
Game of Thrones- THE ALLFATHER [Dropped]

Son of the God of wisdom, MIMIR Takes up the mantle of the Gods in GOT universe, how will he get out of the clutches of R.O.B.,, how will North prosper under him? The MC is Asgardian infant...

STEVIOL_GLY · Derivasi dari karya
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6 Chs

Midgardian years 3, Thor

"He left, that was uncool." Suddenly earth tremored, and again the sight of Bifrost was in sight.

"Whats with Bifrost these days? Its a planet destroying weapon for god's sake, and we are casually using it on a non-hostile planet three times in a decade?"

Mimirsen continued his planning to Santa Fe. He was already here, why not use this time for something productive such as visiting the tourist sites?

Arne picked up his bags to leave the hotel room. He inserted his car keys to turn on the engine, which responded in a sound that was melody in the ears of car enthusiasts.

He drove past the gas station, when a ringing sound came from his back.

/W o o o o o o o o o u u u uuu . . . . .. .. .. .. .../


Taking a look at the traveler this time, Arne's face paled.

It was none other than "THE DESTROYER" an armor made solely from uru, with the fighting capability that could even give Odin a run for his money. (official stats)

The destroyer picked up the back of his car, throwing it somewhere far, far away.

It turned to look where initially the car was, to see Arne to be standing, dusting his cloths due to the abrupt jump he made.

"I dont think you were sanctioned to do that, as Asgardian royalty, I command you to stand down."

The Destroyer stood straight in response, its face lighting up with a yellowish hue.

A beam of yellow light engulfed its face plate, to follow the place of Mimirsen.

The face of the armored giant again started glowing, when suddenly it was hit with an axe.

In the background, the warrior three came to check on their follower from Asgard, with Thor driving the car in which they sat in.

Arne's first thought was to run away, he was there in a fight between an armor made of Uru, fighting battle hardened warriors with about 1200 years of experience. But even so the victory would not fall in the favor of experience.

'I mean what could an ant do in a fight against a meteorite?'

But that was scrapped as they were not alone.

The Bifrost had landed the armored abomination amidst Midgardian town, with a dwindling population, but population nevertheless.

"Heimdall pick up Destroyer now!" Arne shouted for Heimdall to respond, but was to no avail.

This confirmed that it was not Odin that sent the Destroyer or the warrior three to earth, and there was only one who could have done this, whose actions aligned with his interests.

"Fck" Sif and the Warriors Three head down the street towards the Destroyer.

"My friends fight bravely, but they won't be able to hold it back much longer."

"No shit Sherlock!" Arne join Thor's party as he conjure armor for himself.

"Uncle! I come to you in need of Help!"

"Hey YOU! YOU were the one who hit Thor twice with this car! Seriously whats with your car? IT flew him twice as ours di, and ours was an SUV!" Darcy complained as she got into dick measuring contest with Arne.

"Darcy, not now- Suddenly a wild Volstagg came to them, not walking but a flying type.

In their background, groups of black cars joined, with Coulson taking the lead.

"Coulson, empty out the area, we are looking at minimum ruination of the town." "Who-

"Does it matter? just do as I said, and Thor" Arne passed a evaluating look at his nephew. "We need Thor here, not you, bring out the electricity."

"But I lost Mjolnir, I am unworthy of the hammer!" Arne slapped him awake from the deluding thinking he was in.

"Look at your surroundings! Are the Warrior three gods? are these Midgardian in Black waiting for someone to save them from Destroyer? No! they are doing their job as protector as they will it so!" Mimirsen bashes his skull with Thor's.

"Are you Thor- god of hammers?"

Thor stood silently, not able to find an answer to the statement.

Unsure of what to do, Thor looked at the destroyer, destroying the warrior three and the surroundings. A ray to the gas station engulfed it in a sea of flames, but the Destroyer came back unhurt, walking slowly like he owned the place. [Insert- They say that I'm God]

"I need the biggest thunder in the history of Thunder."

Thor looked back at Jane and then at Mimirsen's to run amok straight to the Destroyer unsure to what the future awaited.

"Will he be fine?"

"Only Uru beats Uru"

"Then- Jane Darcy and Selvig worry for Thor, charging straight at the destruction avatar.

A punch to the head of Destroyer makes it take back a step, while the Sif pushes her sword where the Destroyer's eye is supposed to be.

Volstagg and his companion hammer the back of its knee, rendering it immobile, or so it seemed.

"How goes the rescue?" "All done-" "Then escape, this is not place for Midgardian, this is fight between gods." Mimirsen replied in haughty, cringeworthy voice, all to put weight on his saying.


"Leave" Coulson replied in kind, ordering his fellow agents to leave the place as soon as possible while getting a drone to record for investigating purposes.

On the other hand, Thor tried conjuring a lighting bolt, the fist of its kind without using the hammer as a medium.

Sparks bellowed, and Thor's eyes became whitish blue as A thunder bolt emerged out of his hand, striking the Destroyer, dealing it a tad bit of damage with its 5cm size.

"I did it!" His victorious shout met with a hardened Uru gauntlet punch, as Thor flew into three buildings, each bigger then the previous.

Thor sees his friends lying injured on the ground, but has no time to act, as the Destroyer fires in his direction. Mimirsen changed its direction of flight mid-air, pushing it to a ruined store.

Thor reaches Sif, who lies dazed, battered, and bloodied on the ground. He pulls her behind a burning vehicle.

"The others!" Sif eyed for her companions, ignoring her injuries altogether.

"You can't help them now. Your job is to survive." Thor looked dead straight to the Destroyer, with its green ensign on breastplate, his first thought of sacrifice. To pay his life in return for others.

But this thought was thrown out and replaced, replace with rage, how incompetent he was to be unable to protect his people, unable to conjure a measly spark of his body, unable to pick his own hammer.

Unable to do anything that deemed him worthy.

Anger fueled his rageful ego and it got him where he currently was, flying 20feet in the sky with Thunder covering everything for him.

He unconsciously picked his mojo back as he observed his hands full of lightning white.

"Thats my nephew!" Arne's proudful voice echoed as the rage was directed at the Destroyer.


In isolated area, a hammer deep rooted in soil raised itself a few centimeters, to rush towards his former owner. Someone who did not bother what weapons deemed him worthy.



Gibe me power stone!