers always ask for their names or family but they don't answer

Arya: Well, what is your (Soldier) name, my name is Aragon, my lady (Aria), you look at it happily, Reese, I'm going to make you the first commander of the (System) army I want to tell you that every realm follows its strongest member Your world (Arya) frowns Well, You will be the commander of the army of Middle-earth (Aragon) bowing again. Thank you, madam, for this honor. I promise not to let you down

Arya: No thanks for Duty (System), I suggest you buy some soldiers for him, the more soldiers under him, the better for you (Arya) Yes, if I want to buy fifteen more soldiers (System) 3000 coins have been deducted

Warning the place is not suitable for them. Please the host should go out to a wider place, and I went outside into the woods

After I got there, she said, "Get out." Eighteen warriors in steel armor appeared, gleaming in the sunlight, among them Aragon (Arya). Well, I want you to go to my father and ask him to join him and create a house in the name of the House of Gifts.

Aragon: As you commanded, madam, but before he went she was afraid that her father (the system) would not be satisfied. Do not be afraid, my queen. You have passed on to him all the information you have in mind, and he will not arouse any kind of suspicion. (Aria) If that's what you said, he's gone to the castle waiting for their arrival.

In the castle (Ned) talks to the lord of nobility about the spread of bandits in the north, the north is the largest kingdom in Westeros and it is difficult to keep order inside because of its large size and suddenly they hear the sound of horses outside when the family members go out they find the castle guards trembling and surrounded by eighteen warriors He stands 7 feet tall and is distinguished by a warrior in black armor. He was the tallest among them and his armor was spreading fear to those around him and descended from their white horses.

Ned: It is said that when they see men along the mountain other than his brother Sandor Clegane, eighteen warriors like him appear, especially their horses that match those of the Dothraki.

Aragon goes to Ned (Aragon) Lord Ned Stark, I am Aragon, I offer you my services in exchange for making a house for me here in the north (Ned) With a wondrous look Why do we think any other kingdom would kiss you with open hands Why did you choose the North He says doubtful

Aragon: We are not interested in gold or power, and you, the Starks, the oldest family in Westeros, with a history spanning eight thousand years, and known for your honor and justice, Catelyn look proudly upon the god of Ned. He was happy about it but he didn't know that they were kneeling to Aria standing behind him smiling and crying Don't wake up

Ned: So what's your story (Aragon)? We came from the far south after the land of shadows, and a great flood came and overwhelmed our kingdom and destroyed and killed millions towards some of our people. We ran away and got here near the lake, but our ships were washed away by the waves and we entered this forest

Ned: Even the rest of his family was shocked that millions of people died, as happened in Valyria.

(Ned) Well then I won't take any tax from you for five years because of your trouble and what happened to you (Aragon) Thank you (Ned) So are there others (Aragon yes but their enemies are not big but they won We won't get here any time soon we'll send them Message to come to us when they can

Ned: Can you tell me how many of them (Aragon) numbered about five thousand? (Ned) His jaw dropped in astonishment. The number might be few for an army, but 500 great warriors would make anyone pee on themselves (Ned) So what would you call yourself (Aragon) House of Gifts (Ned) Ned says House of Gifts? yes gift house

System (I got a reward, a special reward) The royal family horror mission has been accomplished

Ned Well then where do you want to build your house (Aragon) We prefer to go to the part that lies between Bears Island and the mountains The bay of brackish waters will be our lower boundary and the sea dragon point our upper bound (Ned) Well I suppose no problem so be it

When they entered the castle, they found Theon drinking some alcohol, although he was sixteen years old, but at this time they did not know that alcohol is harmful to the body and is considered one of the intoxicants of the mind harmful to the body for all ages.