
Game of thrones System of worlds

Well, what if Arya obtains a super system of realms that will make her summon armies of ather worlds? This is my first novel, not for money, just as a hobby. If there are errors, point them gently if you do not like it do not read it note cover image not mine Thes novel about OP power so deal with it

GGilgamesh · Televisi
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10 Chs

Chapter 1

Before the start of Game of Thrones, there was a girl with brown hair and fair skin who was snowing at night. She was centered on the horse she was shedding.

Point of view *

Song: This morning she was looking at her brothers and Theon fighting with swords and wanted to join them

She said to Rob, I want you to teach me the sword

Theon: Ha ha ha, Aria, just sit back and watch. This is not for a girl. And you learn to sew that you're supposed to go out with your sister?

Rob: Well, if my mom finds out, she'll be mad at you

Song: It's not fair

John: I think Arya can be whatever she wants to be

Theon: Yes, you bastard, convince yourself that

John silently got angry and left the place looking up at the sky with a sigh, wishing he was more than a bastard.

Song: Rob, why would you make Theon say this to John?

Rob: Rob was silent and then said Arya's right, John my brother, don't say that, again

Theon: snores yeah yeah