A man with great ambitions dies, you already know the rest, find God...Reincarnation. See how he leads his House in Westeros, becoming the Witch-king while raising his future Kingdom of Angmar to great heights. I don't have Game of Thrones or Lord of the Rings.
Another normal day in Dreadfort, the birds chirping, the servants waking up and getting ready for work, the cooks preparing breakfast, it was amazing.
Well, that was until we saw a wild Barbrey Dustin running after our beloved young protagonist, Domeric Bolton, who had a piece of bread in his mouth and was running like the world was ending.
Domeric was running away from his aunt because he was caught (again) drinking milk with tequila, now he needs to find a place to hide from his aunt.
'Damn it! I wish I was on the other side of the world so I wouldn't deal with my angry aunt!' Domeric thought as he found a room to lock himself in.
'Wait...on the other side of the world...FUCK I FORGOTTEN ESSOS' Domeric kept banging his head on the wall for forgetting about Essos, more precisely, Slaver's Bay.
Slaver's Bay has always been in Domeric's plans for Conquest, both to free the slaves there while at the same time building a perfect army, the Unsullied.
The Unsullied could be considered the "Spartans" on the Show, loyal and professional, everything a soldier should be.
Domeric wanted to have the Unsullied as members of the future Kingsguard he wanted to create, any self-respecting King/Emperor has a Royal/Imperial Guard loyal to the Monarch.
While Domeric was thinking about it, the door to the room he was in was slammed open, our dear protagonist could do nothing but scream.
Some hours later
Domeric can be seen lying on his bed while a callus is in full view of all the maids who were helping him.
"My lord, do you need anything while you are lying down?" asked one of Dreadfort's maids as she bowed to Domeric in respect.
"Some wine" Domeric said as he waited for his wine.
Barbrey appeared at the door of Domeric's room, when he saw his aunt, he screamed in fear like a woman, feeling quite embarrassed.
"Stop screaming!" Barbrey hit Domeric over the head with a piece of paper.
"Ow...what do you want aunty?" Domeric asked as he rubbed his head.
"We've received a letter from House Lannister, it seems they want to make more Trading deals with us, what will it be?" Barbrey asked as he handed Domeric a Letter.
"Hmm..let's accept, but try to negotiate so that the Accords are more beneficial to us" replied Domeric as he set the Letter aside, he then focused his attention on his aunt.
"Auntie, I've been thinking about going to Essos for business" Domeric says as he sips some of the wine the maid offered.
"Okay, I'll have some ships ready" Barbrey leaves the room thinking about the ships that will be chosen and the Personal Guard that will be with Domeric.
She doesn't even ask why he goes elsewhere, she knows that anywhere Domeric goes is for the benefit of House Bolton.
Time Skip no Jutsu
Domeric said goodbye to his aunt and boarded the ship that had been assigned to him during the voyage to Essos.
"Captain, we will go to Astapor first, then follow us to the other Free Cities" Domeric said to the captain of the ship before going to his cabin and going to sleep.
During the voyage, Domeric's small fleet passed through several places, and a certain Spider noticed this.
???? Pov
I was walking through the halls, enjoying the scenery until I saw my brother talking to the Magister about Bolton House.
"Lord Varys has assured Your Highness, Lord Bolton will be coming to Essos" Said Magister Illyrio Mopatis to my brother.
"When will he come to Pentos?" My brother asked the Magister.
I was interested, the news coming from House Bolton was like a Fairy Tale, from the Non-Human species to the so-called "Cult of Sauron".
From what my brother and I have discovered, this Cult of Sauron treats Domeric Bolton as a living messiah, which somewhat angered my brother.
"From what Lord Varys said, it is likely that Lord Bolton will go to Astapor first" Astapor, what could Lord Bolton want in that Free City?
I am now interested in this, Domeric Bolton has become a hot topic for my brother, and then for me, he believes that Lord Bolton will bow to the Dragon.
Magister Illyrio always told my brother that House Bolton had always wanted to rule the North if House Targaryen would secure the Leadership of the North after taking the Iron Throne.
My brother wanted to go further, apparently, he wants to marry me to Domeric Bolton to solidify the alliance with House Bolton.
Even though I'm interested in him doesn't mean I like the idea of marriage, but I can't go against my brother.
No one can wake the Dragon.
Domeric POV
"ATCHIM" Strange, I suddenly waited, someone must be thinking or talking about me, THE MIGHTY DI-
I mean, I probably caught a cold, I just hope it gets better by the time I get to Astapor.
After completing my business there, I will go to other Free Cities and then to Pentos.
Pentos will be my last stop before heading back to Westeros and enjoying life for a while before settling on my objective: Taking the Iron Islands.
Taking the Iron Islands, I'll have the best Shipbuilders, and then I'll be able to take the North in the future when the Civil War breaks out.
Without the Iroborn to stand in my way, creating my Kingdom of Angmar and crowning me Witch-king will be easier.
The only real problem is the Ice King Beyond the Wall, but thanks to the Stronghold I created there and the expeditions going on to recruit the Giants and destroy the Savage Tribes, the bastard will be short on troops.
I also have to think about the future Corsairs of Ûmbar I want to create after taking the Iron Islands.
These Corsairs would serve to take Stepstones and then start attacking the merchant ships of the Free Cities, in addition to releasing any slaves on the ships.