Early the next morning, we stood outside the modest home. I remained there for a long minute, not clear what I was feeling. I was born in this home, on this land, and I'd been nowhere else. The time I spent here wasn't great. In fact, it was absolutely shit. Yet, I don't know, I can't seem to put it into words.
"It's okay, my love." Katyia said from beside me while reaching for my hand and gripping it. She seemed to sense my troubles.
"Yeah, let's just go." I replied, before casting one last look at the simple home. As I turned, I looked at my minions. The twins wore clothes that actually fit them, and each had a cloak to cover themselves with. They had a sword at their waist and carried packs that Katyia somehow created, filled with supplies. I wasn't part of the process, so I didn't know what we had. Katyia seemed to have everything under control anyway.
Speaking of, Katyia wore a thick dress. It had a hood attached that she could use to obscure her features. She did not carry a sword, but many daggers, and the newest member of our little band, Lucan. He wore a pair of pants and shirt that had some type of padding that Katyia made for him, a sword at his hip and a cloak. I nodded in satisfaction and took my first step into this vaguely familiar world.
"Let's get going peo-" I stopped dead in my tracks as something in the corner of my eye caught my attention. It looked like an ordinary pile of snow, yet it seemed to have a presence. It felt like I was being watched, like I was being sized up. Heart pounding, I turned to the pile and stood my ground.
"Stop playing around, Gisly!" I yelled with arms crossed.
The seemingly inconspicuous pile of snow suddenly developed a pair of vibrant blue eyes. With a screech, the pile of snow exploded and a creature not meant to be in this world appeared. It spread its wings, as if to properly display it's majesty to the world. Gisly, for that was her name, was once a mere chicken. Yet what stood before me now was a four foot tall raptor from earth's ancient times. She was covered in feathers as white as snow; her beak a pale gray with razor-sharp teeth lining the edges. Her wings, which only helped her glide slightly, ended in two claws with talons that could tear through flesh like wet paper. Atop her head, sticking up proudly with vibrant blue feathers, was her crest that at most times would lay flat atop her head. She stood on two powerful but nimble three-toed taloned feet that seemed to have gray plated skin covering them. A tail longer than her body was tall, waved side to side, fan like feather at the tip causing snow to rise.
"Yes, yes, we get it. You look magnificent. Now come along, we're wasting daylight." I said, not caring for her little display.
"Hishhhh '' She hissed before her plume laid flat and she dashed towards me at frightening speed. Her body became streamlined, and she appeared as a white streak as she neared. Stopping before me, she looked up and chirped at me.
"Silly girl." I said while scratching just behind her jaw. Her foot tapped the ground before I pulled away.
"I want you to remain hidden, but be vigilant, just like we discussed last night, understand?" I asked her.
"Skrahh" she replied before running off and suddenly disappearing the second she ran past some trees. I marveled at her ability to blend in so easily. Well, I designed her with that thought in mind. She was a beauty, but anyone who thought she was just some docile bird would die a fool. She is an excellent hunter and moves faster than you'd think. Also, she not only has the strength but also the drive to kill a man. Was there a need to create such a creature? Probably not, but I thought it would be prudent to have an extra set of eyes hidden in the shadow.
We traveled for weeks, using the memories of the bandits. I was able to discover that we lived not too far away from one of the five cities of the seven kingdoms and the only one in the North. White harbor, seat of house Manderly, a port town that connected the North to the rest of the seven kingdoms. I wasn't sure what I'd find there, and from what I recall it never appeared in the show, though I could be wrong, but I was excited to see it.
We sat before a fire, after a long day of walking I was tired. The others didn't need rest, enhanced as they were, but I was just a human, an underfed fifteen year old one at that. I lay back in Katyia's embrace, wrapped in a thick blanket, just watching the fire. The twins stood on either side of me, ever vigilant. Lucas sat near the fire, ensuring it didn't go out. I yawned before I heard a hiss and one clicking sound from the darkness. I instantly sat up, head on a swivel. The twins were much faster and had one hand on their sword, eyes scanning the area. Lucas, too, was up, calmly scanning the area. Katyia calmly stood beside me with a dagger in each hand.
We had gone over different signals along the way. From Gisly's signal, she warned us of a possible threat. The one click indicated the number of potential enemies. Despite there only being one person, everyone remained vigilant. From the darkness, a figure in white robes appeared. He calmly removed his hood, revealing a young man in his early twenties.
"Woah there friends, I mean no harm. I simply wish to share the warmth of a fire, if it isn't any trouble." The man said with a friendly smile. He carried a pack on his back and I noticed a glimar around his neck. Looking closer, it appeared to be a crystal of some sort shaped in a star, with seven points.
