
Game Of Thrones: House Dustin

How the hell did it come to this?! - A young man is reincarnated in the Game of Thrones world as an only son to House Dustin in the North but there is always more to every story. This is a small side project that I thought about. This is strictly for fun so dont expect correct dates and all that stuff investigated. I will just write what I want. Can't guarantee stable updates. Again. It's for fun and I have another story for now. Don't even know if I will follow the canon or not. I didn't watch or read GOT except FF's so don't get angry if I make mistake. EDIT- This is strictly for fun. If you are a person who can not understand what’s written above and expect accuracy and whole background, save us both some time and don’t read it. Every review stating how unrealistic it is will be deleted. Go feed your ego elsewhere. Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended. The author of the fan fiction does not, in any way, profit from the story and all creative rights to the characters belong to their original creator(s). Anything used in the FF belongs to their owners. This is strictly for fun. The cover doesn't belong to me. The owner can contact me and I will take it down.

EnderPL · TV
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109 Chs

Wake up call

"What happened next? Tell us the more important parts." I think he understood from my words what I want.

"Aye m'lord. We had a standoff with Lord Stark and Lord Reed. There was no chance for them, I had 14 lads with me. I told the Lord we're here for Kingsguards to calm the situation down. He came for his sister and we saw him and..." he didn't finish as I cut him off. Don't need more people to know.

"He just let you pass like that?" I asked my commander curious of his answer.

"No m'lord. He took Ser Arthur's sword." After Bryce words Ashara added.

"And brought it to me with word of your death..." she hugged her brother again.

"We then went to the tower as you said there should be three guards. Ser Oswell was dead before we came and we already had Ser Arthur m'lord. Lord Reed came with us after which we found Ser Hightower sick and took him as he was unconscious. We took more time coming back because we needed to find a Maester for him. I sent Ser Aren with half of my men to get Lady Ashara as you told us to hurry and I was afraid to travel with Ser Arthur and Ser Gerold. Most importantly they were in no condition to do so. The rest you know. They took our ship from Starfall but left the last of escorts, unfortunately not one build by us, we waited for Ser Hightower to get stable enough for transport then took one ship from Blackmont and then took the escort ship back." He finished his side of the story. So that's why Ashara came earlier. She took the ship and its escort that had skin changers and the boys took the last without.

"Did they saw your faces?" I asked.

"No m'lord, as per your instructions."

"So what happens now? Lord...?" Ser Arthur asked and I must tell you his look made me gay for few seconds!

"Lord Brendan Dustin. You're in the North Ser Arthur, South of Barrowtown." I told him calmly. It's time to start and behave like a Lord. I've taken this world to lightly. Hopefully my temper won't flare up too often.

"And what good will all of this do to you. I'm not as naive as my sister and I think the Princess feels the same way to." He looked at his ex liege wife.

"I did at the beginning. But few months with Little Lord was enough to get to know him." She looked at me with warm smile on her face. "Not once was he disrespectful or forceful. He treated me and my daughter with respect... Even little Rhea treats him as an older brother. He thinks he can play the game but he's too idealistic and naive... Right Lady Dustin?" She looked at the door. Wait! What? I watched my mother walk inside the room with Loki and Laika at her heels. In my mansion! The same one that was supposed to be accessible to my people only!

"My silly boy... Did you really think I didn't know?" She smiled at me but why do I feel so stupid now? Apparently I'm not as smart as I thought...

"Since when?" I asked defeated... If those were my enemies I would already have a dagger in my heart.

"Since the day you informed 'your' people about the plan." She looked at Ser Bryce. Impossible!

"My lady..." he said with his peasant accent gone. His posture and mannerisms changed. Don't tell me he's one of the original 1000 House Dustin guards...

"You are my only son. My heir and the future lord of Dustin House. Do you really think I would let you from my sight? You know you are smart, dedicated to your family and friends but you should pay more attention learning about your Noble birthright. The politics are more than meets the eye." After what my mother said I could see Princess Elia and Ser Arthur nodding their heads.

"I could read you like an open book... You are a lovely boy, with a brilliant mind and beautiful heart... but if you want to play the game you will die. You're too nice..." I never saw this cold and calculating Elia... What the fuck is going on here?

"My son..." My mom came to me and picked me up and placed me on her knees as she sat down. "Why did you do that?" She asked but not angry, just worried about me. It hurt even more. I thought I'm the greatest with all the things from my world, I was so confident about myself but I was just naive... There's no reason to hide anything anymore...

"I wanted Ser Arthur to be my sworn shield..." I mumbled with my head down like a beaten dog that did something wrong. They were surprised but still listened.

"And the rest?" My mother continued.

"Because I wanted to save them... I admired them from my dreams..." I again said everything. I really feel defeated and useless now... I can't even look them in their eyes.

"Is that all?" My mom probably knows everything already...

"No... I sent men to recruit Davos the smuggler from Stormlands... He's the best and most loyal man to have in my dreams..." I said and just want to get out of here.

"And why would he want to serve you?" Why do you ask mom?! You already know!

"I promised him Landed Knighthood and the fleet to command..." with my head still down and quiet voice I answer all the questions during my interrogation.

"Do you know how much time sending ravens and calling favors with other lords did I spend to get us the approval from the Warden of the North house, the acting Lord Benjen Stark to expand our forces and fleet? Do you know how many assassination attempts there were on my and your life when we started to prosper above the lords in our closest vicinity? My house the Ryswell's we're behind us, as we're the Glenmore's, Glover's, Manderly and Foresters... It's time for you to grow up son. You do have a good heart, but it will only get you killed. There is no age in politics, there is no forgiveness in politics, there is no second chances in politics... It's like revenge. You kill until there's nothing left to kill. Go and think about it and let the adults talk..." I looked sad and it probably broke my mothers heart to say all that but she's right.

It was something I needed to hear.

I took it too lightly... like the novels I read and it's exactly as the name says... a fiction, just a bunch of dreams. Here I have real people. People that are greedy, filthy and realistic.

Thinking about it now it's impossible that the Dustin house just took my mother in like that with a bastard... There must've been something else... something my mother doesn't tell me.

Otherwise why would they say I'm Dustin's son. Only few people know the truth and now 4 of them are dead leaving me, mom, Eddard and my grandpa... I walked into my room and dropped on my bed... This is not a fan fictions... Not anymore...