
Gamble With My Heart

What happens when a cold billionaire is dared to make a plain waitress fall in love with him? He ends up falling in love with the waitress. How will he be able to give his heart fully to her knowing he only went after her because of a bet? How will she feel finding out it’s just a bet? Knowing someone else she trusted has disappointed her again? Follow the love story of Alexander and Mia.

SandraAO · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs



I didn't want to wake up today. I was extremely disturbed today, way too many things were happening all at the same time. I got up and said a little prayer. I was hoping the jacket would be fixed by the time I woke up but now that I'm awake I'm way too scared to go check. Plus there was the issue with Rue. I walked to my bathroom and looked at the jacket. My face dropped. It looked worse than when I first took it out of the dryer. I'm in shit. "Fuck, Fuck,Fuck,Fuck." Today is starting out so shitty. I blamed myself for everything. I caused this, I shouldn't have thrown water on him. I should have just paid for dry cleaning.

I walked to my bed and fell on it. I grabbed my pillow enough to suffocate my screams as I screamed as loud as I could. I just woke up but I already have a headache. I walked into the bathroom again and just like the same way I started my day yesterday I looked at myself in the mirror and I gave myself a pep talk. Only problem is today I was less inclined to believe myself. I poured cold water on my face and I didn't stop until I started feeling pain.

"Okay time for another pep talk." I said to myself while staring at myself in the mirror.

"You fucked up. You know that and you understand that. Now it's time to put on your big girl panties and fix this situation. Go to the address James gave you and beg him for forgiveness." I shook my head no begging that pervert deserved the way I treated him.

"Okay Mia, go to him and apologize but don't beg." I walked away from the bathroom mirror but quickly ran back "But if you value your job just beg." I cringed at myself through the mirror. I felt like I had no morals because I was ready to beg just to keep my job. I quickly ran into the shower and had a quick shower. The events of last night with Rue played in my mind. Should I just pretend it never happened? But Rue knows my past trauma. Why would she sleep with a guy in our living room knowing what I went through. I need to talk to her about it. I quickly towelled myself and stepped out the shower. I was going to make myself look as unattractive as possible in case the guy from last night is still here and also to stop the restaurant guy from trying to grope me again. I wore a baggy sweatpant and a red and white striped baggy T-shirt. I looked at myself in the mirror and gave myself the a OK.

I grabbed the jacket from my curtain rail and folded in. I placed it in a plastic bag I had already used before from Kroger. 'Never throw away plastic bags from grocery stores, you never know when you will need it.' Probably the only thing my mother taught me. I grabbed my shoes and walked out my room. I looked around the living room to make sure there were no articles of clothing lying around. I wasn't sure if I should knock on Rue's door or just wait for her to wake up. I looked at the text on my phone that James sent me yesterday. He told me to be there before 12pm. It was about a 40 minute walk from here. It was only 10am so I still had lots of time before I had to be there. I decided to wait for Rue until 11am and if she doesn't come out her room then I will just knock and ask to speak to her.

I sat there waiting for about 40 minutes when the guy from last night walked out Rue's room in his boxers. I screamed when I saw him and ran behind the chair to put space between us. I watched as Rue ran out in her nightgown trying her best to cover herself.

"Oh Mia I thought you would have left already." Rue said that so nonchalantly. Did she forget what I went through. Why would she put me in this situation?

"Rue I need to speak to you now!" I lost my composure. I wasn't sure I could talk to her without crying or screaming my lungs out.

"Chill, Chill. I will be with you shortly." I watched her go kiss the guy from last night and then whisper something to him. She then turned back and followed me into my room. I didn't just close my door, I also locked it.

"Rue we need to talk."

"Yeah we do because you went too far last night."

"What! I went too far? You know what I've been through and you still fucked that man in the middle of our living room."

"Well if you didn't come home early then you wouldn't have realized that I fucked him in the living room."

"Like Like" I kept on stuttering. I was so furious to the point I couldn't form a proper sentence.

"You know I was raped Rue in my mothers living room and you still did that. Why?"

"Mia I have told you, you not the only one that has gone through pain. We all have pain. My dad wants me to find a man that has power so this is me sampling them before I choose who I'll date."

"I can't believe you comparing me being raped to you finding a dick to please your dad. Really ? Really Rue? Is this what it's come to." I was getting so pissed and I could sense Rue was getting pissed too.

"You told me you would be at work. Anyway, why did you come back home so early?"

"That doesn't matter, Rue. What matters is what you did in the living room last night."

"What I do and don't do in my apartment is none of your business." Rue turned around and stormed out my room.

I can't believe she said that. When I moved in she told me it would be our home but I guess it wasn't really our home. I was so hurt by what she said but what could I do. It's not like I have a safe place to run to. I looked down at my feet and just stood there for a couple of minutes. My mind was blank and I didn't know what to do. Did I even have a right to be mad? This is her house and she's free to do as she pleases. I propped down on my bed. What should I do? I was racking my brain but nothing was coming through.

I screamed loud and then grabbed my abg and headed out the door. I needed to deliver this jacket to that jackass. Hopefully once I come back I would have been able to come up with a solution. As I stepped outside, I looked up at the sky. It was a bright warm day and I was grateful for the sunshine because I fully intended to walk there so that I could clear my head. It was 11:05 now and I knew walking there would take me 40 minutes.

I walked around the park close to our home. I mean Rue's home. I couldn't even appreciate the nature around me. I didn't really care about the nature around me today but I loved feeling the sun shine on my skin. I should really start using sunscreen. I don't want to get sun spots. I may not care about my looks but that doesn't mean I want to destroy my skin. I walked for a few more minutes and then I reached a tall building. It was probably the tallest building in our small town. Written at the top of the building was Paidia. I wonder who or what Paidia is? I walked into the building and then looked at my phone to try and figure out where I'm supposed to go. It said ask for Mr Paidia. Who was Mr Paidia and why did I have to meet him? I walked to the front desk. The whole building was made from blue glass, the glass shone bright because it reflected the light. It was so beautiful. The ceiling was covered with glass mosaics. I couldn't stop staring at the ceiling.

"Can I help you?" I felt a soft voice say to me.

I turned around and there was a small young woman with porcelain skin, big red lips and her hair pulled all the way back. Why would anyone put so much tension on their hair?

"Um um um I'm here to see Mr Paidia."

"What's your name?"


" Okay here's a visitor tag. Keep that around your neck and go to the 12th floor."

" Tag around my neck and go to the first floor.Okay got it." I recited the orders she gave me. I turned around and walked to the elevators.

I got out the elevator and walked towards another woman. She was older with grey hair but she had the same hairstyle as the woman downstairs and she also had big red lips.

"I'm here to see Mr Paidia."

"Please take a seat."