
Chapter 1

Laying in a country scene, a forest with a seemingly winter climate. There sits a cabin on a floating Island with fruits and vegetables. in this cabin is a 21 year old man with a slight beard, with black midnight hair and red eyes. this man is me, an american reincarnator. Of course I do not know how I got here 5 years ago, all I know was a bright stinging light and I appeared here in a room, a cozy feeling room. Before I even walked out the door to look around and to see where I am I saw a floating holographic board. I was shocked as things like this only happened in stories I read. But In decided to read what was on it. [Hello unfortunate victim. We are sorry that your life was ended early. by now though you figured you are not in your house anymore. well we decided to give you the essence of the home with a customize-able home and environment with infinite food and drinks of every kind. when you turn 21 as you are 16 right now you will get another message with a gift for you. make sure to wait for that message and have a good,fun and free life].

its been 5 years and I am now 21 years old. As I finished the message I was able to wonder around the property and forest that was my own personal dimension. I felt comfortable in a fall winter environment.

So now while waiting for the message, getting a cup of whiskey and reading ascendance of a bookworm volume 1 I then see what I was waiting for.

[Its been 5 years has it not. well I hoped you had fun and will have a good birthday. well here is the gifts we promised. We decided to give you 2 systems. you will gain the game creator system and the multiplier system. the knowledge of how to use them and how they work will be installed in your brain, so have fun].

After the messaged in I entered a state of shock and then briskly recovered to function. The systems given to me are way overpowered and fun. so I decided to check out the game one. [host welcome to the game creator system. As you already got the knowledge lets get on with the beginners package. Would you like to open it now Y/N?]

Of course I said yes and I received some stuff from the package that seems useful.

[Host received ancient civilization(fantasy) template]

[Congratulations on receiving the following weapons and objects: Short sword,long sword,katanas,magic staffs, magic manual(beginners((fireball)),morning stars, axes, bows,grimoires(elemental), and shields with the respective items that come along with them. *Ding* due to the multiplier system, all ammunition was times 10X10,000 and the quality enhancement is not good for now.]

[congratulations for unlocking the classic fantasy monster kit]

Well that was a good start for a beginners package. What game should I think about making? After thinking for a while I decided to make a rather successful genre, battle royal but fantasy style. Then I got a message that was apparently my first mission.

[Starter mission

Rank: 1/10

Mission details: Create your first dimensional game via the management desk and publish the game to the public.

Rewards: 1,000 points and one random reward spin.]

Well that seems fun and well I guess it is time to get the menu open.

As the message was read a purple crack appeared in the living room. Due to the knowledge installed I immediately walked in to get started. As I sat down the menu came up in front of me.

[Create game]

[Update game]

[Spectate game]

[Game statistics]

[Join game]

[Host game event(Event would have to be created)]

Clicking create game I appeared in a blank field devoid of everything except a platform.

--[Game administrator menu]--




=[Game/world rules]=


[50km^2 game size limit]

Looking through the options I immediately selected templates and opened it up to find ancient fantasy ruins. I found temples covered in vines, statues of old gods and forests. I selected a few natural environments and buildings and began to designing the playing field and placing items and designing the rules like disabling none game powers while playing. Though a problem that came up while designing the games, and that while playing there would not be alot of players at first. so I decided to buy some npcs when I published the game. After making the setting, getting the graphics and item effects done, I finally published it on steam, though I now had to design a logo to act as the portal. I drew for a long time until I made the logo the way I wanted it. I then published the game.

[Host congratulations on completing your first mission, the rewards have already been given. *Ding* due to 10,000x the host gained 10,000,000 points.]

Well that takes care of the npc prices. So I bought some Npc's with preset backstories and inserted them to the game. After that I decided to take a break and spend my ticket tomorrow with some whiskey and noodles.

( I hope you guys like the first chapter and if you have suggestion for the random draw for a different quest let me know. I do not own any world or games I may use for this book and I give credit to Game creator in marvel for inspiration for this novel. also the characters name is John Greenwich).