
Chapter 1

(MC will have no knowledge of GOT world, or any worlds he travels to afterwards)


I always wondered what would come after the inevitable end. Would I go to heaven or hell? Was I simply a lump of cells, and there is nothingness after death? Would my soul be washed away and recycled or reused?

'So many questions and theories, seems no one was right.' Here I was, seated in front of a being who claims to be a God.

"Ah, not just any God, you may call me The One who Watches. It is normal for humans to be in shock after meeting me. I am here to offer you a deal."

'A deal? What kind of deal would a supposed universal being have to offer a simple human? I lived an everyday life, went to college, got a job, got engaged, and then died in a car accident. Nothing special about me.'

"That's where you're wrong, child. You are anything but ordinary. Your past is so shrouded in mystery that even I have difficulty looking into it. My deal is simple: I wish you to travel the infinite realities, gaining strength and peering into your past." The so-called God said.

I thought briefly before answering, "What is in it for you?"

He looked at me and laughed, "Hahahah, a cautious one, eh? I can respect it. Call it curiosity. I was born with the multiverse. I was one of the first beings; never have I been as stumped as I was when looking into your soul. It seems a being of my strength or stronger than me resides in your soul, dormant. I'm here to help you awaken that being."

That sounded too good to be true. However, I was already dead. If this were a dream, I would simply wake up; if this is real, it would be better than staying in this empty void for who knows how long.

"Where will I go after this?" I asked.

"You will go to a world full of turmoil and backstabbing, one similar to your world's history but with a more magical undertone. You will have no background, no knowledge; you will be an outsider to that world. The only gift I will give you is this." His hand shone bright blue, and a spark shot from his palm into my forehead, "I wish you luck, child. I wait to see what you will become."

I felt myself being sucked backward, and there I went.

(I will transition to 3rd person now)

"Where the hell am I?" Said a voice belonging to what seemed to be a young adult. [Image]

After getting up, Magnus began to look around, observing his surroundings. It seemed no different from Earth to him.

'Was it a dream? Why am I in a forest then?' Magnus took a few steps forward to try to discern where he was, but he was interrupted by a dinging sound inside his head.

[System Initializing]

"Huh, what in the world." A blue screen appeared in his vision. Carefully, Magnus brought his hand forward to try and interact with the screen. However, his hand passed right through the window.

[System Initialized. Welcome User. I am your personalized system, designed to help you in your journey]

Magnus tilted his head and thought, 'Is this some kind of new VR technology? Did I truly meet that… God(?) and come to a new universe?'

[Would the User like a tutorial?]

"Uhhh… yes?"

[Very well, I am your personal system. I have been dormant for your life but have now awakened. You may call me JARVIS. I have detected that the User is in a much different environment than usual. Would the User like me to scan your surroundings?]

"What is happening… yes please?"

[Scan initializing. Scan complete. The User is in an environment similar to Earth; however, the air is much cleaner, and there seems to be an energy in the air I am unfamiliar with.]

'Now that I am thinking about it, the air has a cleaner feel than what I am used to.' Magnus thought to himself. "Jarvis, right?"

[That is my designated username; the User may change it if it is not his liking.]

"No, Jarvis is fine. Call me Magnus as well, please. Can you give me a rundown of what you are and what you can do?"

[I am your personal system. I have many functions. However, I only have a few unlocked at the moment. If I am leveled up, then more functions can be accessed. My current functions are as follows:

User Statistics:



All further functions are currently disabled but will be unlocked whenever I am leveled up. Let's go over each of these functions for you.]

"That would be great, Jarvis."

[User Statistics: Your strength will be measured in numerical values and categorized. The categories are as follows:

Strength (measurement of physical might)

Stamina (the ability of the user to sustain prolonged physical or mental effort)

Agility (measurement of speed)

Intellect (ability to reason and understanding, especially towards academic matters)

Wisdom (ability to reason and understanding, especially towards real-world matters)

Dexterity (measurement of users hand-eye coordination, among other things such as flexibility)

Charisma (measurement of users charm which can influence others)

Inventory: I can store anything if it is an inanimate object or has been killed. Time will be stopped inside this inventory, so things like food will last for eternity. I currently have a maximum capacity of 5 square meters. However, this can be upgraded with time.

