
Chapter 12

(A few people commented and said that the image of Magnus I showed didn't match the age I made it out to be, so imagine that picture to be Magnus in a decade or so. I have attached an image of what Magnus looks like currently.)

Magnus and Rodrick found themselves inside the lord's solar, immersed in a lingering melancholy. Breaking the somber silence, Rodrick expressed his gratitude, "Magnus, irrespective of the circumstances, you have bestowed upon me and the people of my lands an immense favor." Delving into one of the numerous drawers on his desk, Rodrick produced a substantial bag. Judging by the jingle, Magnus assumed it contained the promised gold dragons.

In an effort to lighten the mood, Magnus flashed a smile and quipped, "Had it prepared in advance, my lord?"

"Indeed, your confidence appears to be infectious," the two men exchanged a quiet chuckle at their banter. "In any case, accept this along with my gratitude and that of my people. You have truly earned it, lad."

"I merely did what was honorable, my lord. The money is merely an added bonus." Magnus flashed a smile as the two men continued their conversation for a few more moments before Magnus politely took his leave and departed.

"If it isn't the man of the hour," Magnus was making his way back to his chambers for a brief respite when he was interrupted by none other than Barbary. "I am here to express my gratitude. Those bandits have been a thorn in my Lord Father's side for quite some time."

"I appreciate your kind words, my lady," Magnus responded promptly and courteously with a bow, before continuing on his way to his chambers.

"Such an act deserves a reward, don't you think? Here, take this." Once again halted, Magnus turned around to see Barbary extending her hand, within which lay a book. "I heard about your fascination with the more... mystical aspects of our culture. This book can only be read by family members and a select few permitted in our personal library."

It was a tempting offer, and Magnus truly desired to accept it, but he inquired first, "Did Lord Rodrick grant his permission?" Barbary nodded, wearing a smile on her face, though judging by the hesitation and other factors, most could discern her falsehood. Magnus did not wish to stir any trouble, so despite his temptation, he declined. "I appreciate your generous gesture, my lady, but I'm afraid I cannot accept it. I have already received my promised rewards, any more would be more than I deserve. Now," Magnus bowed before turning to resume his journey towards his chambers, leaving Barbary there by her lonesome. There were other ways to gain the knowledge he needed on magic after all.


Laying in bed, Magnus couldn't help but think about his earlier actions. Although he had projected a sense of strength and confidence, the truth was that he was affected by his previous actions. Killing someone for the first time had taken a toll on him. Killing so many so brutally affected him ever the more. In an attempt to divert his thoughts, Magnus asked Jarvis to show him his statistics.

[User Statistics

Strength: 30

Stamina: 28

Agility: 26

Intellect: 24

Wisdom: 22

Dexterity: 21

Charisma: 23]

'Jarvis, the rate at which my stats are increasing seems to be slowing down. How can I increase their growth?'

[The user is gaining significant strength, and simple exercises like runs or pushups won't yield substantial progress. I suggest engaging in more physically demanding activities. I can create a customized plan for you if you'd like.]

'Please do, Jarvis. I'll follow the routine starting tomorrow.' Once again, Magnus found himself alone with his thoughts, an uncomfortable silence enveloping him. 'I need to do something.' The silence became too much to bear, so he rose from his bed and decided to venture into town to seek out a skilled blacksmith. With the money he had been given, he already had ideas on how to spend it. His intention was to purchase a high-quality sword, knowing that the nearly 300 golden dragons he received would more than suffice.


Leaving the castle, and heading towards town, Magnus began to ask some people where the best blacksmith in the city was. Although the answers he received were varied, the majority of them directed him to Rollo.

According to them, Rollo lived to the far west of the town. So Magnus began to move to where Rollo was situated. The town was not large, and it took him no longer than five minutes to reach his destination. The building looked humble, and more akin to a home than that of a smithy. Despite its unassuming exterior, however, the resonating clang of metal from within assured Magnus that he had arrived at the right place.

Magnus pushed open the door of the blacksmith's workshop, and he was greeted by the sight of Rollo, a burly man with glistening sweat and soot-stained features from his work. Rollo glanced up from his work, acknowledging Magnus's presence with a gruff nod.

Approaching the counter amidst the clangor, Magnus raised his voice, and stated "Word has it you're the finest blacksmith in all of Rillseat, I've come in search of a sword."

Rollo paused, wiping his brow with a cloth stained by soot. He studied Magnus for a moment before responding, his voice matching his rugged appearance. "The finest, you say? Well, that's a judgment others make. So, you're in need of a sword, eh? What kind are you looking for?"

"I desire a long sword, perhaps a bastard sword," Magnus replied. "Above all however I wish for the finest craftsmanship you can offer."

Rollo let out a deep, rumbling chuckle. "Finest craftsmanship, you say? That's quite the request. Lad, if you want such a high-quality weapon, it won't come cheap. Are you prepared to pay for such a weapon?" Magnus simply reached into his pocket, producing a pouch of coins and placing it on the counter.

Rollo raised an eyebrow, a flicker of surprise crossing his weathered face. "Well, well, you're not one to hold back when it comes to coin, I'll give you that. Very well, it will take me a week or two to craft the sword to your exacting standards. Return in two weeks' time, and it shall be ready."

Observing Rollo's straightforward manner, Magnus noted, 'He's a man of few words.' The blacksmith seemed to disregard Magnus's presence and returned to his forging. Magnus, respecting his no-nonsense approach, gathered his pouch of coins and quietly exited the shop, eager to return in two weeks' time and see this 'masterful work' Rollo promised him.