
Game of Dragonborn.

Jon Snow is a Dragonborn after 2 millennia without another appearing, an identity that is neither on the light side nor the dark side, only caring about his own goals before wanting to be good or evil. Some may label him a demon while others a hero, but Jon Snow lives his life as he wants and tries not to have regrets. But even such a powerful being, after years of accumulating power, had a fragile moment at some point. He had a difficult childhood when he lived in Westeros; his uncle hated him for reasons unknown to him, while he was belittled for being a bastard in Winterfell by his uncle's wife. His half-siblings hated him under the influence of his mother. However, at some point, unknown entities took them out of this world suddenly and threw them into Skyrim when he was 8 years old. 12 years later, having experienced everything possible not only in Skyrim but throughout Tamriel, earning titles such as: Dragonborn, Dovahkiin, leader of the Companions, sword of Dawnguard, Archmage, Legalist, regent king of Skyrim, among many others he received inside and outside Skyrim. Now, at 20 years old, he was no longer that scared boy. Jon Snow was summoned by the same entities that brought him to this world back to his old original world, revealed the truth behind his birth. How could the Dragonborn stay silent after hearing this? He wanted revenge and to bring peace to the ghosts who had been wronged for a long time. So, he returns to the North of Westeros, but is the continent prepared for the Dragonborn seeking revenge? The time has passed 12 years in Skyrim and 8 Years in Westeros.

RaccoonLeague · Buku&Sastra
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65 Chs

Chapter 15 - Raid to North 05.

[Chapter Size: 2100 Words.]

Third Person POV.

Somewhere on North.



Jon stood up and drew an iron sword with runes from his dimensional space, quickly walking to the front of the camp, feeling the dead approaching while no one else seemed to notice them beyond the strange drop in temperature. When they attacked the camp, it would be a massacre in this way.

Some noticed Jon's presence approaching another area, especially the bone lords who tried to block his path. "What are you doing here, southerner, this area does not belong to you, so go back to your traitorous whore who spreads her legs for kneelers." The man dressed in bones snarled close to his face.

Jon, without time, just grabbed him by the arm he kept on his weapon and removed it. "What are you...AHHHHHHHH!!!!" The sound of bones breaking was heard by Jon and his new friend. The new friend cried out in pain, causing some people to immediately come out of their tents.

"What's going on here!?" One of them demanded, seeing his companion holding his dangling arm at that moment. But Jon shrugged and moved forward.

"You! You better stop or I'll put an arrow in your back." He growled, seeing Jon walking with his companion on the ground crying.

"You can try, but it will be the last thing you do in life." Jon simply says, continuing to walk.

The man had let anger take over his actions and immediately next to his tent, grabbed a bow and put an arrow in it while everyone looked on, as this commotion had drawn attention to that small area.

However, before he could aim the arrow at Jon, a sword flew in his direction and immediately embedded itself in his brain, startling everyone nearby. Jon had drawn a bronze sword from his storage and threw it with his own hand.

This made everyone around look frightened at the southerner, but no one else was able to act against him as he continued to walk to the edge of the camp.

He reviewed all the dead; they were spreading out to capture the camp from almost all sides. There were at least about 300 undead.

He sighed and looked at the people who still looked at him with caution and anger, Jon decided to act while drawing his iron sword with runes. "Listen up, everyone!" His voice emerged like thunder in the middle of the night and quickly woke up the entire camp with that.

Before anyone could react, he continued. "We are being surrounded by Wights, if you don't want to die, you better get ready, you need to create bonfires throughout the camp, you can only stop them with fire, so move your asses and start making the bonfires!" He said, still sounding like thunder to everyone, which left them all quite scared wondering what kind of being the dragonborn was.

The camp fell silent after these words, wondering if it was some kind of joke, however, hearing that tone they knew should not be humanly possible, they began to act immediately, at least most, and bonfires began to be made.

Jon looked satisfied that they had started building the fire piles and continued with his sword raised waiting for the next batch of undead, his voice also affected the wights, they became more aggressive, perhaps because their plans had been discovered? Jon couldn't say, but he prepared for the first attack.

People still looked at him, staring into the darkness of the forest on the lower terrain, fear had already taken over the camp after Jon's words and everyone was preparing their bonfires, some skeptics despite having heard the thunderous voice of the dragonborn were alarmed when they saw the first wights coming out of the forest heading towards them, they looked like a group of snarling dogs while Jon prepared to stop them there.

"Remember, only fire can kill them, make sure to set your weapons on fire!" Jon shouted again without turning around and the first wight tried to attack him with an old sword.

John, with his magic sword, waited until the undead was approaching, struck it swiftly before it could have a chance, cutting off its head and making the body incinerate the next moment.

"Did you hear what I said? Light the bonfires. More and more of them are coming, at least hundreds. And if you don't want to die, you better do what I'm asking," John spoke seriously to make sure they were doing it and also to pull them out of the state of fear, since this time he used the northern shout, a skill that encourages his allies.

"Let's kill these fuckers!" shouted a man from the free folk invigorated after Jon used the northern shout.

"YES!!!" Others responded, grabbing bows and approaching the bonfire.

"I need some time for them to get ready..." Jon commented and drew a second runic sword, one he meant to give to Val, but he hadn't had the time to hand it to the girl.

