
Arianne IV


She had heard the shouting when the red priest ran out past the guards, who were lingering at a respectful distance to give the two of them space.

She hadn't realized it was an assassination at first, she hadn't really been thinking.

Then he had raised that burning dagger above her prince, shouted he was a demon and watched transfixed as he started to bring it down. Unable to move or think as her body and mind just seemed to freeze up.

Her paralysis had thankfully been broken by a deafening crack, and the rumble of Thunder that followed. It threw the madman back as it hit his chest, and then her prince had pulled out some similar weapon and finished the job.

She had never seen a man die before, but regardless that was not her first concern.

She ran over to Arthur even as the guards finally got there, catching up to and surrounding her as if to ward off other attacks. She could see Arthur's men moving as well, the ones with breastplates and the odd spears, which she realized must be the small cannons he was describing.

She held him to her, though he assured her he was alright, she could tell better, hear the shaking in his voice.

They were told to move fairly quickly, the boys sworn-shield coming down off of the great ship and ordering the two of them to move up to the castle. They moved under guard and surrounded by his men, who marched in quick order, so as to prevent bolts or arrows from being used by co-conspirators.

Her prince, despite his attempts to placate her worries, was obviously shaken, his eyes glancing about warily even as he shoved what must have been another bolt into his odd weapon, which never left his hand.

Not that she could blame him for being shaken, she was as well. It was one thing to know that there was poison about, for her father would keep her safe from that, but blades? Men running screaming at you in the city streets?

She could not help but feel cold run up her spine at the thought.

Still, they made it back to the castle quickly enough, passing through the well-guarded gates, where they were quickly shuffled inside where her uncle waited.

Unusually, Oberyn had a fairly serious look on his face as he turned towards Arthur and the marines. "I heard there was an assassination attempt?"

"Yes, a priest of R'hllor by his looks, he's dead now."

"Good. We'll double the guard, and my brother wants to see you. Doran is in the study. Your men can stay here for now."

She saw her prince hesitate for a moment, before nodding, and she turned to her uncle with a questioning look.

"Doran has been meaning to speak to the prince since he arrived. This is as good a time as any." Her uncle smiled grimly as he looked down at her, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Are you alright? I know you were not the target but-"

"I'm fine." she quickly cut him off. "he was just showing me the… Oh yes, the statue, I'm sure you'll love it, uncle." Ariane quickly cheered up at the memory, the beautiful depiction of her ancestor. "Arthur brought a dragonglass statue of Nymeria as a gift for me."

"I'm sure it's very nice." Her uncle smiled, his viper's eyes shining with an odd light. "Tell me more about it."


As she started talking about the statue and the bazaar, and the sailing, her uncle kept asking her more about them, and after a few minutes she realized that he had managed to take her mind off of the attempt to kill her prince, which was surely his intent, but she found it hard to be upset with him.

Well, it was always hard to be upset with her uncle, but still, she was surprised how quickly her mood picked up as she talked about running about with Arthur, even if the ending was a bit sour.

"Thank you Uncle," She said, cutting off the next question, and Oberyn smiled, tapping his nose.

"Now you are fine."