
Game of Thrones: Auron Blackfyre's Tale

A Civil Engineer with a hobby in music suddenly woke up in the TV Series he is watching. He transmigrated in a body of a young man from House Blackfyre in Game of Thrones. A brand new adventure awaits him as he explore the world of Planetos leaving footprints in Essos, Westeros and even in Sothoryos. "What Iron Throne? They can wrestle for it all they want while I enjoy sight seeing, have my own private army and bed all the women I want. I'll just watch them kill each other in the sidelines." Auron said. However, does fate will really let him do what he wants or he will be forced to intervened? See how he apply some modern ways in this merciless and shitstink world of knights, deception, undead and dragons.

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43 Chs

Chapter 39

A/N: I'm back!! Hehehe. Thanks for your well wishes. I really appreciate it. What are we waiting for, let's get back to the story shall we.?


"Well that's not all I have, my friend." Budger said after taking a sheath from a box.

"Your sword gave me a hard time, tch! It tried to make sheath using godswood which is the strongest wood but it went through so I have to use large amounts of bronze for this."

Budger presented him the sheath for his sword coated with bronze and black leather for the straps.

"You guys are really not holding back, huh?"

"Of course! We might need your help someday so it's a kind of investment. Besides, our god commands it so we need to do our best."

"Thank you, I really appreciate all of this."

"Huh! You think we're done? We are just starting. Hahahaha." Budger signalled to one of the men who was holding a circular object wrapped in cloth.

"I made this shield for you while you are in beauty sleep yesterday. Notice the circular shape that can cover your torso in case you run into rain of arrows. It a shield made out of dragon's skull retrieved from Old Valyria. The skull has been in our storage for centuries so might as well make something out of it. I made plain and simple without any design since I don't know your sigil I made it so that you will be able to add something if ever you want to."

Another servant approached holding two breast plate.

"These two breast plate is for you and your lady and I hope they fit you well."

Auron got the breast plate to try and it fit perfectly well. He looked at Aidana beside him and he was stunned because the breast plate added some allure to her beauty, plus another layer of protection.

"Finally, that's all of it. I'm glad I was able to deliver the gifts to you."

"I can't say any more words fitting just to thank you guys. I swear I'll return the favor someday."

"We'll count on you then, hahahah. Since official matters are settled, would you mind having a drink with me. I wanna hear your stories personally."

"Sure! Let's go. By the way, I have this idea that maybe I can perform to a wider stage. That way, everyone in Qohor can join in the fun, with Earned and Mott family as a priority of course. What say you?

"That's a good idea! I'll inform them right away after we got drunk from the pub, hahahaha you won't escape from me, boy!"

"Why do you have to make it sound weird, it's creepy. Besides, I'm not trying to escape because the bill's on you, hehehe. You only got yourself to blame."


At night, before he perform on the city's square, the bloodmage old woman he met at the forge visited him.

Auron was confused but he let her in and was curious of what she wants from him.

"Pardon me for my intrusion Herald. Would you mind telling me your origin?"

"Wow, that's a new one but I like it better. It's the first time someone called me Herald but I got to admit I liked it more than 'Storyteller'"

"It was derived from your title, Herald of Death, and it indeed fits to what you did on that hill. I witnessed the mountain of coprses with my own eyes when the men from Pentos started to clean up the scene."

"Well, I just happened to take advantage of their arrogance and lack of vigilance. Anyway, you were asking my origin? Is it related to why you're here?" Auron curiously asked.

"Aye, when I'm reciting the incantation yesterday, I felt some fluctuations coming from you and I noticed after that you are bleeding."

"Well yeah, I'm from House Blackfyre."

"No wonder... But it shouldn't be enough... Hmmm.." The old woman kept muttering something he didn't quite understand.

"No matter, your blood is very powerful boy! Are you interested in your future?"

"Boy? I'm 16! I'm already a man. What future?"

"You see I'm also proficient in divination. If you are interested, I just need to taste your blood."

Auron raised his eye brows and he was quite curious of what his future will be like.

