
Chapter 2

I slowly made my way back to the house and the sounds of fighting increased. I stood behind a tree and peered towards the house. There were two men fighting father, they must be bandits.

Father wielded a sword I had never seen before. His actions were clumsy however, but the bandits didn't seem any better. They too wielded swords but they seemed completely inept in their use.

Father fought with such ferocity, even I was impressed. But I could also tell he was getting tired. They were at the front door and father had his back to the house. He was protecting his family. A slight pang rang in my chest.

"Would he have fought so staunchly for me? Yeah, that's a fat no. He might just use me as a meat shield."

Father swung his sword at one but quickly turned and struck at the other. A feint? The man was unprepared for such a move and father's blade sunk into the man's neck. He dropped his sword and clutched at the wound. Father tried to withdraw but he wasn't fast enough.

The other man lunged forward, blade pointed at father. His blade struck true and plunged into father's side. Father yelled out in pain and drove his sword through the man's chest as they fell.

The man wasn't moving and father laid there panting. With a shout, he shoved the man off him and crawled to the house, leaning against the wall. I was impressed, he actually managed to beat them. I'm even more glad I never tried fighting him. I made my way to the house and once father saw me he looked surprised but grateful.

"Colton, hurry up and help me. These bastards tried to kill us, I got them but one of them managed to stick me." I stood before him and calmly picked up a sword.

"What are you doing! You ungra- ugh!"

He never got to finish his words as I drove the sword through his chest. He died glaring up at me with hate and disbelief. Stumbling back I wretched all over the floor. I may have hated the man, but the feel of the sword passing through him was too much. I had never killed before, at least my first time was someone I wouldn't lose any sleep over.

Standing to my feet I gripped the sword and pulled it free. The feeling made me almost want to gag but I endured. Once the sword was free, I looked down at my father, I spit in his face.

"Baby! Are you alright!?" Came the shrill voice of that cunt. A cold smile came to my lips and I couldn't help but lick them. I was going to make that bitch pay, and test my new power while I'm at it. I walked towards the door and kicked it open. She screamed before she realized it was me.

"Oh, Colton, it's just you. Where is your father?" She asked as she and the two idiots came out of hiding.

"Oh he's dead." I answered as I walked towards them. Being the dumb cunt she is, she didn't even seem afraid by my advance.

"What! Stop playing games Col" she was cut off as I backhand her, sending her tumbling to the ground.

"Mom!" The two idiots yelled.

I walked towards Aldo and kicked him in the nuts as hard as I could. He doubled over and I kicked him in the face sending him to the ground.

"What are you doing!?" Yelled Arnol.

I walked up to him and stabbed him in the thigh. He screamed as he fell clutching his thigh. I smiled as I looked at the three, on the ground and helpless.

"Stop, please stop Colton. What is this about? Why are you doing this?" The cunt asked, now aware of her situation.

"You really ask that? As if you don't know? Well let me make things clear for you, you stupid bitch. Father is dead and nobody is here to protect you. Which means I'm going to give you a lesson on respect." As I spoke I looked around for a suitable binding tool. Finding what I was looking for I made my way towards the cunt.

"You coward! You wouldn't dare do this if your father was here! Don't touch me!"

She yelled as I approached but a strong backhand left her dazed. With quick efficiency I bound her arms behind her back and tied them to her ankles. Making my way over to the twins I bound them in the same manner.

Looking down at my work I nodded in satisfaction. Ignoring the screaming and begging, I went back outside and brought the bodies inside and closed the door. The two bandits and father lay across from the three.

"What are you doing!?" She yelled and I raised my hand and she went silent.

"Good, it seems you can learn. Now stay the fuck quiet while I work." So I began thinking about what I should do.

Looking over at the cunt, an idea came to mind as I looked her over. She was probably in her thirties, and was rather plump. Large chest with a sizable ass. Too bad she wasn't exactly good looking but I can make do.

First thing I did was walk over to her and place my hand on her head. She flinched at my action and I chuckled. With a thought, I put her to sleep. I quickly did so for the twins as well. Now that it was quiet I decided I was gonna make her my pet.

I went back and grabbed my father's corpse and brought it over. I laid him on the floor and went to untie the cunt. I laid her next to him and sat myself in the middle.

Placing a hand on each of them, I brought up the cunts' image in my minds eye. I wanted to completely change her. Make her into my pet. So first I go to brain chemistry and place in her mind a deep and unbreakable love for me. I also made her submissive towards me. Increased her intelligence so she can act as an assistant.

I could feel the unknown force leave my body and enter hers and the corpse of my father. The changes I wanted only required me to have the idea of what I want and my power makes it happen. Good, because I wouldn't know the first thing about brain chemistry and all that other mumbo jumbo.

Once the changes were made I went about clearing any emotions she had towards anyone else but me. I erased Father and the twins from her mind. That was all I could think of on the spot so I moved on.

Next was her body, I wasn't really sure what I wanted her to look like. And my imagination isn't that great to create a beautiful woman on the spot. So I decided to keep it simple and just imagine a woman from my memories. But who to choose?

Within seconds I had my answers. I would go with my childhood first, Kayden Kross. In her prime of course. She was a diamond and I would love to have that face and body by my side. With the image in my head, and a few slight alterations, I willed my power to make it happen.

In a few hours, the process was complete. I felt exhausted but I had to focus. The image of that cunt was gone. In its place stood the incredible body of Kayden Kross. She looked amazing and I had to fight myself to stay focused. With a quick thought, her breasts and ass increased only slightly. I made her taller, about five feet eight inches. I gave her raven black hair that went to her shoulders and Smokey gray eyes.

I wasn't done however, I needed to strengthen her up a bit. I enhanced her tendons, ligaments, muscles and made her strong but very flexible. Lastly, I gave her the ability to control the muscles in her vagina and anus. With a quick tweek, I increased her sensitivity in all the right places.

Satisfied with my work I nodded and withdrew my power. I was back in the real world and I looked to my left and saw the remains of my father. He still had some material left for use. Looking towards my right, my breath almost caught. She looked exactly as I envisioned. Without wasting a second I willed her to awaken.

Her eyes fluttered open and she gazed around for a moment. I held my breath in anticipation. When her eyes landed on me, she smiled as if all was right with the world.

"My love, how are you?" She asked as she rose and threw her arms around me. She leaned into my chest while looking up at me. And damn the sight and feel of her nearly sent me over the edge.

"Is something the matter, my love?" She asked when I didn't respond. I shook my head and smiled down at her.

"Everything is perfect, my pet." She smiled up at me when I referred to her as my pet. She didn't seem at all bothered by my choice of words. This was promising indeed.

"I believe you need a name. How about, katyia?" I said and she smiled up at me, bringing her face into my neck.

"I love the name you have chosen for me, my love. I will cherish it always." She said while snuggling into my neck.

"Good, I'm glad you like it. Now onto more pressing matters. Why don't you get started on fixing me something to eat."

"Of course my love, I won't take long." She said as she rose up and kissed me. I returned the kiss and enjoyed the way she felt and tasted. The way she melted into me. Far too soon for my liking, she disengaged and rose to her feet. She waved at me with a smile before making her way to the kitchen.

"I actually did it. Oh, this world suddenly became far more interesting."

What do you think of his power? Y’all know what to do, leave a comment and or review. Peace ✌️

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