
Game of thrones System of worlds

Well, what if Arya obtains a super system of realms that will make her summon armies of ather worlds? This is my first novel, not for money, just as a hobby. If there are errors, point them gently if you do not like it do not read it note cover image not mine Thes novel about OP power so deal with it

GGilgamesh · Televisi
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10 Chs

Chapter 2

Aria: She was angry about what happened because she could not protect the ones she loved, so she went to the castle and she saw her sister Sansa behaving like a princess living in a magical world and waiting for her prince who rides on a white horse sitting learning the art of tact from her teacher

Sister from the temple: Arya, why don't you join us instead of playing with the boys and being a polite lady?

Aria: I'd rather stay in the barn with the horses

Sister from the temple: Wait until I pass this on to Mrs. Catelyn

Sansa: Yes, she smiled. Maybe Arya will be happy in the barn with the horses that look like her

Aria: got angry and said at least I'm not a pig like you

Suddenly Mrs. Catelyn came in and said angrily, Aria, how do you say that, your sister, I will not allow you to eat dinner with us, so go to your room.

Aria: but she started it

Mrs. Catelyn: Don't say another word now, at once, go

Aria: She goes up the stairs quickly and says it's not fair why me why did she stay in her room staring out the window crying

Ned Stark: At the dinner table, where's Arya? Why don't I see her here?

Catelyn: She told him what happened

Ned: That's not a reason to make her not eat, he said angrily, and looked at Sansa. Come on, go call your sister

Catelyn: But baby, that would be best for her

Ned: I don't want to hear that from you. I turned a blind eye to what you're doing with John but you crossed the border this time

Catelyn: This bastard will never eat at the same table with me

Ned: He knocked on the table with his hands and Catelyn said enough

Sansa: She was afraid, so she quickly went upstairs to bring her sister, but she didn't find anyone and came down quickly. The father says I can't find her.

Ned: Angrily looks at Catelyn and says if something happens to her, you will bear the consequences

Catelyn: She turns pale and looks at her other children and says to herself how stupid she was