
Gamble With My Heart

What happens when a cold billionaire is dared to make a plain waitress fall in love with him? He ends up falling in love with the waitress. How will he be able to give his heart fully to her knowing he only went after her because of a bet? How will she feel finding out it’s just a bet? Knowing someone else she trusted has disappointed her again? Follow the love story of Alexander and Mia.

SandraAO · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs



I didn't realize we already pulled up to the front of the restaurant. Whenever I thought of my family, my mind would always start to wander into all the sadistic things I wanted to do, maybe it was because of the anniversary of my dad's death coming up. The old fuck passed away 13 years ago to ALS. First he lost his ability to hold things, then he lost motion in his legs and from then on he became trapped in his own body. Knowing he was trapped in his own body should have made me sad but instead it made me happy. At least I lived long enough to see the old fuck suffer from all his indiscretions.

I looked out the window and I started to wonder why Melvin brought me to Luigis. I honestly thought he would take me to a strip club to clear my mind. What the fuck am I doing at a freaking restuarant on a friday night?

"Like really? Seriously? Here? I thought we were supposed to go get women to warm my bed, not food to warm my tummy."

"I said a restaurant."

"What's the difference? Strip clubs now sell food."

"But good food won't be the only thing you're buying at a strip club."

"Your point." I was already irritated right now and Melvin wasn't helping it at all. I really wanted to take my frustrations out on a woman sexually. I saw women as objects to be used and abused and I didn't give a fuck what anyone thought about that. It's my life and I can do whatever I want.

"Let's go!" I put on my black shades and followed Melvin into Luigi's.

"You don't need shades inside a restaurant Alex."

"I never asked for your advice Melvin."

The hostess ushered us to our booth towards the back of the restaurant. Even though we were at the back we still had a view of the restaurant. Luigi's looked like a fusion of Italian and Asian past worlds and that reflected in the food also. You had dishes like kimchi Pasta or Pad see ew Gnocchi. I loved the food here but wasn't in the mood to be here, I'm not sure if that even made sense.

"I'll send over a waitress right away sir." The waitress licked her lips and turned around. She swayed her hips while walking back to her post. She wasn't my type. She was blonder, stick straight and way too tall. I know men like that whole model figure but I was a Greek man, we liked our women with curves. Our bloods boiled for our brunette, curvy women with fiery tempers to match. Although Melvin was in the lead she focused her words on me. I knew she was interested in me. Maybe I'll go there if I can't find a better girl tonight or maybe I'll call Melissa or was it Melinda?

The girl for this month that would share my bed. I forgot her name but she gave good head. Did I even ask her name? Every woman around me knows to only talk when I ask them too. Their only purpose is to pleasure me and in exchange I will give them all their hearts material desires.

"Alexander, when are you going to start having fun?"

"Doesn't it look like I'm having fun?" I gave him the fakest smile ever just to make sure he knew how much I hated being out right now.

"I miss the old Alexander, the one that would spit in the face of a police officer or the one that would beg a judge to send him to jail at 13 because he didn't want to live in a mansion with his dad.'

"That Alexander has a billion dollar company to run" Although I was ruthless my grandfather always taught me that employees are the heart of the company. They can either build or destroy the company. Be ruthless but not to the point that they start to revolt against you. If I get into too much trouble, how do I expect my employees to trust me?

"I'm a man with many responsibilities 'Aderphos'- means brother in Greek- You know all that was just to get a rise out of my sperm donor father."

"Sometimes I wish your father was still alive."

"ENOUGH!" I slammed my fists on the table, that was the last straw. I snapped and grabbed him by the collar. I slammed him back on his chair. "Your father was the right hand man of my grandfather, remember I was brought up to be better than you. Remember your place and stay in your lane."

"You're talking bullshit, we are brothers whether you like it or not. Remember you called me Aderphos. We might not be blood brothers but we were raised that way." I let go of Alex and proceeded to sit back.

"I'm sorry" I felt bad about talking to him like that. Melvin didn't deserve that.

"Alex you're my brother, we are brothers in arms for life. I wouldn't call you out for your bull if I didn't care. You can't keep on carrying around so much hate for both your parents. Okay I'm sorry your parents are dead, everyone knows that"

"I know. I have been drunk in work for a while."

"Why don't we have a little fun like we used to do when we were young." Melvin had a mischievous grin plastered all over his face.

"If there is a possibility of me getting arrested then the answer is hell no."

"I was thinking more in the lane of a bet."

" What type of bet?"

"Remember Alisa?" I remember Alisa, she was a girl that I slept with when I was younger. She was 18 and I was 15, Melvin made a bet with me that If I slept with her he would give me all the money he had saved to buy a bike which was exactly $1000 but if I failed then I would buy him a Vitacci bike for $2500. Obviously I was able to get her to fall in love with me within 4 months and give up her virginity. I told her I loved her just to get into her pants, she was playing hard to get and wouldn't give it up for any of the guys so we had to teach her a lesson. I can still recall her face after I showed the sheet with her blood in front of all the guys. She stopped carrying herself so highly. She thought she was better than everyone else so we had to teach her a lesson. She was just another warm whole to be filled.

Melvin knew I love bets because I had a winner mentality. I guess I might not regret going out with Melvin tonight. This will be fun.

"I don't have time for such games." I was just teasing Melvin, he knew how much I loved playing games but I wasn't going to let him challenge me without making him sweat a bit.

"What you scared of? You think you will lose?"

"No, I'm worried there isn't a girl out there that can turn me down."

"Wow you have a big ego. I truly forgot how big your ego is."

"That ain't the only thing that's big. If you can find a woman that you think can resist me then I'm game."


I followed Melvin's finger in the direction it pointed. I saw what was probably the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. A frown crossed my face when I saw her smiling at another man.

"She looks too cheap Melvin." I didn't want to let on that he picked a girl I could possible be attracted to unlike Alisa, she wasn't my type so it was literally torture trying to get my dick hard enough to fuck her.

"That's what you think. Her name is Mia and I've been trying to get her to break for months."

"She's probably just looking for a richer man."

"Let's bet $20 that you can't get her."

"She is not worth $20. More like a $1 if you ask me."

"Okay a dollar it is. This is going to be fun."

When me and Melvin bet it's just to stroke our egos. We could bet a million dollars but it's not about the money. It's about being superior and playing with women like we played with toys growing up.


Thank you once again for reading All feedback is greatly appreciated

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