

Without warning, a cactus ball as large as a human head materializes in front of Jeromme's open palm and immediately flies straight toward John Paul as if it were a cannonball.

"Whoa!" John Paul shouts as he accidentally dodges the attack. "What in the world-" John Paul luckily dodges another attack, and the projectile bangs the concrete wall behind him. "Oh, that's a freakin' coconut! Hey!"

All the girls are taken aback. Kriz and Mabel run to a corner, while Jennifer runs to the other corner. Then, John Paul dodges a flying, enormous watermelon, which splatters against the wall.

"I'm not a duck in a shooting range, you freak!" John Paul yells while pressing himself against the wall and covering his head with his right arm. "If I could use my power, I swear I would squeeze you like an orange!"

"You want a gun fight? Now take this!" Jennifer shoots five red balls of light, but Jeromme is quick enough to shield himself with large plywood. "Come on! Don't just hide in there!"

Kriz, Mabel and John Paul cautiously pace toward Jennifer and hide behind her.

"Mabel, are you okay?" Kriz asks. "Your arm.... Just hang on. I need just a little more time."

"It feels bad. But... I think I can still...." Mabel says.

"How can we possibly beat that gardener?" John Paul asks Jennifer.

"I don't know," Jennifer answers. "And how did he even know that he had to cover himself with... that thing! It's a shame. He's too handsome for this.... You think I can destroy his face?"


"But... of course, you're more handsome."


"Nothing. I mean... your ears.... They need attention. We should stay alert. He can throw us more coconuts. Or maybe a durian onto my face.... And why are you hiding behind me?! Do something!"

"Like what?"

"I don't know. Just... help me, okay?"

"I'm sorry, I can't help you. I can't throw things," Kriz says.

"It's okay.... Wait," Jennifer says. "You gave me an idea."

"Eh?" Kriz says.

"Actually, my power is not just about stopping things. It's a velocity changer."

"I... don't know what you mean," John Paul says.

"Listen. I need him to attack us."

"WHAT?! Are you crazy? You wanna play dodge ball?"

"Let's provoke him. Get that coconut over there. You know what to do."

"W-what exactly should I do with that?"

"Obviously, throw it... to him! If I had the muscles, maybe I would hurl it to you!"

"Are you sure about this?"

"Watch out!" Six large coconuts fly from behind the plywood like tennis balls consecutively hit by a racket. "Nice try, but wrong move!" Jennifer shoots many orange balls of light, hitting all the coconuts. Without delay, the coconuts move back and strike the plywood, breaking it into two pieces and exposing Jeromme behind it.

"What was that?" John Paul asks, his eyes bulging in amazement.

"I forgot that I can change the direction of moving things.... Or that I can make things move faster," Jennifer says. "Now let's see if he can land a hit against us."

"Yes... but that guy really looks pissed off," John Paul says.

"Don't worry. I may be bad at aiming but I can shoot as many as I want."

"Shoot him now," Kriz suggests. "He's defenseless."

"Right," says Jennifer. But before she has a chance to shoot several red balls of light, Jeromme has already covered himself with a huge, vertical log. "Oh. I officially hate him now. He's getting into my nerves."

"Hey, what's that?" John Paul asks as many spiked root-like things emerge from behind the log and start creeping in all directions. "Guys.... I don't like what's happening...."

"I won't let you take the upper hand," Jennifer mumbles and shoots the creeping menaces, immobilizing them. "Careful. Those thorns look nasty. Maybe he's planning to turn this room into a forest."

Suddenly, Jeromme shoves his log, exposing himself, and shoots Jennifer with a green pea, hitting her left shoulder. Jennifer screams in pain as she covers her bleeding shoulder with her hand. Knowing that Jeromme will attack again, Kriz quickly steps forward and covers the group with her body, receiving the barrage of powerful peas with her defenseless back. Kriz cries out in pain, but Jeromme mercilessly continues his assault, riddling her back with more pea bullets. In desperation, Jennifer pushes Kriz aside and bombards Jeromme with loads of red balls of light. Jerome is hit in the head, leaving him motionless, but Jennifer is hit in the upper chest twice, making her fall off her feet. A pea also finds its way into John Pauls right arm, and Mabel receives damage in her left ear.