Map: I have a map of surrounding areas; this map comes with a compass, and you can see the distance between two places. Locations outside a radius of 10 kilometers are currently grayed out as I have no data to map them with. Please explore further to further complete the map.]

'So this is really happening, huh?' Magnus thought to himself in bewilderment. "Jarvis, what are my current stats?"

[User statistics]

Strength: 14

Stamina: 11

Agility: 16

Intellect: 9

Wisdom: 8

Dexterity: 13

Charisma: 11

[The average for all these statistics for an adult male is 10; these stats can be increased by completing exercises or activities that require said stats.]

"So doing pushups would increase my strength, and reading would increase intellect?"

[Correct. For more accessible communication, if you think about speaking to me in your thoughts, then I will be able to hear them.]

'Like this?'


'Awesome,' Magnus looked around at his surroundings and felt slightly overwhelmed. What was he, an average human, supposed to do in this situation? He asked his new companion for advice, 'Jarvis, what would you recommend I do as someone in this situation.'

[The three necessities humans need to survive are water, shelter, and food. It is not recommended for the User to look for his own food in such an environment. Oxygen levels are higher in the atmosphere than Earth, allowing for more extensive and stronger lifeforms. It is also not recommended for the User to build his own shelter as the User's stats currently need to be higher to survive in the wilderness. It is recommended for User to look for intelligent life in the area. My scan picked up densely packed lifeforms roughly 4 kilometers north of here; based on my scans, they are of similar DNA to you. It is unknown if these beings are friendly or not. I recommend User approach with caution.]

'This system really knows everything.' Magnus thought, 'Jarvis, didn't I tell you to stop calling me user?'

[You are my User; I wish to refer to you as such.]

'Sigh, very well. Thank you for the advice, Jarvis. Can you pull up the map?' A map appeared in the top right of Magnus' vision; it had a big question mark a bit further north from him. After focusing on the area, a HUD popped up.

[Location unknown, distance 4.3 kilometers, ETA: 1 hour and 5 minutes]

'An hour? Great, well, it's not like I can do anything else. I need to survive one way or another.'


'God, my feet hurt.' Magnus had been walking for about an hour now and noticed something. 'Smoke! That has to be a sign of civilization. No beasts can make fire, right?'

[User is approaching the destination; would User like a scan to get more details about the beings ahead?]

'Yes, please, Jarvis'

[Scan initializing. Scan complete. The beings ahead are some type of humans, similar to users' DNA. However, they seem to have a slight difference. Would User like me to scan this further?]

'Yes, please, Jarvis, scan it, and when it is done, let me know.'

[Very well, this energy looks pretty complicated. Therefore, the scan shall take between 2 and 3 days. User does not need to worry. I will still have all my normal functions for this period.]

Just like that, Magnus was once again left in silence. However, Magnus was quite excited as he walked towards his destination. He had a newfound stride in his step as he approached civilization.

[+1 Stamina]

'Huh, that's neat. Does this mean that by simply walking, I could infinitely grow my stamina?'

[Correct; however, it scales as you gain more stats. Growing your strength from 1000 to 1001 is harder than 1 to 2. It is recommended that the higher your stats get, the harder and more strenuous the tasks to grow them should be. By the way, the User is currently being approached by]

"Halt there, stranger, state your purpose!" Jarvis was interrupted by the person who was approaching Magnus. After Magnus looked up, he was greeted by a man wearing what looked like medieval leather armor; he also had a bow on his back. Magnus was also very relieved that the man was speaking English.

He thought about what he should say before replying, "Greetings, sir, my name is Magnus Engel. Can you tell me where I am?"