
Game Designer in DC

Ethan Lambert is taken from his hospital bed after being in extreme pain for so long. He is given a way to create games as a means to support his need to make others feel better. (Sorry not good at making summaries) Limited system aspects. Is created as a learning experience in writing. Criticism welcome; trolling will be ignored. Inspiration for this was The Game Creator in Marvel, Marvel: Game Maker System, and Marvel: Game making system. A list of references will be made for the properties that I do NOT own any rights to.

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14 Chs

Chapter 11

  Of all the names to inspire fear in the hearts of other, Garry would never be the first to pop into a persons brain. But oh if you could see this man fight.

  Garret Ordinofsky was the son of a Russian immigrant who married a saleswoman here in Gotham. His father was a hard working man, never really having much time to spend with his son as he was just always off supporting his family. However, every possible moment that Ivan was able had been spent trying to make up for lost time. He truly was a good father.

  Upon growing into a man, the younger Ordinofsky chose to spend his senior year of high school working part-time at the steel mill that his father did. It wasn't often that the two would be capable of seeing each other, but any extra time together was more precious than any other chance he could have gotten. It was the happiest time of his life.

  Sadly, like all good things that happen in the City of Despair, Ivan Ordinofsky had been fatally injured one night. The insurance company had said that it was an accident, something that was a complete anomaly and the family would been paid handsomely on the condition that they rescind their ability to cue the company. That night Garret had seen more zeros than he thought they could ever receive. If they took it then their family would be secured.

  But Ivan didn't take it.

  He saw it as a bribe to silence him. When Garry had started to argue with him, Ivan began his story. Everything had started out as any other day; igniting the furnaces, checking the conveyor belts if they were operating smoothly, inspecting the molds that the steel would be poured into. All things that were standard operating procedures.

  It was during these inspections that Ivan had noticed that a few of the axels in the final belt system were loose. Immediately, he had called over his supervisor to note down the damaged parts and check if they had any spares in their inventory. His superior had looked up on the computer in his office and responded that they only had 2 available. Ivan and his coworkers had been ordered to fix what they could with them and he would place in an emergency order for the remaining pieces.

  Not seeing a way to fight it Ivan and his friends complied, replacing two out of the seven damaged axels for the massive conveyor belts in a manner that would hopefully still work for the day. Just to er of the side of caution he had set the machine to its lowest speed so that there wouldn't be much of a strain placed on the broken parts.

  Several hours had passed uneventfully, beam after steel beam was smoothly being transported from one side of the factory to the other. That was until the supervisor had come back to the site with the location manager and a hired engineer to check the damages. When the suited man saw how slow production was progressing veins could be visibly seen crawling across his red face.

  When Garret had heard that part of the story he vaguely remembered yelling from his end of the facility even over the screeching of grinding gears and striking metal.

  While the manager had begun chewing out Ivan and his workers over their slow production speed, the engineer silently analyzed the problem. He quietly got some of the information from Brian, a man in his early 30's and was known among all the workers for being the biggest complainer for even the smallest of issues. He explained why they were keeping the belt slow and even showed which of the areas had broken axels.

  Once he was found whatever it was that he was looking for, the engineer walked up towards the manager who was heaving from how much the older man had screamed expletive's. Ivan told Garret that the two got in a fierce war of words if how violently they were whispering to one another. The back and forth had lasted for a couple minutes until eventually the manager had apparently come out top with how he smiled towards the workers. The man had ordered that production must be pushed forward and accelerated to at least make up some of the lost profit of that day.

  It had no correlation to the fact that location managers receive a cut of the profit from all their manufactured products. None at all.

  When the men had argued that the higher speed could be dangerous the manager just scoffed. "Just do as you're told. THAT is your job."

  And that was it. There was no way for them to argue against a man that clearly was just looking for an excuse to fire any one of these proud workers who had lost him so much money. So the only thing left to do was flip the lever controlling the belt speed.

  Ivan, the de-facto leader of there little group, was the one who walked up to the panel. He hesitated long enough to look at the damaged parts and sigh before changing speed. With an order sent out to his co-workers, Ivan went back to his station to finish out the last couple hours.

  It hadn't even been 30 minutes since the change that something happened. A slight screeching of metal on metal had been the only warning when a snap echoed out through the facility. Ivan looked up long enough to see a large black shadow engulf his vision before nothing.

  The next time that Ivan was aware of his surroundings, he was lying in a hospital bed with his left arm missing at the elbow. He hadn't even been able to see his family before solicitors had come knocking at his door with contracts in hand. Of course the Ordinofsky patriarch refused to do anything until he saw his family, to make sure that his son was safe.

  And that is where Garret found himself at this moment. His proud father, never going to take the money of an incompetent fool to stay quiet. The father who had always been the best example of what a man is for the young man. A father who was going to hold the ones who wronged him responsible and inspire change.

  A father who had been taken away for standing up against the powerful.

  "And let's welcome, Skyfist Garret!" A voice broke him out of his pre-fight meditation. There was no better way to get himself in the mood to beat someone to a bloody pulp like imagining them as that manager.