
Game Between The Greatest Anomaly And An Omnipotent Being!

Ken the Anomaly dies in an orchestrated event and finds himself in a play that is beyond Earth in the literal sense. In that place, he meets Thraxis the omnipotent, who offers to play a game with Ken. A Game full of hidden intentions but filled with fun and challenges that both enjoy. Thraxis gives Ken a being that is sealed away as a system that in a way is someone that could overthrow Thraxis. And Ken as the Anomaly was able to suppress the system. The game begins: With the player being Ken the Anomaly, Thraxis the omnipotent, and the Eleis the system. All major players who play simple games that could decide the dominance of everything ================= All the images in the chapters and the cover are original! More images in my discord!!! Discord link: https://discord.gg/ACPzTJuPCz

Sky_novel_lover · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
59 Chs

Eleis understood the truth behind Ken obsession!

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Kill 100 dreadmose (53/100)

Reward: Increase in Magic Circuit: F to E 

Penalty: Magic power sealed off for 1 month.

I got bored so I gave you a quest... ~Have fun~!]

Ken finished off the dreadmose in front of him and knelt on the ground, using his sword as support.

"Huff, huff... huff, that is way more tiresome, huff... than I expected," Ken mumbled as he huffed and puffed out of tiredness from all the challenges he was getting.

He looked behind and couldn't help but laugh dryly; there was a literal hill of corpses behind him.

"Heeoe, Heoeo!" Another dreadmose came in front of Ken and challenged him, not giving him a break in the slightest.

[Well, what would you expect, normally people back out after the first or the second. You've fought 53 of them now, you can back off any time, but since you just got challenged, I don't think you can. You already showed yourself to be a force in front of all the dreadmose present here. If you kill the one in front, then you should just leave; no one will stop you.]

Eleis suggested casually, making Ken nod in agreement.

Ken, in a matter of a single strike, brought down the dreadmose. It was anticlimactic, but Ken had gotten stronger and not just stronger but more understanding of how a dreadmose acts, so at the point he stands, he can be called an expert when it comes to dealing with dreadmose.

Ken walked away before any other dreadmose could challenge him. The dreadmose, in a way, were very proud, and they would never try to sneak attack. They love conflict, but more than that, a challenge of any sort.

If anyone were to teach dreadmose how to play chess, then they would be very competitive in chess and never lose interest until they are beaten or continuously challenged.

They are, in a way, one of the most civil monsters to ever exist. With proper training, they can even be allowed in the city with a proper guard, and to top it off, they are one of the monsters that are useless when it comes to loot, making them only used in military or labor.

Ken sat down on top of the cliff and looked at the dreadmose that stared at him.

[Hmm, will they not challenge you if you are sitting?]

"No, I need to be standing, they are very civil and understanding of tiredness..." Ken replied and went into thought.

"Sigh... why are you so friendly all of a sudden... was the annoying you just a facade? Or is the current you the facade?" Ken tiredly asked as he really didn't want to deal with this. "I don't want to deal with you when you have that appearance..." He confessed without hesitating in the slightest.

[Let me make you an offer. I will tell you my true self, but only if you give up all your memory of future events~!]

"Deal," Ken agreed immediately.

[Ah.... that was.... Okay. Are you that desperate to know? Or do you just want me not to take this form?]

"Both," Ken again answered immediately, making the system skeptical about what Ken was planning.

[Alright... your memories of all future events are gone now... you lost a major advantage here,]

Eleis doubtfully announced as she carefully watched Ken as she took in all the memories about the events of the future.

"Book of Records, show me my memories that I just gave up," The Book of Records appeared and floated in front of Ken. The pages flipped and then landed on a page full of texts that slowly disappeared.

[...It won't work, you really think a stupid book can-]

"The Book of Records is connected to me, so I can record anything I want, including my memories. The Book of Records is just some grand name; it does what it says. It records everything and registers all the events from the minor ones to the greatest with no exceptions. There is a limit; it can tell what someone is thinking, but after someone is dead it can, which isn't a limitation."

Ken explained, bored by Eleis's nonsense, "But you already knew about it," he lazily stated, but there was undeniable confidence in his tone.

"Eleis, you took the form of Eyrluna... someone that is my only obsession to irritate me, but no matter what reason I think of, I can't understand you... It's either you are too manipulative, or I am too blind to the game you play."

Ken pointed out, a little fed up with the situation.

[You do know I don't need to tell you, right? Or you can force me to tell you the truth... you know this, yet you ask, so you have figured out something or you are truly blind.]

"Just... Sigh, just tell me what you want," Ken helplessly muttered as he leaned back on the ground.

[Is Eyrluna that important to you?]

"Fu... important huh? I don't know, it's just that I don't want to give up on her."

[Is Eyrluna even real? I will be honest, Eyrluna is a godly beauty that could never be a mortal in any way or form, maybe it is your imagination or perhaps related to your affinity.]

"Maybe... Eyrluna is my obsession, but I have never seen her or even been able to imagine her... When you took her form, the image of Eyrluna became clear, something that has never happened."

Ken revealed, making Eleis frown and go into deep thought.

[I see... I get it now. You don't have to worry about it then, it is related to your affinity. This has nothing to do with your current life or your previous one, and not even any of your other lives that you might have lived.]

Eleis confidently stated but didn't tell what, making Ken a little upset. He wanted to ask, but knowing Eleis, she wouldn't answer him.

---In Ken room in BlueVail---

Eleis lay on the bed with a smile, "What a strange way to manifest, no matter how I look at you now, you are an anomaly that hides among all, if that lowly Thraxis didn't find you then you would still be hidden till this day!"

She got up and looked at the glass door that led outside to the balcony; it showed her reflection, "So, Eyrluna never existed! She is just the manifestation of his desire for rest or peace. What a disaster and an opportunity~" She sweetly muttered, not caring about anything.

"Elara Eyrluna... you never existed, but now you will as me," She declared as her hair shined in bright silver and her demeanor changed to a more relaxed and casual one, her sweet smile more natural than ever before.

But then her mood dropped and she glared at the sky, "Thraxis, if only you had died that day... I wouldn't need to play around here and take what I wanted..." She wrathfully growled as her hair danced in a beautiful yet chaotic manner.

========In a way it is a spoiler for those who haven't figured it out========

(///AN: For those who haven't figured it out yet, Eleis isn't trying to kill Ken but to keep Thraxis away she acts like she will Kill Ken if given the chance... this was made clear in the previous chapter, but I put it here just to clear the doubts\\\)