
Game of Thrones and Seduction

"Should you, as the healer, not take a very close look?" he asked. "Isn't that why you are here? To scrutinize every part of me, including my ability to produce an heir." Freya's face flushed deeper. She had braced herself for hostility or skepticism from the ascendants, but this overt testing of boundaries was unexpected. "I am certain that scrutinizing you...naked, won't reveal much about your ability to produce an heir," she retorted quickly. He smirked, stepping closer. Freya resisted the urge to retreat; his proximity overwhelming, his large frame practically eclipsing her view of the room. She forced herself to meet his gaze, determined not to let her eyes wander to his bare chest. He towered over her, his presence domineering. Droplets from his damp hair occasionally fell onto her face. She blinked, surprised by the sudden coolness on her skin. Roarke lifted a large hand, gently wiping away a droplet of water from her cheek with a touch that was unexpectedly gentle. "Then...do you want to test my ability in a different way?" he asked, his tone suggestive. ***** Freya Lorne, a gifted healer, finds herself swept into the heart of a conflict when she is summoned to the distant and divided realm of Eldranor. In this land, the throne lies empty, and the crown's claimants—creatures of myth and legend—prepare for a ceremonial duel known as the Ascendance Rite to determine the next ruler. Freya's healing powers are integral to the Ascendance Rite. Each claimant wants her unique skills to stand a chance at claiming the throne. However, amidst this dangerous game, romantic adventures blossom, and Freya is torn between her role in the Ascendance Rite and her personal entanglement with the claimants. With each encounter, she must navigate the treacherous waters of courtly romance and deceit, discerning who truly values her as a person and who regards her merely as a pawn in their quest for power. As the final battle for the throne draws near, Freya must decide where her loyalty lies—not only to which leader she will support but also to what kind of kingdom she wants to help build.

ChantreaLore · Fantasi
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11 Chs


"Welcome to Eldrador," The highlord Erdem declared from his seat among the three other highlords in the court. "It is a pleasure to finally have you here."

Freya, however, was less than thrilled to be here. Leaving her family behind in her small hometown had been difficult, but she knew her duty as a healer mandated her presence if an Ascendant Rite were to ever occur during her lifetime. Despite her fervent prayers to avoid political entanglements in an unfamiliar realm, destiny had not been so kind, and here she was.

"I wish I could share in your enthusiasm, my lord," she replied somberly.

His smile deepened, accentuating the lines on his face. His auburn hair and fiery eyes suggested to Freya that he might be a phoenix. The highlord beside him was an image in contrast, with his hair as white as snow and equally pale eyes—likely a frostborne from the winter walkers, she thought. 

She was still acquainting herself with the various creatures of this land, and her knowledge was far from complete. "It won't be an easy journey" he agreed, "but it is your destiny, and I am confident you will discover both meaning and purpose in it."

Why would she find purpose here, in a land not her own? Yet she recognized that the fates of Eldrador could affect the fates of all the other realms, so perhaps there was reason to fear who would ascend the throne next.

"You will not face this alone," added the second highlord, his tone reassuring. "We will provide all the assistance and protection you need." He gestured behind her.

Turning, Freya saw two imposing warriors step forward, nodding in greeting. "This is Ivan and Alvar, two of our fiercest warriors. They will be with you at all times for your protection."

She eyed the duo briefly, marveling at their tall and powerful stature and wondering about their origins.

"Protect me from what, exactly?" she queried, shifting her gaze back to the highlords.

"From those who would disrupt the Ascendant Rite," Highlord Caeus explained.

"It would be unwise to attack a healer," Freya pointed out, aware that her abilities rendered her nearly impossible to kill unless the goddess Scythe decreed otherwise.

Highlord Erdem chuckled. "Indeed, but you will encounter much foolishness here, alongside arrogance. Prepare to meet the most powerful and entitled among us. The competition for the crown is fierce, and some will go to great lengths to secure the throne."

Wonderful, she thought sarcastically.

"It will be your task to discern their true intentions and ambitions—who genuinely seeks the crown for noble reasons and who is merely power-hungry. Determine who is competent and who is merely arrogant." Highlord Erdem continued. "As an outsider to any faction, you will be an impartial observer, but that also makes you a prime target," he concluded.

Freya nodded knowingly, sensing the gravity of the situation unfolding before her.

"A target for manipulation and deception. Each ascendant will seek to sway you to their cause, whether through bribery or... seduction," Highlord Caeus said with a wry smile.


The highlord smirked at her reaction. "You must be prepared for every manner of persuasion they may attempt. You could find yourself tempted."

Freya chuckled, slightly flustered. "You underestimate me, my lord," she replied. The vow of chastity that came with her role as a healer was well-known and respected. And the goddess Scythe had given her an enhanced ability to resist temptation so she could remain chaste. 

