

I AM NOT DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!


The next few weeks had been very busy for me. First came the hunt in the woods with Jon and Robb as I had to tell them that they were going to be fostered. Jon was a bit grumpy about all this fostering thing as he thought that I was sending him away because he was a bastard.

I literally wanted to tell him right there that he was not a bastard but I held myself back. There was still a possibility of Arthur Dayne telling him his status as a prince while he was in the Neck but Howland assured me of it and I was going to send a few wargs with him to keep an eye on him and prevent unwanted situations.

On the other hand, Robb was sulking like Jon but his reasons were something else. He did not want to be separated from Jon so he wanted to go to the Neck with him. However, his fostering was a crucial matter as there needed to be a balance between the nobles of the North.

Manderlys were already receiving benefits throughout the marriage between Robb and Lord Manderly's granddaughter so they were out of the question for fosterage. Umbers could also be in the same basket thanks to my marriage to Berena. My brother, Brandon, was sent to Dustins for fosterage and, besides, Lord Dustin was a dear friend to me after these years and he was keeping the Ryswells in line as they had connections to the Boltons throughout the marriage.

Glovers or Mormont were another possibilities but Mormonts were going to have a hard time if things went according to the canon so I didn't want Robb to be tangled in that mess. On the other hand, Glovers were absolutely loyal to me and thanks to my decisions regarding Nagga's bones, I didn't have anything to worry about Galbart.

Karstarks were not a possibility as me granting fief to my brother and Hodor's father was already seen as power gain for my family by other nobles so I didn't want to isolate other houses by sending my heir to another cadet branch of House Stark.

I wasn't even talking about mountain clans or other minor nobles like Mollens, Hornwoods and Cerwyns, they were close to the Winterfell and were houses with small power so there wasn't a possibility of them leaving the influence of my house.

Thus, I have chosen Flints of Flint's Finger as his fosterage. Stark influence in this area was rather thin as, in the past, they were constantly in trouble with Ironborn but Starks couldn't provide any help because of the state of the Northern navy. Now, the North has one of the strongest navies of Westeros and we could provide the necessary help.

However, that wasn't enough because the relation between our house and theirs were only limited with occasional harvest feasts and tax talks. This was a matter that could give Starks of Winterfell the necessary support in times of needs. The future generations may have trouble with rebellious vassals and good relations with a house like Flints of Flint's Finger who owned a relatively big land in the North was a good idea.

Of course, I was going to send some teachers for his swordsmanship and commanding skills as I couldn't trust those matters to a small house. Besides, letting Robb stay in Winterfell would be a waste of good resources. He was raised as a noble and had to do his duty for his house.

Anyway, Robb and Jon were inseparable for a few weeks as they were constantly sparring in the courtyard and riding in the city together. It must be hard for them to be separated as they were with each other since their infancy.

Another matter that required my attention was my other children. I was expecting them to rant and rage after the wedding but none of that was seen by my eyes as they were constantly whispering to each other and looking at Berena like she was an enemy. I called them in the afternoon to my room to have a serious talk with them alone but Berena insisted on coming.

The children were still very young so when they heard me talking to them sternly, they immediately began crying. I think that was a mistake on my part as I was a little harsh with my voice.

Berena immediately stopped me from aggravating them more and told me to leave as she wanted to speak alone with them. I sighed and left the room but, of course, I warged into a bird and perched to the window of my solar and began listening to them.

Her words were well selected as she told them that she won't steal me from them and can't be their mother if they don't want to. It was obvious that she was prepared as most probably, she was already expecting such a situation. The children listened silently as she promised to play with them whenever they wanted and give them some sweets if they behave like good children.

Surprisingly, none of the words made the children react but her final words about sweets were very effective as they began whispering with each other to decide. Finally, it was Bran who spoke as he said that they want five lemon cakes every moon. Berena snorted and began haggling with them as I smiled at their bartering.

Looks like there was going to be some merchant Starks in coming generations. I retracted myself from the bird and after a few minutes, the door of my solar opened. Berena came out with a big smile on her face and the children were already running towards the kitchen. From the looks of it, they were going to get an advance payment.

I asked her about it and she told me that she was good with children and, already, were friends with them. I wanted to snort at her words as she, literally, bribed them but I held it back and kissed her as thanks.

While the children ate their lemon cake "secretly", I took Berena to the courtyard to have a spar with her. I know that it wasn't something most couples would do but she was insistent on continuing her training so I thought why shouldn't I train her personally.

We sparred for a dozen minutes and things got rather intimate as accidental touches increased. While I was distracted by those thoughts, I tripped my foot and fell to the ground. She came over to me and put her shoe to my crotch and ranted about defeating a wolf. I couldn't take it anymore so I jumped back to my feet and with the right footwork I took her down.

Her dishevelled and sweaty body was a feast to my eyes. I threw my sword away and threw her over my shoulder and, literally, ran to our chambers. I closed the door behind our back and threw her to the bed.

*** WARNING R-18 *** WARNING R-18 *** WARNING R-18 *** WARNING R-18 ***

I quickly stripped myself naked as she watched me with a knowing smile. I like it a little rough as she knew from our wedding night she didn't strip her gown down and let me tear it like I wished to do so.

My eyes went to her supple breasts as I tore her gown down with one swift move. She yelped like a small dog but instead of trying to hide them, she pressed them together.