He lifted his sword a little, just enough for his finger to touch its blade. He pressed the thumb and held it in front of the old woman.

The old woman stared at his thumb then she looked back at Auron.

"Are you seriously expecting me to suck your thumb? Uncivilized brat with no manners!"

"Well, I thought.. Hey I should be the one saying that.. Ew!"

"Squeezed the blood on your thumb and drop it at my mouth."

Auron quickly did just that. After a few drops, the old woman closed her eyes.

A few moments later, the old woman shook. She convulsing violently and Auron saw her hears and nose bleed.

"Hey, what happened?" Auron asked worriedly.

The old woman didn't reply. Instead, she collapsed on the floor shaking. Then she abruptly opened her eyes and gasp for air.

"I... Haaaaa.. Haaa. almost died."

Auron made her sat up in the chair asking worriedly, not for her safety but being held accountable for what happened to the old woman.

"Are you okay? Did my blood taste that bad?"

"It wasn't the taste. Who are you really?! I have peered into something I shouldn't have."

"I am Auron Blackfyre. "

"Something terrible is waiting for you, for us. Luckily, I managed to get a glimpse."

Then she looked towards Auron with seriousness.

"Be prepared to gather how many you can. The prince to the North, The emperor to the East. The Dothraki legend is real but it's just the tip of what it seems."

Auron's pupil constricted. He knew the first part as Jon was the prince to the North. However, what was that Emperor to the east. What's that even supposed to mean. What was in the East?

The old woman coughed a mouthful of blood and she fell unconcious.

No matter what it was, he didn't like it a bit. That prophecy spells a lot of trouble.

Hurriedly, he asked for Budger from the nearby servant and explained what has transpired. Budger looked at him in astonishment.

Nevertheless, he escorted the old woman into her own house so she can get some rest.

He suddenly remembered the ring he extracted from the old lady. It was a gold ring with a skill 'Blood Magic' but he didn't like it. After his brief exchange with his horse, he swore he would only use that skill if the situation is extremely necessary. His doesn't like the exchange of life over power. For him, life is more precious.

In the end, he decided to learn it just for the sake of knowing the skill.


Another day has passed and it's time for Auron and his group to leave. Since Auron doesn't have his horse anymore, he and Aidana shared a ride. He wore his new armor while the Foreshadow sword sheathed in his waist. His shield was being carried by one of the ten guards and his lute was held by Aidana.

As they were marching out of Qohor, the two leading families of the city were there to send them off.

Unsullied soldiers lined up on the side of the street as Jori and Budger accompanied Auron until they reached the gate.

"Have a safe journey, my friend. Do visit us if you have time." Budger clasped Auron's shoulder.

"Good luck on your travels, Herald. On behalf of Earned family, we wish you a safe journey." Jodi slightly bowed.

"Thank you, Jori and Budger. I can confidently say that my stay in Qohor has been rather pleasant. I will never forget your kindness and hospitality. Farewell and I'll be seeing you.." Auron said while flashing a smile towards the two.

Not long after they left the gate, Auron and the group heard a commotion in the forest. It seems that a group of people was fighting someone near the periphery of the forest.

Curious, Auron decided to check and what found was a group of hunters currently attacking a huge tiger.

It was injured and incapacitated but it still swiping it's powerful arms with sharp claws.

Auron looked closely and saw that the tiger was critically injured. She was probably hanging with its life as there were a spear stabbed in its stomach.

Then Auron noticed that there was a small creature under the tiger. It turned out that it was protecting its own child from the hunters.

As the hunters was about to strike the final blow to finish the tiger, Auron immediately intervened.

"Greetings, Hunters of Qohor. I'm quite interested in this two tigers, would you mind I buy them from you in advanced?"

The Hunters stopped and they looked towards Auron before returning the greetings.

"Greetings, Herald. We were about to kill the mother so you can wait for a little longer until it's dead."

"Well, I want them now and I can take it from here for 10 gold. What do you say?"

The Hunters were silent for a moment before agreeing to Auron's. After all, it was generous offer.

They left the area but Auron stayed as he keep staring at the mother and child tiger in front of him.