
Game Between The Greatest Anomaly And An Omnipotent Being!

Ken the Anomaly dies in an orchestrated event and finds himself in a play that is beyond Earth in the literal sense. In that place, he meets Thraxis the omnipotent, who offers to play a game with Ken. A Game full of hidden intentions but filled with fun and challenges that both enjoy. Thraxis gives Ken a being that is sealed away as a system that in a way is someone that could overthrow Thraxis. And Ken as the Anomaly was able to suppress the system. The game begins: With the player being Ken the Anomaly, Thraxis the omnipotent, and the Eleis the system. All major players who play simple games that could decide the dominance of everything ================= All the images in the chapters and the cover are original! More images in my discord!!! Discord link: https://discord.gg/ACPzTJuPCz

Sky_novel_lover · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
59 Chs

The system's biggest surprise: Eleis Eyrluna Ysolde!!!

Give me your powerstones!!!


[From Noah Valxin, aka your Dad~! WAIT WHY ARE YOU SO PISSED OFF!!!!]

Ken was smiling brightly, but his eyes weren't matching his smile, "No reason... just that I hate politics... And you made the target on mine and Aisa's back bigger."

[You are upset about that? Aisa isn't leaving, so she will be fine. Also, only you will have a target. Aisa's existence is a secret that only a few know of. She hasn't had an appearance in public after that incident. Well, same for you, but you had made a lot.]

"Sigh... what a pain," Ken got his things ready and entered Arcanum Ages of Valor and got to grinding.


"Not again..." Ken muttered dryly as he looked at a wolf-like monster, a giant red wolf that was very hungry from the look it was giving Ken.

(Image of the giant red wolf)

It alone wasn't a big deal, Ken could easily kill it, but... "I am losing the sword... Well, might as well stop grinding now," he remarked as he watched a drop of saliva fall to the ground.


That single drop made a hole that went down, evaporating anything in its path.

The wolf leaped and opened its jaws wide, but Ken only looked on, and suddenly he disappeared and appeared beside it. He slashed down, chopping off the head, and immediately backed off, leaving the sword.

The sword hit the ground, and the blade started to sizzle and began to rot away. Ken didn't even go close to it and kept his distance, "Well, this ended my hunt... I will need a good sword now..."

[It's already 6 pm, get ready to leave. You got a big surprise waiting for ya~!]

The system gently whispered, making Ken have second thoughts about going.


Midnight, 12 AM

City-A, VR headquarters, inside one of the VIP rooms.

A goddess sat with long, flowing silver hair cascading down her shoulders. Her eyes, a mesmerizing shade of grey, exuded a sense of wisdom and mystery. Her face, with delicate features and a serene, almost aloof expression, hinted at her otherworldly nature.

Adorned in an intricate, dark, and shimmering gown that highlighted her godly figure, which was accentuated by complex gold and silver accents that added a touch of regal elegance.

She delicately held an ornate glass of wine in one hand, creating an air of authority and elegance.

"Oh, Ken, I have underestimated you greatly." She complimented as she took a sip of her wine, "Eleis Ysolde... No, not anymore~! From this moment forth, I am Eleis Eyrluna Ysolde~!" She announced. Her hair floated, and her eyes glowed. A sense of pride and power rolled off her whole existence.

(Image of Eleis Eyrluna Ysolde!!!)

She placed her glass down and walked out into the hall. Her heels tapped the marble floors, making a crisp sound, and her hair flowed behind in a gentle dance that could mesmerize all, her every movement like a drug that would blind you with her elegance.

All eyes turned to her, all in admiration and fear. None had lust or jealousy, only admiration.

She took a turn and continued her walk towards a massive gate that was heavily guarded. The guests and waiters, the host, and all had to be checked before they could enter, but no one, absolutely no one, dared to stop Eleis.

The guards quickly pulled away all the guests and workers from her path, giving her an open path to the gates.

But just a little before the gates, there was a squabble, and that alone made all the guards nervous. The guests started to cause a commotion, but the moment their eyes landed on Eleis, they quieted down and looked on.

Eleis stopped in front of the massive gates and looked at a man screaming at a guard who tried to persuade him from the path, but it was too late.

Another guard hurriedly came to help and quickly dragged away the screaming man mercilessly, "DON'T TOUCH ME!!! DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM!!! I WILL MAKE SURE YOU ALL ARE DEAD!!!" The man shouted, adding to Eleis's amusement and to the nervousness of the guards.

The guards tried to calm the man down, but the man wasn't so compliant. He pulled out a gun and pointed it at the guard, "I WILL KILL YOU RIGHT NOW!!!"

"Oh my~! How pathetic~" Eleis called out, making all the guards sweat in fear and the man wrathfully turn.

"YOU DARE TO S...." The man's voice disappeared as his eyes fell on Eleis.

"If such pathetic people are allowed in, then I will have to turn around and leave~ I expected only the high class to attend, not a brat with no power~!"

Eleis mused, but her words were daggers that stabbed at the hearts of all, especially the man in front.

"You..." The man's whole body trembled in rage and shame, and he impulsively pointed the gun and shot.


The bullet flew and went past Eleis, who didn't show a bit of reaction to it. All looked in shock, and the man became horrified; he didn't intend to shoot at all.

Eleis's eyes turned cold, and she took a step forward, making the man instinctively step back. The guards had their guns out and all were pointed at the man, "Drop the gun," Eleis ordered, and all the guards put their guns on the floor unhesitatingly.

"You are pretty daring to shoot at me. Hmm, if he were here, I wonder if you would even be alive..." She wondered out loud and walked right in front of the man. "Oh well~! He isn't, so might as well finish things off," she cheerfully said and pulled out a black folding fan.


An overbearing shout came from behind, making Eleis pause and look back with a smile, but her hand movement didn't stop, and she slashed at the man.

"Ughh!" The man's neck was cut, his lower jaw and neck severely injured.

All looked on in horror as the man collapsed on the floor and writhed. The guards were frozen as well, but for a different reason than the man.

Eleis had a brilliant smile that brightened the whole place. She looked at the man who shouted and then behind him, where there was a very familiar figure.

"You finally arrived~!" Eleis sweetly said, completely ignoring the man that was near death and walking towards the one she had been waiting for.


Give me your powerstones!!!!!

Plz, comment!!! I like reading comments!! 

If you have ideas about my story, feel free to mention them! This novel's plots are planned but not all minor plots. Any ideas are accepted, even if they are the stupidest things you can think of! (Well, not the overly sexual + fiercely Dark kinds) I will try to add them in!

My discord link: 
