
Game of Thrones : House Karvus

"In the desolate corridors of a pandemic-ridden hospital, a man succumbs to the merciless grip of COVID-19, surrounded by the sick and the departed. Yet, death is not the end for him. He met ROB and awaken in the harsh terrain of Westeros, he is reborn as the child of a minor lord of forgotten house, with wishes. As he grows, the house he belongs to reveals a chilling history, entwined with dark rituals and forgotten sins. Will he suffer a worse fate than before, facing pain and tragedy, or can he use his new life to survive in this dark Game of Thrones world? In a place where danger hides everywhere, he must navigate through forgotten secrets and grim echoes, trying to stay alive in a world using his knowledge where survival might be even harder than his past plain. _______________________________________________ :NOTE: THIS STORY OR CHARACTERS DOES NOT BELONG TO ME. IT BELONG TO GEORGE.R .R. MARTIN. ONLY CHARACTERS AND HOUSES CREATED BY ME BELONG TO ME. _______________________________________________

Drunken_writer · Televisi
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs


Ethan's running into the crypts of Cryptfall Castle, prompted by an otherworldly calling, did not escape the watchful eye of his mother. As he emerged from the underground depths of cryptfall, he was met with the fury in her eyes, her anger palpable in the air. She started to give a stern scolding, her words echoing off the ancient stone walls, but Ethan, undeterred by her wrath, explained the mysterious compulsion that drew him to the crypts. His mother, torn between concern and frustration, could not entirely dismiss the gravity of his experience. The tension lingered, leaving Ethan to confront the aftermath of his daring exploration with punishment which is banning of talking with her for one week.

Even after that he is determined to continue his exploration of the crypts, Ethan sought the permission of his father. To his surprise, his father, though initially amused by Ethan's adventurous spirit, recognized a deeper purpose in his son's connection to the crypts. Understanding the significance of the family legacy intertwined with the crypts, Ethan's father granted him permission to enter daily. This marked a turning point in their relationship, as the father acknowledged the importance of Cryptfall's mysteries and Ethan's role in unraveling them. The ancient family library, guarded by shadows and forgotten knowledge, became Ethan's sanctuary, a chamber only accessible to him within the crypts' enigmatic embrace.

With newfound access to the family library, Ethan delved deeper into the mythical medicine scrolls, each page unveiling secrets lost to time. The scrolls spoke of herbal concoctions, mystical remedies, and ancient healing arts that surpassed conventional modern medicine. The scrolls detailedly describes many magical diseases such as greyscales, fleshworms, living rot, maiden bane etc. But sadly their remedies are not described only their symptoms and their mechanism of pathology are explained in the scrolls. Dark revolting rituals and rites were described in the scrolls, hinting at a connection between the family's mysterious powers and the very essence of Cryptfall Castle. As he studied these ancient texts, a revelation unfolded – the family possessed not only medicinal knowledge but also the magic arts that bound them to the realm of magic regarding human bodies and chimeras.

Among the scrolls, Ethan discovered references to two formidable rituals – the Rite of Obsidian Might and Cognitum Nocturna. The former, a dark ceremony promising enhanced physical strength, intrigued him with its promises of power. The latter, a ritual promising heightened intelligence. These dark arts, intricately woven into the family's history, sparked Ethan's curiosity and compelled him to delve even deeper into the family's enigmatic legacy, uncovering the mysteries that had shaped his lineage for generations.

Ethan spend nearly a year studying the scrolls in the crypts. He constantly comparing them with his modern medical knowledge to rectify the flaws in the theorys and to increase his medical know even further. Currently he can heal a person with normal injurys and diseases with his mystical arts and modern medical knowledge. But it will take more time, and required to treat in multiple sessions.

After gaining general knowledge regarding magic and medicinal arts. Ethan decided to start his physical training and weapon training. Unlike other children, his mindset is not for fighting and using weapons to kill. In this world when child is born, adult will raise them in a way, they think fighting and sparring to improve their strength and killing enemies is normal. But in Ethan's case it's not normal, he came from world where killing is forbidden and carrying arms is a crime. He needs to adjust to this world quickly or else he will be in six foot cold grave. So he started his training with his father permission, Of course his father as usual, granted him permission, believing he can handle things, even though he is five years old.

In the dimly lit chamber of Cryptfall Castle, Ethan, found himself facing an ancient book that accompanied the ominous Death Spikes. A palpable excitement mingled with determination, as he opened the aged pages, revealing detailed illustrations of lethal techniques and intricate maneuvers. The first hurdle presented itself immediately – Ethan had never engaged in physical training before, and the prospect of wielding the Death Spikes seemed daunting. The book spoke of balance, agility, and the ruthless fluidity of motion, concepts foreign to a young man who, until then, had been confined to the mysteries of Cryptfall Castle.

Undeterred, Ethan embarked on a journey of self-discipline and determination with the help of castle maester at arms, Rodrey. His initial attempts at replicating the techniques proved awkward and uncoordinated, resulting in numerous fumbles and near-mishaps. The spiked weapons felt unwieldy, and Ethan struggled to grasp the essence of the deadly dance described in the ancient text. However, his resolve remained unbroken. Seeking guidance from the castle's maester at arms and his father, Ethan honed his coordination and balance, slowly overcoming the awkwardness that marked his initial efforts.

With each passing day, Ethan's persistence bore fruit. He no longer hesitate to hit the opponent, fearing he will hurt. He no longer feel breathlessness, he no longer feel like he will faint, if he stress himself, he no longer feel it's wrong to kill others. The Death Spikes, once alien in his hands, became an extension of his will. He practiced tirelessly, his movements transitioning from clumsy to fluid. The book's descriptions of intricate combos and defensive maneuvers, initially alien to him, gradually unfolded into a language he could comprehend. Ethan transformed from a novice to an adept practitioner, seamlessly blending the lethal techniques into a dance of precision and power. But he has a long way, he only perfected the basics, there are many fighting styles for defense, for offense, for guarding, for disabling and many more.

Seeing I mastered the basics after one year, my father decided to make me page at the age of six. Page is nothing but a boy who will start his training at young age, after improving his skills he will be promoted to squire for any knight, finally after achieving enough heroic deeds he will be knighted. Even though there is no Knight's tradition in north. After becoming squire and amassed enough battle experience he will recognized as a man, and not as a child. With renewed responsibility I started my life as a page with other children of household guards under watchful eye of maester Rodrey.


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