"Hey... are you... okay?" Jennifer asks Kriz who is also lying on the floor.

"Yes... I'm fine. You should be worrying about yourself," Kriz says as she tries to stand. She then squats near Jennifer. "My body heals very fast. Even my clothes turn back to normal when damaged. "Oh... you're bleeding!" Kriz then looks at John Paul and Mabel. "You're all bleeding! Oh my God."

"Can't you heal us now?" John Paul asks as he covers his bleeding right arm with his left hand.

"No. Not yet. I need a few more minutes. And I can heal only one of you."

"Heal Jennifer first. She's not gonna make it," Mabel says.

"Jeromme... Do something... about him.... He'll be able to... move... soon," Jennifer struggles to say. Her white school uniform is now drenched in her own blood.

"Hold on. Hold on. We need you," Kriz says. "Stay with us, okay? Don't die, please!"

"I swear, if there were no thorns I would break his face," John Paul says.

Suddenly, the spiked roots start to creep again in all directions.

"Jennifer, help us," Kriz pleads. "Jennifer? No. Open your eyes! Please! Hey, Jennifer!"

"Damn!" John Paul exclaims. In desperation, he lifts a coconut, hurls it toward Jeromme but misses his target. "Aaargh!"

"Jennifer, wake up! We'll be impaled in here. Help us!" Mabel cries as she shakes Jennifer's body. "PLEASE!"

Everyone's hearts pound as they eye the approaching roots. Several seconds pass and the roots are less than a meter away. Worse, Jerome can move again. Without delay, he aims his open palm at John Paul.

"I don't want to end like this," John Paul speaks quietly, terrified and almost hopeless.

Suddenly, something hits Jeromme's chest and goes through his body, instantly knocking him off. He falls over directly onto his thorns, instantly impaling his back. After several seconds, all the thorny roots, fruits and other things that materialized through Jeromme's power immediately turn into dust. Then, Jeromme slowly turns back into being a mannequin.

"What's happening?" John Paul wonders.

"I shot him," Mabel says. "I can't believe it...."

"How?" Kriz asks.

"The watermelon. I squeezed some water from it. I didn't expect that the water bullet I made would be that powerful."

"Oh, God," Kriz sighs in relief and amazement.

"I'm sorry. If only I had thought about it much earlier...."

"No, it's okay. Thank you!" Kriz stands up and tearfully embraces Mabel tightly. "Thank you!"

"I thought I was gonna die. Your water power is... really something," John Paul says.

Kriz squats near Jennifer to tell her the good news. "We made it! We won! Can you hear me? Hang on. I will heal you in no time, okay? Just... don't give up!"

"She's still alive," Mabel says as she checks her watch. "And she's still breathing."

"Here's the plan: We'll stay here until everyone is healed, okay?" Kriz says.

"Okay. Three hours. Fine," John Paul says.

"A little more than two hours, actually," Kriz says.

Several minutes earlier....

"I can't believe you could do that!" Shaira says as she glowers at Vincent. "You let that girl drag me! What were you thinking, huh? You know, if I could only move back then, I swear I would have stomped on your face!"

"Why are you so upset?" Vincent asks. "I didn't have the time to carry you. In fact, you should be thanking me."

"What? For embarrassing me? She dragged me like I was a pig! You feel me? And you just let her do that."

"I'm sorry. I didn't have a choice...."

"You chose to carry him. I know... he's your friend, and I'm nothing but a brat in your eyes.... But STILL...."

Vincent scratches his head. "Okay. I'm sorry. Next time I'll carry you...."

"There will be no next time."

"I can carry you now, if you want."

"Stop right there! Don't talk to me anymore."

"I don't know what to say," Joshua sighs in a corner, also scratching his head.