"Hello stranger, we don't often get visitors out here." I said to the man, not inviting him to sit with us.
"Yes, well, I am a wandering Septon. I travel the world, which sometimes takes me to places less traveled." He replied. So he's a Septon? I believe that means he's a priest. What was the name of the faith again?
"Please, take a seat. There's enough fire to go around." I replied, no longer feeling threatened by the man.
"Thank you." the man said before approaching and seating himself across from me. He dropped his pack and took out a waterskin before drinking some of the contents. He offered me some, but I declined with the shake of my head. He put the skin away and extended his arms to the fire, not saying a word. Lucan relaxed and sat somewhat near the man, most likely to end him swiftly if he posed a threat. The twins remained in their places, continuing to eye the surroundings. I sat back in Katyia's embrace and she wrapped the blanket around us both.
"So, what brings you out here?" the man asked.
"Just traveling." I replied.
"Ah, yes, well, since I have you here, are you familiar with the faith of the seven? I know it's not practiced much in the north, but I'm always willing to spread the word." the man's eyes seemed to glow as he spoke.
"I'm not very familiar. No, however, I wouldn't mind hearing what you have to say." I replied, not having anything else to do.
"Excellent! Since you don't really know much, why don't we start with the basics. The seven are in fact one God with seven aspects or faces as the small folk phrase it. Many believe that there are actually seven gods, but they are just different aspects. Do you follow?" the man asked.
"I understand, go on." I replied.
"Well, the seven are as follows. The Father, the Mother, the Warrior, the Smith, the Maiden, the Crone and the Stranger." The man described each aspect and how they work. I listened intently as I found the idea rather interesting. I wasn't religious or anything, and I sure as hell didn't feel some urge to become a member of this religion. The topic was simply interesting.
"So, all the seven kingdoms follow this faith?" I asked.
"Not exactly. The Iron Islands and the North have their own gods. But most of the seven kingdoms worship the seven." The man replied while taking a swig from his waterskin.
"Is there like a spiritual leader of some sort?" I asked, fully expecting for there to be one. It was a common MO for a religion such as this.
"Yes! He is referred to as the High Septon. He is the Father of the Faithful, the voice of the new gods in this world." the man replied with fervor.
"How does one become the High Septon?" I asked.
"Once the previous High Septon passes, a new one is elected by other high ranking Septons and Septas." He replied.
"And what sort of power does the High Septon wield?" I asked.
"Power?" the man asked, confused by my question.
"Yes power, how does his influence affect the seven kingdoms?" I continued.
"Um, well, he can, um, he can ordain a king!" the man said proudly after sputtering for a moment.
He continued on, telling more of the faith, at least the topics he was well versed in. As he spoke, I remembered from the show that there was a religious faction that held considerable power. I think there was even a scene where they had the queen regent or something, a major character walking the streets naked. That scene was badass, and it showed the power the faith wielded. As is the way with major religions, faith can create miracles. I think I heard someone say something like that.
An idea took root in my mind. As it festered, a wide smile split my face. Why waste time traveling the world? I want to live a life of luxury. To have power, and if earth has taught me anything, it's that religion can shape history. I looked towards the still blabbering man and clicked my tongue in a practiced manner. From the shadows, a white figure streaked past me and leapt atop the man.
"Ahhhhhhhh! By the seven, what is this?!" the man yelled as he was knocked over, with Gisly above him, leaning down and hissing in the man's face. He looked away and trembled. I rose to my feet and walked over to the man, smiling down at him.
"I wish to thank you, good sir. For you have shown me the light, you have brought a new believer to the faith." I said while spreading my arms.
"I, I, what are, please don't kill me!" the man yelled while he shook and I could smell the ammonia from his quickly moistening pants.
"I have found my path, my goal, and for your service, I'll keep you around. Hold him still while I work, don't worry, my new friend, soon you will understand. Now that I think about it, I don't think I've introduced myself. Well, allow me to correct that. My name is Col-" I paused, not really liking the sound of my name. It was the name of a pathetic kid with no vision or dream. Besides, no one knew this name other than myself. Even my minions don't know it, they just call me master. I need a new name, but what? It came to me quickly, and I giggled in barely contained mirth. If I was going to remake myself, why not go all out!
"Be glad, my friend, for you have met the next High Septon! My name is Victor Frankenstein! Hahahahahahahahaha!"
So here it is, my new original idea! I haven’t seen a GOT ff delve into the religious aspect of things. Let me know what you think of the direction I plan to go down. Y’all know what to do, leave a comment and or review. Peace ✌️