
Game of Thrones: God Amongst Men

Upon his death, after floating in an endless abyss for what seemed like years, our MC is met with a white screen. [Welcome to Another Life Inc]

Soul_of_a_Simp · Televisi
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3 Chs

The People of Tyrosh

His first few days in Tyrosh were spent making plans for the oncoming months.

With the perks of True Nobility, Old Blood, Silver Tongue, Breaker of Chains, and Words of the Father/Crone, it was as easy as breathing to convince the populace of Tyrosh to regularly wash their hands, do regular exercise, and drink more water, further increasing the hygiene and health of the populace. The city seems to flourish and grow with every day that passes.

His plans for the first year are simple, increase the trade, treasury, and navy of Tyrosh. after speaking with his advisors, several things were discussed.

With the purchases he made from the Items section of the character creation, Tyrosh is quickly becoming one of the strongest cities in Essos.

Even with the equivalent of five million gold, he has a rich gold mine that can be mined for centuries. His Sworn Swords purchase came with vassals/lords that had their own levies that added to his army, meaning that all together, he had a little over 100,000 troops.

His purchase of Great Fortification increased the defense of his palace.

He made plans to take over the Stepstones by the end of the year and build fortifications on each of them before forging a chain that would connect each of them, stopping ships from passing through unless he allowed it.

And while it has been less than a week, his plans are already in motion, with his vassals and advisors eager to help.

Once he had assigned the right people to the right jobs, for the first time since his arrival, he exited the palace and walked the streets of his city.

=== Scene Break ===

Compared to any city in Westeros or Essos, Tyrosh is an especially vibrant city.

Many of its citizens have taken to changing the color of their hair, wearing bright clothing, and decorating themselves with beautiful gems.

Even for a city that owns slaves, many of the slaves are content, they aren't beaten or starved in this city. in fact, they are rewarded for their service with good food, shelter, marriage, etc.

While the talentless slaves are used for hard labor, cleaning the streets, and delivering messages.

The skilled slaves spend their time helping foreigners navigate the streets, keeping the peace, and learning to write and read.

The truly privileged slaves are the ones with potential in magic, they directly serve under King Valerion. These slaves have servants of their own, comfy bed chambers, better food, and a tattoo that proves their status.

Why are they so well looked after? Their lives are already forfeit as they live to serve as sacrifices for the king, allowing him to cast god-like magic, and perform deadly rituals.

Other than the slaves, the city has five other factions that serve the king in different ways.

The first faction in line is the Merchant Guild owned and funded by the crown, from in-city trading to importing and exporting, they serve as the largest source of income and commerce.

The Merchant Guildmaster, Kione Jasla is an older, rotund man that has served the Valerion Dynasty for decades, and for his loyalty, he's been given a rather lucrative and powerful position as the brain behind the trade routes used by the merchant ships and caravans.

Nobility is the second faction to serve the crown. Lords and ladies of intelligence and temperament.

The Royal Family didn't give power to the nobles for their birth or blood. No, they were given power over different sections of the city and lands beyond for their daring actions, cunning moves, and ferocious loyalty.

Four noble families make up a single faction within Tyrosh, each with influence and control over different sectors of the city.

-=-=- [Author's Note: I know it's said above but in case anyone misunderstands, the four noble families count as a single faction, not four separate factions.] -=-=-

The Loren Family is in charge of the slaves both in and out of the city. From enslaving people to breaking their wills, and turning them into subservient workers.

The Ambala Family are the police force within the city, enforcing the laws, and keeping the peace, with nearly 25,000 battle-hardened guards at their disposal, almost no crime gets past their watchful eyes.

The Teran Family is in control of the banks and brothels. Sex sells, and people need a place to keep their hard-earned cash safe. Compared to the other families, the Teran household doesn't have much power but serves with gratitude for the things that they do have.

The last of the nobility, The Erebon Family are the Spymasters of the city, from weeding out rival spies to gathering intel from other cities, they are the chess players that help their king move the pieces of the world into the positions he wishes them to be.

The third faction is the army/navy of the city. With 105,000 troops to call upon, and a fleet of ships that could easily give the Ironborn a run for their money, the city is well defended.

The Military of the Crown is in charge of General Marius, while he might be too old to fight in the heat of battle and suffered from severe injuries, his mind for tactics and heart for war hasn't dwindled.

And finally, the last faction within the city... The Valerion Dragoons.

This is the name of the regiment of men that serve the king directly. Similar to the Kingsguard of Westeros but rather than seven members, the Valerion Dragoons make up a dozen War-Masters that are trained since birth to wield both might and magic.

These War-Masters must complete a dozen trials before they are given the ceremonial Valyrian Steel armor and sword.

These are the factions that inhabit the city of Tyrosh, each of them willing to lay down their lives for its safety without a moment's notice.

=== Two Months Later ===

Two months of meetings, trade agreements, and finalizing his plans. Taking over the stepstones was quite simple with his emboldened military, he took them through sheer force.

Connecting the borders of his control to Dorne, they now have a safe and secure trade route.

Of course, there was some retaliation from the cities of Myr and Lys but as they aren't in a position to actively oppose Tyrosh, even when working together, they quickly retreated.

One of his first actions was the purchase of ten thousand unsullied that would greatly weaken Daenerys' future army... sure, he could have killed her and taken her dynasty out completely but he had other plans for her.

With the new addition of the Unsullied, his forces grew to the point that keeping Myr and Lys in line was a simple task. Though, he planned to fully take them over before the beginning of Season One began.

For right now, he plans to not move too quickly. He has just under four years until the start of season one. Enough time to get what he wants. Control over all of Eastern Essos.

Eastern Essos in his eyes includes Myr, Lys, and Pentos.

Myr and Lys were nothing to his current strength and military might. He could fully take them over in a year or less. Pentos was bigger and had a stronger army that survived a fight with Braavos.

Sitting in his throne room, King Valerion peered down from his throne at a man in chains. An older man with well-kept hair, groomed beard, and neat clothes.

The king takes a sip of water to wet his dry lips, "Magister Illyrio Mopatis... I don't like to leave things up to chance", he looks to the side of the Magister to see a box filled with three dragon eggs, "You planned to side with the Targaryens over me"

Illyrio gives a perfectly calm and refined expression, "Your highness, these eggs have laid dormant for hundreds of years, there is no proof that they will hatch"

The king leans back and gives an air of contempt, "Did you forget that my family are also pureblood Valyrians? You chose to give these beautiful creatures to a family who has nothing but history instead of a king like myself who controls one of the most powerful and wealthiest cities in the world"

He stands and walks to the chained Magister, "Goodbye, Magister Illyrio", with an effortless swing of his sword, he beheads the portly trader and takes the eggs into his hands.

He grins as he looks upon them, "Danaerys raised you to be wild mutts that even she couldn't fully control. You will obey me or I'll kill you and use your scales as armor for my ships", he says as he takes them to one of his sacrificial chambers as he already has the ritual planned and ready, "Let's get the show on the road"