"There's a lovers' quarrel right there. This is fun," Jeric chuckles as he tells Cristina what's going on.

"I don't care," Cristina retorts. "You know what I'm thinking? I'm thinking of what hell is waiting for us in here. Can't we just destroy that door over there?"

"You want me to try?" Jeric asks. "But I'm afraid that's indestructible. Also... I think we still have to wait for one more player. We're five in here."

"Maybe they're dead. Those two back there...."

"Nope. You're not thinking. You have that watch for reference, in case you forgot."

Cristina rolls her eyes. "Whatever."

"Who do you think will enter this room? The 'glass man' or the 'switch boy'?"

"I don't really care."

Suddenly, the door swings open and Moises steps in.

"Oh. The 'switch boy' wins! And.... he looks okay. I'm sure he used his tricks again. Very well done."

"He's a headache," Cristina mumbles. "Anyway, we're complete. I bet we'll soon hear that noisy announcer again."

"AT LAST!" Victor suddenly speaks. "I was actually enjoying the scene in the room behind the blue door, but, you know, I had to switch my attention to you, guys. Now that the group is complete, it's time for you to know the rules. As you can see, you are in a white square room. Smaller than the previous one, but still spacious enough. And I bet you already noticed that EXIT door directly opposite the entrance. The moment Moises entered the room, that door was unlocked. You can actually access that door now, but, of course, it will not be that easy...."

Suddenly, the EXIT door swings open and three persons step in. Then, the door closes by itself.

"Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce to you your opponents!" Victor says. "They are actually the lost players in the previous games. And... actually they are just mannequins, acting like real persons. The girl in black shirt and pants is Shayna. She was a Grade 10 student when she failed the 19th Game of Exits. That shirtless and bald man is Andrew. He was a wrestler, and he lost in the 20th Game. And, lastly, that tall, white guy in red polo shirt and blue pants in Justine. He was actually a model of men's clothes before he lost in the 12th Game. All you have to do is defeat them for you to access the exit. As simple as that!"

"Defeat them?" Cristina asks.

"Yes. Then, you can freely access the EXIT door. Actually, you can enter that door anytime now. That is... IF YOU CAN. Of course, those three will stop you at all cost. And here's the last rule: If one of you dies, your opponents will automatically turn back into being mannequins. Their main goal is to eliminate only one of you. But, of course, you will not allow that, will you?"

"Is there a time limit?" Joshua asks.

"No. No pressure. By the way, behind that door is a tunnel leading to my castle. There are still problems along the way, but I believe you can make it through. Hopefully. And... don't underestimate your opponents. They don't have emotions to feel sympathy."

"What are their powers?" Joshua asks.

"Their powers? You'll figure them out. Goodbye."

Silence descends upon the room. All six players cautiously step back to prepare for the imminent danger, hearts pounding and eyes fixed at the enemies....


"I still can't believe they left us," Aeron says. "Those people.... I don't want to see them again. The two of you... you wanna leave too?"

"No," Johnrey answers as he walks behind Aeron.

"This game needs three survivors. And those will be us," Joriz says.

"Yes," Aeron says. "US."

"And we're ahead of them. I'm rank 2," Johnrey says. "And you must be rank 1."

Aeron checks his watch. "Hmm. Right. We made a right choice. I'm sure the traitors are having a hard time now. Think of it: We've been walking through this trail, and nothing weird has happened."

"Yes. I'm glad I didn't enter that building," Johnrey says.

"But stay alert. We don't know what's lurking in this forest," Aeron says.

"Yes," Joriz says.

The three continue walking, and then suddenly, Aeron stops. "Mom?" Aeron mumbles.

"What?" Johnrey asks, confused.

"Mom!" Aeron immediately dashes forward. "MOM!!!"

Johnrey and Joriz look at each other, puzzled.

"Did you see something?" Joriz asks Johnrey.


"Me too. Oh, this is bad.... Aeron wait!"

The two chase Aeron deep into the woods, certain that they are already in big trouble....