
Game of thrones System of worlds

Well, what if Arya obtains a super system of realms that will make her summon armies of ather worlds? This is my first novel, not for money, just as a hobby. If there are errors, point them gently if you do not like it do not read it note cover image not mine Thes novel about OP power so deal with it

GGilgamesh · Televisi
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10 Chs

Chapter 5

early morning

Toot Toot Toot

Aria: I woke up, what happened?

System: Good morning, come on, you lazy one

Aria: Five more minutes, please

System: Ok, in a minute... Come on, get up now, it's been five minutes

Aria: She gets up and washes her face and looks out her window. It's still too early

System: 6:10 How early is this?

Aria: Six!

System: Well in a day we have twenty-four hours and every hour contains 60 minutes and every minute contains 60 seconds and every second contains a second

Aria: I laughed so what about the package you were talking about

System: Did you forget so quickly, go to the store and you will find it

Aria: Yes, I remembered

Inventory {starter pack} open/unopen

(Opening) You got 1,000 points and a chance to draw with the Wheel of Fortune Arya is happy and screams with joy yes yes then what will I buy

System: I recommend to buy two soldiers from Middle-earth and six Assassin's Creed killers

Aria: Ok, I want to

System: Ding 1,000 coins have been deducted

Two tall, mountain-haired soldiers with a powerful aura appeared in front of her, their shields shining, kneeling on the ground.

The two soldiers: At the same time we say we salute the queen, thank you for choosing us to serve you, we die for your satisfaction

Arya: Their looks tremble and fear is wearing them. What queen, which queen?

System: They're pointing to you. Didn't I explain that before?

Arya: Yes, right, so where are the killers you spoke of?

System: look above you

Arya looks up and sees six people in black hanging from the ceiling and at the same time descending to the ground with skill and silence we salute the queen

Aria: Very happy, but suddenly she hears a knock on the door and she panics. What do I do now? The two soldiers are raising their swords, preparing to attack.

System: say return

Aria: Ding brought back the troop store (10/8) and the room became silent. Aria, get in (the maid) Mrs. Catelyn wants you to go down to breakfast (Aria) ok when I got down I found Ned and her family at the table talking and John was sitting at another table far away

Aria: Dad why doesn't Jon eat with us and before Catelyn says anything (Ned) yeah I guess so Jon come here too

John: Inside he was very happy. He hesitated a little, but he went there and sat between his father and Rob smiling, even Rob and Aria smiled too.

Aria: She said to her dad, Dad, I want to talk to you about something, can we talk alone? (Ned) was surprised and said why can't we talk about it here and said it was a secret (Ned) Well then everyone was surprised

After breakfast in his study room, she lied to him and said that she wanted to get some freedom from learning from Temple sister (Ned) Ned looks at her and reminds him of his sister Lyanna when she asked the same question to her father

Ned: ok but that's only for one year only and I know I'm going to suffer from your mom (Aria) I jumped on him and hugged him thanks dad I promise you you won't regret it (Ned) I hope so too

Arya: In this afternoon, she asks the system what tasks they will give her (the system) well, the main task is to control the whole world and he says to her in an evil tone (Arya) looks with a confused expression saying the whole world

System: Well, there is a side mission, you must build yourself a base for yourself, and the reward will be 10,000 coins, and there is also / Learn the sword, the reward is 1,000 coins / Learn archery 1,000 coins / Learn the history of the world 3,000 points / There are secret missions and hidden rewards

I recommend to learn history because it is the easiest now

Arya: With a sad look, I don't like reading (the system). The system. I forgot to tell you that if you complete a task, you will get an update to the system, which will open for you the fun market that contains games and foods that will make you fly with joy.

Arya: Well I like games. So let's go. Aria goes to the Maester and asks if she can learn about the history of the Maester. He looks at her with a smile. Well, well, he goes to his room and pulls out three books on the history of Essos, Westeros, and the families that inhabit them.

Maester: Well, take your time, and if there is something you don't understand, come to me and I'll tell you (Aria) Well thanks, I ran and Ned saw her carrying the books and running to her room. He asked the Maester what was going on and he told her what had happened. Ned smiled Well, I think it was a good choice to accept. He asked for her despite Catelyn's displeasure and looked at the sky with a smile