
Game of thrones System of worlds

Well, what if Arya obtains a super system of realms that will make her summon armies of ather worlds? This is my first novel, not for money, just as a hobby. If there are errors, point them gently if you do not like it do not read it note cover image not mine Thes novel about OP power so deal with it

GGilgamesh · Televisi
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10 Chs

Chapter 3

buff present time

Aria: I punched the snow so hard that I heard a voice in her head

ding ding ding

Aria: you look around and you want me to see where this voice comes from

System: You idiot I'm here in your head

Aria: I'm afraid what you're doing in my head, get out, come out, scream and try not to cry

System: Ha ha ha okay calm down don't be afraid if you don't stop screaming I will kill you

Aria: She cried more and screamed

System: Damn I'm talking to a 9-year-old girl Well well I was joking I'm a power given to you to make you strong and happy

Aria: what why?

System: So you don't want to?

Aria: She was silent, thinking. So what are you?

System: A gift A gift You don't want to kill your first hostess, even a child

Well, I'm a system, I chose you, because I can bring you soldiers and armies from different worlds, and also some of the best food.

Aria: I'm happy so can I be strong and fight

System: absolutely not

Aria: I suddenly became confused so how do you say you're going to be strong

System: Well you will become strong and your strength lies in your armies who you will summon will protect you and follow your orders and die for you

Aria: I don't want anyone to die for me

System: snores yes yes if you say do you want to be my host or not

Aria: Well then what's your name?

System: Decide what you want to call me

Aria: Well, I will call you the mighty sword

System: After thinking, I will keep the name of the system

Aria: She gets angry and says to him, but the system interrupts her. How about I explain to you how to use me?

Aria: Angrily, she says ok

System: First I have 3 jobs (Store - Market - Status) and in order to use this you must earn some points

Aria: Market store situation?

System: Yes, the storehouse, you can keep things and take them out, provided that they are not alive, and the situation will tell you the number and type of soldiers and how long they stay with you

Aria: staring in wonder and smiling, that's like magic

System: He thinks and says to himself, At least I found a receptive and unafraid hostess, no doubt she was able to possess me

Arya then what about the market

System: say the word open the market

Arya: She says the market is open and you see a window in front of it that says (Assasin Creed - Assassin's Creed - Middle Earth - Special Class)

Aria: The system, what does that mean?

System: Well no one told me this would be easy

System: Assassin's Creed are some of the best killers and spies who train when they reach the age of 12 and for 25 years they learn the art of poison, invisibility, disguise and meditation and enhance their senses to very strong levels that make them detect distant enemies and with their hidden weapons they kill without others knowing them

Sparta: They are the elite elite of warriors. They are trained from the age of 7 and for a period of 28 years. They learn not to fear, war tactics, ruthlessness, and complete obedience. They represent the perfect warrior

Middle-earth: It is the most powerful world. It includes many types of armies, from the weak as fodder, but they compensate for these forces with numbers, including the strong, such as elves, dwarves, humans and even dragons.

Finally, the special category. This category gives you some special individuals from other worlds, but they will be in very few numbers and it depends on your luck.