He simply smiled back. "I know you possess unique strengths, but healers have faltered in the past. This world is different, and the males here can be... persuasive, to say the least. Some have centuries of experience."

Freya felt a twinge of doubt but shoved it to the back of her mind. She was never easily impressed, and men, even when they were good-looking, often bore her. 

But the males here weren't the kind of handsome she was used to. Even the highlords seated before her had aged gracefully, their beauty shining through even now, and hinting at a younger age where they were much desired. 

"I urge you to remain vigilant and not succumb to any romantic advances or other forms of persuasion. Remember the stakes of this competition and treat everyone with equal attention," Highlord Erdem advised firmly.

Freya nodded. "From which faction was the last ruler?" she then inquired.

"He was a dragon. In fact, dragons have won the last five Ascendant Rites," he revealed.

Freya pondered this revelation, wondering why dragons had consistently claimed the throne. Almost as if reading her mind, Erdem added, "Dragons live long lives and accumulate immense strength and wisdom. They are formidable opponents."

She glanced at her guards—wondering if the two massive warriors were dragons themselves. Their intimidating presence was undeniable, their muscles taut under their shirts, arms as thick as her thighs, shoulders broad and powerful. They looked every bit as deadly as she imagined a dragon being. 

"So... who am I meeting first?" Freya asked.

"You will meet the dragon ascendant first," Caeus replied.

"What is he like?" Freya pressed for more information.

Caeus smiled knowingly. "I prefer not to sway your judgment. You will see for yourself and form your own opinion."

Freya sighed softly. "Very well."

"You should rest now; I'm sure the journey has been taxing," he suggested kindly.

Indeed, fatigue was settling in. Freya rose gracefully from her seat and offered a respectful curtsy to the three highlords before following the lead of the dragon warrior who escorted her, with the other guarding closely behind.

As they walked through the halls, Freya couldn't help but marvel at the grandeur of Eldrador's architecture. Coming from a small town, she had never seen such intricate designs and expansive spaces. The corridors were adorned with elaborate tapestries depicting mythical creatures in fierce battles, and the ceilings rose high above her head, embellished with carvings of ancient lore.

The size of her chambers alone left her awestruck earlier. It was vast, easily the size of her entire family home back in Oakwood.

Despite her initial reservations about being thrust into the political affairs of Eldrador, the luxurious surroundings were something she could find small comfort in, as was the prospect of her family's well-being. They had been generously provided for, now residing in a larger, more comfortable home with abundant resources. She was happy that they wouldn't have to work another day for the rest of their lives. She had seen them work so hard for so many years and it had worn them out. 

As they reached her room, Alvar and Ivan positioned themselves on either side, their expressions stoic, not uttering a word or motioning for her to go inside. 

Freya looked at the one who had been leading the way, already haven forgotten his name. She wasn't good with names. 

"What is your name?" She asked him. 

"Alvar," he said. 

Right! Now she remembered and the other was...

"Ivan," he said before she could say it. 

"Well, thank you both for escorting me." She said as she pushed the door open. 

Once she shut it behind her, she wondered if they would keep standing there? Surely she wasn't in danger when she was in the courthouse. There were guards everywhere. 

With a sigh, her eyes swept the room. Large windows adorned one wall, offering a breathtaking view of towering mountains capped with snow. A grand fireplace nestled in another corner and the centerpiece was a massive bed with a canopy of rich fabrics that flowed down to the floor. A dresser stood nearby, polished to a gleam, and a comfortable reading nook was tucked away in a cozy alcove.

This was really beyond any experience she had imagined. 

A gentle knock at the door pulled her from her reverie, and she turned to see Alsike, the maid assigned to her, stepping into the room.

"I heard you had returned to your room. Would you like something to eat or anything else I can assist you with?" she inquired politely.

"No, thank you. I will just get some rest," Freya replied.

Alsike nodded and withdrew, leaving Freya alone once more. With a sigh of relief, Freya unclasped her waist belt and slid out of her flowing robe. Then she released her long, raven hair from its confining ponytail, running her fingers through the thick strands to soothe the persistent ache in her scalp.

Her next task was to retrieve her journal from her travel chest. However, as she lifted the lid, she found it disturbingly empty. Had Alsike already organized her belongings? 

Curious, Freya turned to the wardrobe, where she discovered her sparse collection of clothes neatly arranged on hangers. Her search then led her to the desk drawers, and it was there she found her leather-bound journal tucked away.

Carrying the journal to her bed, Freya nestled among the soft blankets, preparing to jot down some thoughts. The pen hovered above the blank page as she contemplated the entries that would soon fill the coming months. She was now a part of the mysterious world of the mythical creatures of Lore, which she had previously only known from ancient texts and brief encounters. 

Despite her meticulous preparations, Freya knew she was stepping into a realm of unpredictability. These upcoming experiences could weave a tale of grand adventure or spin a narrative of unforeseen tragedy.