"Do you like them so much?" she asked, teasingly.

I felt myself hardening at her seductive pose and her eyes went to my wolf which was already howling for attention. "Aye, they will be mine today," I said, licking my lips.

She grinned as I climbed on her. One of my hands went down to her caves and the other grabbed her left nipple while I ravished her right nipple with my mouth. I bit at her nipple as her hand wriggled to grab my member.

"It is so hard," she says while biting her lower lip and playing with my bald head. She takes her hand back and spit all over it and goes back to playing with my member. Her hand made me quite horny so I pulled myself back, climbed onto her stomach and placed my cock between her two glorious breasts as I grabbed them and wrapped them around my cock. We were both sweaty so it was lucrative enough to slide between them easily.

She watched with wide eyes and tried to argue but the crown of my cock went into her mouth as muffled sounds came from her. Soon, she began bobbing her head as I fucked her perfect tits.

I grunted as my thrusts quickened and grew without restraint. Her tongue swirled around my crown and tried to take more of it into her mouth. I pushed my cock as far as it can go but everything has its limits.

"Fuck, Berena, I'm… I'm…" I tried to speak but a blankness took over my mind as I felt the life leaving me as I spilt my seed into her mouth. She buckled her cheeks and squeezed the last drops of semen into her mouth and with a popping sound released my cock from her mouth.

She took the last drop of semen from her lips with a lick and swallowed all of it. She grabbed me from my shoulders and threw me to the bed and climbed over me.

"We are not done, my wolf." She said as she grabbed my cocked and aligned with her dripping slit. She slowly slid it into herself while it had some hardness lingering from our previous intercourse.

We both moaned as I was still sensitive from cumming recently. Her movements were slow at first as her hands roamed my hairy chest but with quickening thrusts, her hand grabbed onto my hairy chest.

Pain and pleasure mixed together as sweat poured out. I grabbed her from her hips and slammed my cock into her as she moaned with a sweet sound. Her exquisite eyes turned white from pleasure as she squirmed under my thrusts and spilt her juice all over my cock. Her walls tightened around me like the grip of an unplucked whore as I released my semen into her.

She fell onto my chest as we both breathed heavily. She laughed lightly as her eyes turned to mine. "You are not going to use my breasts like that, not without my permission."

My brows met my hair as a pang of sadness took over my face. Damn, those titties deserved a good fucking…

*** END OF R-18 *** END OF R-18 *** END OF R-18 *** END OF R-18 ***

It was time for Robb and Jon to leave for fosterage so all of us were at the gates. Howland and Ashara were going to escort Robb until the Neck and then men from House Flint of Flint's Finger were going to accompany him to their lord.

I was sending some of my best wolfsguard with him as they were responsible for aiding his education. This may be seen as a slight by Lord Flint but I wasn't going to leave things to chance. There were also some wolfsguard for Jon's protection against an undesirable man speaking unwanted things.

I hugged them tightly before they mounted their horses. Of course, Robb and Jon were not riding adult horses, but young ones. I didn't give Narsil to Robb as he was still too young to wield it and I was planning to have him visit at least a year to not put a distance between him and his brothers and sisters. Likewise, Jon was also going to come back at least once a year when Robb visited.

After their departure, everything returned to normal and things got rather calm as all guests left Winterfell and only the original residents remained. The children were getting along well with Asha and Berena. Our coffers were filled to the brim and I had ears and eyes on every corner of Westeros.

My eyes and ears were also slowly extending towards the so-called Free Cities. However, my attempts at infiltrating the House of Black and White with my wargs met with a problem as their connections were broken as soon as they passed the door of the temple. It was an unexpected event indeed but they were not a big problem for now so I let my men spy on Sea Lord's palace.

There wasn't anything interesting about the life of the Sea Lord, except for some trade agreements he made secretly with other cities. And even then, they were of no importance as they didn't affect our own trade.

On the other hand, the spies in Pentos were rather lively as information was, literally, pouring out. The fat cheesemonger was one of the secret prime players of Game of Thrones and from what I learned, his biggest secret was something that could bring the war to Westeros.

Yes, Aegon Blackfyre was real and he was being trained by Jon Connington. This information was a big game-changer because that meant war was bound to happen in Westeros but how that war was going to happen was something I was going to decide as each piece was going to move with my intentions.

My spies also got news about exiled Targaryens in Lys. Apparently, Viserys was trying to recruit the Golden Company for the invasion of Westeros but he was turned down after welcoming them to a grand feast. Brother and sister were forced to sell their mother's crown. Of course, it was my men who bought it for a reasonable price. I wasn't going to let such a priceless historical artefact fall into the hands of some lowly merchant.

Regarding the sister and brother, I still didn't decide what to do with them but I was thinking of letting the canon take its course. When Viserys was going to die due to his stupid actions, I was going to kill Drogo in an assassination attempt and have Daenerys spend the rest of her life amongst the widows of Dothraki. That was the most peaceful and easy solution I could think of.

Of course, I had the resources to kill them right now but, now, they were just children and I was against killing children, unlike others.

Anyway, the last city which my spies were operating in Essos, currently, was Myr and they were still observing the glass making process as it was long and fine craftsmanship and it required expertise which my wargs weren't knowledgeable about. Thus, this spying process was going to take at least 6 moons as they were going to learn everything from scratch.