Jon already had more than dozens of wights running towards him while the last one was still dying burning while screaming in agony, so he let the sea of the dead engulf him and with swift movements using both swords, he began to slash and slice them as they burst into flames.

Many people seemed scared, even fleeing in the camp when they saw the dead in a large group surrounding Jon, while he reaped them. There was screaming from people scared echoing all over the place, but the majority held firm and seeing the southerner there killing all those dead and making them burn with his sword gave them some inspiration, recognizing that Jon was there to give them time, but soon it wouldn't be enough to stop them, not when more and more dead began to emerge from the forests and some getting past Jon.

One of the wights that got past Jon, busy with the first ones, ran towards the camp, it began to receive arrows, but that didn't stop it, soon its head was filled by a flaming arrow.

"Didn't you hear?! Only arrows with flames! Don't waste ammunition if it's not going to kill them!" shouted the man from the free folk who assumed leadership, having the effect of Jon on him.

Soon a row of archers near the first bonfires was formed, and they began to shoot at the undead coming out of the darkness of the forest. Jon looked pleased at this and continued fighting against the dead while retreating a bit due to the number of corpses combusting in front of him.

'This will be a long night...' He thought and began to cut from right to left the undead, until they began to circle around the fire that his companions had formed on the ground, he retreated a bit still killing them and blocking their progress.

His action did not go unnoticed, everyone saw how a strange man, alone in front of everyone, was fighting those creatures with a simple sword, capable of making them burn as soon as he touched them, leaving everyone very surprised. He had burned more than 30 of them, leaving the morale of the camp elevated, there was someone delaying the Undead.

He felt the arrows fly for the first time behind him and that was his cue to retreat for now, he ran back and ordered them to shoot "Archers, shoot, even at me, I can handle it, but slow their ranks!" Jon gave the order and they started to launch arrows in his direction, using his sword, he hit all the arrows flying towards him easily, while the rest of the arrows hit the vanguard of the dead.

Jon jumped over the row while climbing on a broken trunk, surprising the archers and continued. "Keep shooting, don't stop until you've eliminated as many as you can!" He shouted and the men obeyed since they had no choice, nobody else questioned, doing exactly what he was asking.

He managed to hold until the camp formed a good basic defense and nodded before running into the middle of the camp, to see how Lucis was. He found her in the middle of the place looking at him worried, while many looked at him preparing to fight.

"I heard your voice! Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yes, I managed to hold them off a bit and we have some defense to the north, but it's not enough, I want you to grab your sword and be ready to cut anything rotten that moves and growls like a dog, understood?" He said seriously and she nodded.

"You, the wights didn't just attack from the north, you must prepare a line on this side!" Jon pointed east.

Guren looked at him for a while but nodded, and quickly commanded his men to form a line of archers.

Jon turned to another tribe on the other side, which turned out to be Tormund's, "we need a line with you here too!" He said to the tribe with red hair.

"You heard him, we need a line!" Ygritte took the initiative and spoke for Jon, and her tribe began to do exactly that, despite the girl not being the leader there.

After that, he returned to the front, since that place needed a commander. Some were already giving orders, but as soon as he approached, everyone fell silent while the line of archers continued to shoot arrows.

"Keep the formation, shoot! Keep shooting and killing as many as you can. Understood?" he shouted and drew his two runic swords again.

It didn't take long for the crowd of dead to start increasing. The archers were shooting, but it was no longer efficient. Jon looked at all the free folk who were losing morale, scared as they watched the crowd of undead increasing and approaching. He wished, at least, to have a shield line where he could protect himself from this attack and delay the enemy.

"Those who can, set your weapons on fire," he said, and some who could did so.

"Now come with me, let's delay them," Jon spoke and stood in front of the camp with courage, feeling the crowd of undead running towards him while arrows flew by his side and above him. The free folk who weren't with bows took courage and stood by his side while their weapons were wrapped in flames with oil.

"Attack!" Jon shouted once more with the northern shout to improve the determination of these men and launched himself against the wave of undead that the archers could no longer handle. As soon as they arrived, he began to cut them. With each cut, they ignited and burned while screaming in pain. But he didn't stop, he cut the first, then the second, the third, the fourth, in an instant he was on the 22nd, 23rd, and didn't stop, attacking and killing each one of them. Many men of the free folk were falling dead because of the number of wights, but Jon continued cutting as many as he could and many of them passed and went to the camp. "Keep the formation," Jon shouted to the archers, who still continued to shoot.

Around the camp, this was repeated, the undead came out little by little and became crowds coming out of the forest. Lucis, in the middle of the camp, on guard, drew her sword and, as soon as the first Undead passed through the line of men trying to hold them and the archers, she cut it sideways, making it scream in pain as its body immediately caught fire. Surprised by that, but without time to understand how Jon had made that kind of weapon, she continued cutting every wight that advanced to the place.

Things were getting increasingly difficult, even thinking it might be the end for Lucis, as she saw more and more undead killing the free folk and advancing. However, a flash came from the north, and a huge explosion of fire roared like a dragon, not that she knew it, but surely her ears hurt as did everyone's in the camp while the flames entered the forest making them immediately burn with that fire.