
Game Developer: I recreate the great wall in game

Ninja_Art · Derivasi dari game
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: First Game

After a long week of busy days, I dragged myself back home. A typically old single room apartment, I didn't know when was built. Most of my neighbors moved. As it had very cheap rental, I didn't move. I opened the door tiredly. I barely through my shoes and through myself in the bed. I didn't even change my cloth from the tired. despite the noise sound outside, I slept like a loge.

Me: zZz...

(Phone rings)

Zizi Zizi Zizi ~

I dragged my tired hand to answer the phone.

Feng: hello~

Other side of the Phone: hey, Feng don't tell me that you are still sleeping! You have an interview today. The interview gone start soon.


I picked up the phone to see who is calling.


Feng: hey Fatty what nonsense are talking about, (-_-).

Fatty is Feng's friend since the high school, his name is Cheung. They went to the same university.

Cheung: what? I'm telling you that we have interview today, come on ~ We apply to XX-company two week ago. And our interview is going start soon.

 Feng: if you don't have anything I'm hanging.

Cheung: Wait! What about the interv…

Halfway, I hang out the call and went back to sleep. Five mins pass... I found out that there is something doesn't seem right, but I don't know what it is.

 "Ahh... my phone" (>_>)/

I rashly picked up the phone. The phone was an old gray smartphone of unknown brand with scratch all over the phone. It was clearly that it has been used for a long time.

"My XPhone-xx?! Where is it?" \(`'o`')/

I tried to look around and I was taken back as I saw unfamiliar room fill with trash and unwashed cloth in the floor. I could see some leftover ramen cups and empty beer cans.

"!! this... (Looking around) where am I?" <((o)_(o)) >

Suddenly a sharp pain going through my brain. It was as a fluid injected to my brain. Many information were flowing to my brain or more like memories of myself. No, they were a memory of different me. I couldn't describe the feeling. It wasn't clear until the pain faded. Many information flow in my brain of my different self. Despite it was me, I didn't know most the information.

"This ... did I cross over?"

For Feng, the subject of crossing over and rebirth were not uncommon. Feng liked to read novel about the main character crossing over to another plant and became succussed person.

I began to go through the new memory.

"ah~" seeing that his family and friends were the same I sighed.

But it appeared that only this the same and the other were different. It seemed that this isn't the Earth Its name Blueplant. And the technology more advanced. Also, the history is different. There weren't War world two. After the war world one which took longer than earth war world one, named as Great War World, all the countries signed peace pledge because this war was a disaster. More than 50% of humanity lost in this war and many resources wasted. After the peace pledge, the humanity advanced many improvements and developments bloomed in Technology field, medicine field and elc... VR full diving device, medicines for cancers...elc.

 When I found out about VR, I become restless from the excitement.

"What!!, VR! There is full diving VR!"

I picked up my phone to look up for information about the VR.

{The latest VR driving simulation is available now in Rsteam.}

{The Fishing simulation that developed by tycoon TGC company has made more than 100 million RAM}

{The Goose company are launching Zoo Park simulation in the end of next year. It took 8 years of development}

I was disappointed most of the information was Company xx developing xx simulation or Company xx developed xx simulation. Also, the VR mostly used for meeting and work at home.

"what the **, they still have to work at home, what a waste for VR."

It seemed that there isn't escape from 996 anywhere.

Even though I was disappointed I still wanted to try the VR.

As I was washing my face, I was shocked by my appearance as I wasn't Uncle in end of 30s anymore. I just graduated from xx university last month.

After I took a quick shower and changed my cloth. I picked up the VR helmet. It was an old version VR helmet that I squeezed my wallet for it. I randomly chose a game to try. It was the fishing simulation.

Inside the game, there many pop-up windows in the Interface

{199yean Red fishing rod}

{599yean ice cooler}

{299yean Blue rod package}

{99yean fish bait}

{999yean fish net for 3days}

"What the **, as always"

I closed the windows and place start.

a black out interface with loading bar.

"What the **, what is the different form the pc game than."

Suddenly, the place light up. I saw a lake with boat card like windows, next to 6 locked card windows with 99yean and more 9 add as you go right.

I ignored it and clicked lake windows. After that the surrounding change to black than to lake.

I was on top the boat. I saw an old wooden rod next to me and small box with fish bait.

I tried to move around but the movement weren't smooth. It didn't feel like I'm in boat. It felt like building of boat shape built in the lake. It didn't move or wobbling. It didn't feel right.

I sat and started to fish. I placed the bait in the rod and through it in the lake. The movement wasn't that smooth at least any one can feel it. There weren't on the surface of the lake as I was Waiting. Suddenly a pop-up window showed up.

{9yean to skip waiting}

"I'm going, even this is okay." <((o)_(o)) >

I closed the window. I waited for more than 10 mins until the rod suddenly moved.

When I moved suddenly a hp bar show in top on the area where I through the bait.

[999 unknown]

As I pulled the string, a bar showed I must place the arrow in the green area by controlling the rotation speed of the handle.

{-1} {-1} {-1}…..

{old torn black shoes}

{rank: junkie}

{9yean to random change}

"?!" (-_-)>

After some tries, I quitted the game and took off the helmet with disappointed in my eyes.

" ahh (sigh), what the *** is this! What a waste what a waste?"

I placed the VR helmet and sat in the sofa dazing.

