
Chapter 12: The Arrival of the Targaryen Family

Two Weeks Later

Maegor noticed increased activity in the castle and flew with his dragon, Arrax, to return him to the dragon pit located in the nearby volcano. He then mounted his horse and headed back to the castle.

Although he had a rough idea of the reason for this increased activity, he still wanted to ask his father. As he made his way to his father's room, he observed servants bustling around. When he reached the door of the study, he adjusted his clothes and knocked a few times. Upon hearing his father's "enter" from inside, he opened the door and walked in. His father was deep in thought with a book in hand; he looked up, smiled upon seeing Maegor, and closed the book.

Aemon:"Ah, Maegor, you're here. Come, sit opposite me."

Maegor:"Father, I noticed some activity in the castle as I came in. Do we have a guest?" he asked with a puzzled look.

Aemon:"Yes, I almost forgot. The Targaryen family will be arriving. After our discussion, I sent your cousin Aelyx with his dragon to invite them. Today, a member of the Velaryon family arrived by ship with the news. They will be here by tomorrow."

Maegor:"Oh, it's impressive they could arrive so quickly. Do you think they will accept our marriage proposal?"

Aemon:"Hmph, how could a small family refuse our marriage proposal? They likely couldn't sleep from excitement once they received the invitation and learned what it was about."

Maegor:"Haha, yes, that's possible. After all, they are a small family. By the way, what is the name of the girl who will become my wife?"

Aemon:"Hmm, if I recall correctly, her name is Hestonia Targaryen. She is the daughter of Arellor Targaryen's deceased younger brother."

Maegor:"I hope she is a good person."

Aemon:"Don't worry, I've researched her. Reports say she is as beautiful and pleasant as your sister Leana."

Maegor:"Alright, Father. I'll trust your word. Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to check on Leana."

Aemon:"Sure, you can go."

Maegor nodded to his father and stood up, exiting the study. As he walked through the corridor, he thought about future plans and other issues while searching for his sister and wife-to-be. He didn't have to search long before he found Leana helping servants decorate the castle and prepare for the upcoming event. This sight made him smile, as another woman might have gone mad learning that the guests would bring another wife. "I suppose this is the advantage of being Valyrian," he thought to himself as he walked over to his fiancée. The servants quickly bowed and made way for him, then hurried off in a bit of a panic.

Leana:"Maegor, welcome," she said, throwing herself into Maegor's arms for a tight embrace.

Maegor:"Welcome, my love," he said, caressing her hair as they hugged.

Leana:"Tomorrow is the big day, Maegor. Remember, I'm absolutely fine with this. Proceed with the marriage proposal with a clear heart. Family is everything."

Maegor:"You're right," he said, exhaling deeply. Then he remembered something and asked, "I haven't seen my mother lately. Where is she?"

Leana:"My mother is helping with the other preparations."

Maegor:"Alright," he said, and they spent 1-2 hours talking before Maegor decided to head to his room. He kissed his beloved's hand and walked towards his room. When he entered, he was first struck by a massive bookshelf. He had probably read less than half of the books here; they included texts on blood magic, sacrificial magic, dark magic, shadowbinding, and hundreds of other wild and bloody magical practices. These were factors that had helped his family remain strong for thousands of years. He approached the bookshelf slowly, picked a book on blood magic, and settled into a chair to sip from his whiskey. Time flew by, and when he looked up from the book, it was night. He closed the book, returned it to its place, and went to bed.

At dawn, a man woke up, deciding to prepare for the new day and the events to come. He got out of bed and called for servants to prepare a bath and new clothes for him. Maegor decided to dress in his finest attire for the day's event. After waking his fiancée, he went to the bath and allowed the servants to wash him. When he emerged from the bath, he saw a long line of servants holding various outfits. Wrapped in a towel around his waist, he examined the garments one by one. Finally, he chose a black and purple outfit with an elaborate dragon-head belt inlaid with diamonds. He completed the look with black dragon leather shoes. When he entered his room, he saw his fiancée already ready, putting on earrings in front of a mirror. Without delay, the servants entered the room to help him dress. Once they finished, Maegor looked at himself in the mirror and nodded with satisfaction. He was dressed in a magnificent outfit with dominant black and purple details. His silver-gold hair was styled back, adorned with a magnificent ruby-studded hairpin. Pleased with his appearance, he went with his fiancée to the dining room, where the rest of the family was waiting for breakfast. The entire family was present at the table: cousins, uncles, aunts, and other distant relatives. In total, there were 39 dragon riders at the table, including himself.

Aemon:"Maegor, come sit by me. Our guests and your new wife will be arriving today. So make sure you eat well."

Maegor nodded and took his place, starting breakfast with his family. Half an hour later, after everyone had finished eating, a guard ran in and announced that the Targaryen family would arrive within the hour.

Aemon:"Let's go. It's impolite to keep guests waiting, especially if the guests will soon be our relatives."

The Lucaerys family completed their preparations and dispersed. Maegor went to the castle's balcony and gazed deeply at the sea. He didn't know how much time had passed, but he heard the roar of four dragons in the sky. Maegor looked up and saw that all the dragons were adult dragons, a size smaller than his family's dragons. "They've finally arrived," he said to himself, walking toward the corridor. As he approached the door, he noticed the entire family walking to the courtyard to welcome the other dragon lords.

Aemon:"Maegor, come and stand by me," he waved.

Maegor nodded and took his place beside his father as the doors slowly opened to reveal the silhouettes of the visitors. Maegor was surprised to see that the prominent man looked very similar to King Viserys Targaryen from the *House of the Dragon* series he had watched in his previous life, but he quickly composed himself and focused on the other guests.

The group, consisting of two women and one man, included the woman he presumed to be his future wife and other individuals. The man was young and more handsome than his father; his eyes were scanning the surroundings in astonishment. Maegor thought this person might be Aenar Targaryen, the exiled father of the visionary Daenys Targaryen.

He heard his father and Lord Arellor Targaryen exchange the traditional Valyrian greeting. "Fire and blood," said his father, and Lord Arellor Targaryen replied, "Blood and fire." After the greeting, Lord Arellor Targaryen introduced himself with his entourage. Aenar Targaryen introduced his daughter, Hestonia Targaryen, and his niece, Illyria Targaryen.

Aemon introduced Maegor, Leana, and the other relatives in turn. After mutual introductions, the families moved to the dining hall. During the meal, there were conversations about hospitality and strengthening family bonds. Maegor had a brief opportunity to converse with Hestonia and try to get to know her character better.

After dinner, traditional Valyrian dances and entertainments were held. Maegor used the evening to further solidify relationships with the Targaryen family members and to get to know his future wife, Hestonia, better. The mingling between the guest and host families was successful, and both sides retired to their rooms later that night, exhausted and slightly inebriated, with the help of the servants.

Hello friends, greetings to everyone. It’s been almost 5 days since I last uploaded a new chapter; in fact, I haven’t been able to upload one. I wrote this chapter a bit hastily, so I apologize for that. Wishing you all a great day and see you soon.

Kaan_Acemzade247creators' thoughts