Suddenly, phone rings


When I saw the name, my eyes turned red, and many mixed feelings began to flow to myself. I didn't know whether those feelings were my earth self or other self or both. The tire began to drop from my eyes.

"mom~" low vice

"Son, how are you? have you eaten?"


"Son, do you need anything? Is the money enough?"

"Mom, I... I'm fine, yes, I ate. Yes, you don't need to send money."

"When are you coming home? Your sister is missing you."

"I… will come soon, I … I have thing to done now I will visit you soon mom."

"Um, we will wait for you."

After chatting for a while, I ended the call, with determination.

'I will not lead my family suffer' as I was remembering that my family still poor and my father work in delivering goods between the cities.

Suddenly, I heard a robotic voice went through my mind.

[ Ding! High-end game developer system is activated. With emotion point you can exchange for various products.]

[ Ding! Congratulation for the host, Beginner package is provided.]

"what !! it is the system" my eyes lit up, as a book fan, I know what going on.

"System what are you" I said out loud.

[Host you don't to speak out loud to hear you, you can speak through your mine]

[Host, I'm High-end game developer system, you can think of stats window]


Suddenly, a transparent window showed up.

{name: Yun Feng

Age: 23, male

EP: 0

Account: 1029yean

Skill: none

Feature: Mall}

{Mall: contain of cultures, histories, games, movies, dramas, anime, manga, novels, books,elc…}

[Host, this is your stat, and you can exchange for products through the mall with EP]

"system what is EP? And how can I get it?"

[Host, EP is emotion point such as fear, excitement, angry, elc…, any emotion that player has during playing your games can transfer to emotion point.]

[Host, you have unopened beginner package, do you want to open it?]

"Yes" shout with excitement.

[Ding! Congratulation for the host get even monkey can use high-end game engine feature]

[Ding! Congratulation for the host get beginner game design skill]

[Ding! Congratulation for the host get beginner game plan skill]

[Ding! Congratulation for the host get beginner art design skill]

[Ding! Congratulation for the host get beginner VR game design skill]

[Ding! Congratulation for the host get beginner music game skill]

[Ding! Congratulation for the host get the Great Wall movie]

Many information began to steam in Feng brain. after some moment Feng eyes lit up.

"system what is this game engine feature"

[Host, this is a new feature in High-end game developer system now available through the stat window]

'stat' feng said in his mine.

{name: Yun Feng

Age: 23, male

EP: 0


Skill: beginner game design skill, beginner game plan skill, beginner art design skill, beginner VR game design skill, beginner music game skill.

Items: The Great Wall Movie

Features: Mall, high end game engine}

{high end game engine: easy game engine that even the monkey can use, to use insert the information for the game, and it depends in how game you want the system will deduct the EP, you can use EP to change the setting of the finished product, produce low VR platform, can be upgrade.}

[Host can use The Great Wall Movie item in high end game engine to transfer the movie to game]

"System what does upgrade mean? How do I upgrade it."

[Host, the high-end game engine but isn't available right now, in the future the host can upgrade it through task]

"What, there are task!!"


[Ding! First task been generated]

{First task: create first game within three days

Deadline: Three days

Reward: level floor plan skill

Fail: none}

Feng smiles as the life smiles to him. With game engine and movie data let along three days, it can be done by tonight. 

few hours later..

After placing requirement for the game and movie game into the HD game engine. 

"sigh~ finally I'm done."

{submission…, calculating…,]

[Ding! Since the host used the HD game engine for the first time, it will be free.]

[Ding! Since the host used the HD game engine without EP, it will take some time.]1

[Time until finishing the converting: 40hours]

'It seems that I can't finish it by tonight' (-_-)>

 "well, it doesn't matter"


I went to the kitchen, and I didn't find anything to eat except of one beef bowl ramen.

"It seems that I need to manage my diet correctly."

I tried to fill my stomach with this bowl of ramen but I'm still hungry.

[Host, converting the game takes energy since this time is done without EP, it must use something else, also, even if it us EP some energy needed to be use]

[PS: host fat used as energy]

"What the **? You have to tell me sooner."

I quickly put my shoes on and went out. It was past 4pm. It was hot as it was still the summer.

 I rode my rusted old bike and to closet While going to restaurant, I was surprised by the unknown brand car, TV, some weird devices despite my other memory. Despite the improvement, the overall look of the H-city didn't change much.

I found a small ramen restaurant that it appeared that I usual went to it.

Wei Qi ramen restaurant

"welcome ~~"

"Oh, isn't Feng, how are you today? Do you want the usual?"

"Hello, Mrs. Lin, I'm doing will how about you?"

"We are fine except Lian staying in the kitchen all the time. I don't know what's going on in this girl mind."

"It's a good think that she has some thing she like to do."

"Ahh, she didn't even go out after she finished the school, any way do you need the usual?"

"Yes, the usual I'm little hungry today."

"Oh, then I will add more for you set anywhere you want."


There wasn't anyone in the restaurant as it was past lunch time.

I set in the bar area. I took my phone to see the information about game industry. There are many FPS VR games.

Hello folks, I hope you enjoy reading my thing ;).

Well, this is my first time joining the fun.

So, give me some ideas. But don't worry, i know how to copy and past your ideas hehehe. Let's see how it will be after combining the ideas.

Comment it and let me know.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Ninja_Artcreators' thoughts