
Gamble With My Heart

What happens when a cold billionaire is dared to make a plain waitress fall in love with him? He ends up falling in love with the waitress. How will he be able to give his heart fully to her knowing he only went after her because of a bet? How will she feel finding out it’s just a bet? Knowing someone else she trusted has disappointed her again? Follow the love story of Alexander and Mia.

SandraAO · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs



I knew I was in shit. One of the rules at Luigi's was never be late. Mr. Luigi didn't care if you were just a minute late, he would always find a way to penalize you which led to many employees coming in earlier than they needed to just so that they wouldn't get penalized. As I crossed the road I waved at Jake and then decided to walk in as if I wasn't even late. Maybe no one will notice I was late. Every time I work at Luigi's I always say a silent prayer. I hated working for someone else. Being an employee has never been my dream. I always wanted to be the employer and not the employee. One day I want to open a children's home where sick children can be given the best possible care.

As I stepped through the door James was already waiting for me. I knew I was about to be scolded. I held my head down waiting for the onslaught.

"Why the fuck are you so late? What's the slogan for Luigi's staff?"

"You can be late to your funeral but not to Luigi's." That was probably the most stupid slogan ever but they paid well and the tips were good so I had no reason to complain about the job.

"You better go change right now." He winked at me. James was actually a cool guy, he would shout at us in front of Mr. Mieng and then he would hang out and chill with us when Mr. Mieng wasn't there.

"If Mr. Mieng asks, just tell him I scolded you a lot and penalized you. Okay?"

"Yes sir. I will." I saluted him then smiled and winked back. At least James was going to cover for me and not really penalize me. He only really penalized people when Mr. Mieng was around but if he wasn't around he would just tell us to tell him he penalized us.

I ran into the changing room and changed into my uniform. It was slightly sexier than what I would ever feel comfortable in but I guess high end restaurants always try to sexualize their workers. The uniform was a short black dress that rested just above my knees with a cold shoulder design. Luckily he didn't expect us to wear heels, he allowed us to wear black Chelsea boots to serve. The only issue was he expected us to wear our hair down but make sure no hair gets on the food. That was just so crazy. Mr. Mieng always expected the unexpected from his employees. On special nights he would make us wear a short Qiapo dress with 6 inch heels but that was probably only once every 3 months so I didn't mind.

"Mia! Stop standing there daydreaming. I don't pay you to stand around." Mr. Mieng was not a bad boss, he was actually a good man. He just wanted to achieve the American dream like we all wish to do. He expected the best and I wish I had a mentality like him. He always expected perfection and that's a good mentality to have.

"I'm sorry Mr. Mieng." I quickly ran to James so that I could get my daily assigned tables.

'Mia put a smile on that pretty face of yours and attend to my well paying customers." Mr. Mieng tapped my shoulders and walked away.

"Okay Mia you going to work the back VIP tables." I rolled my eyes because VIP tables were actually the rudest and actually put down the least amount of tips. Why did rich people tip so badly? Most waitresses in the restaurant fought to attend to VIP's because they thought they could hook a rich guy, that's why James always made me work the VIP because he knew I wasn't looking for a rich guy to come capture me. I picked up my tray and walked to my side of the room. I noticed one of my regulars walk in and take a seat in the VIP section. I decided to start with my regular.

"Good evening. What would you like to drink?"

" Why so formal Mia?" ah I should have remembered that this guy was a perv but at least he was a harmless perv. He knew when to stop.

"Melvin, please don't start. I'm really trying to get through today in one piece."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. What can I get you?"

"I wouldn't mind a scotch with a lil bit of Mia on the side."

Ugh I hate men. I rolled my eyes at how stupid the request was. The look I sent his way let him know I was reaching my limit.

"It's just a joke Mia. You need to lighten up."

"Thank you for the advice, so one scotch for you." I turned and focused on the man that sat next to him. He was gorgeous, built like the perfect specimen but he was off limits in all shapes and forms. I wasn't even interested in admiring him.

"Are you gonna ask me for what I would like to drink or are you just going to stare at me like a senseless bimbo?"

Built like a prince but with the attitude of a devil. I dislike rich people that believe that they can talk to people anyway that they want just because they have a fatter pocket. I held back my snide remark that I would have liked to send his way but I remembered that I'm at work and I need to act professional.

'I'm sorry sir. You looked familiar. I lied.

"I highly doubt that we have met. We don't move in the same circle."

"I'm sorry sir. What can I get you?"


"A beer?" I was shocked. This guy acted so stuck up but he ordered an ordinary beer.

"You decided to insult me today Melvin by bringing me to a restaurant that hires deaf people to be waiters and waitresses."

"Excuse me sir. I am neither deaf nor dumb. Excuse me while I get your drinks."

I walked away so furious. Why were rich people so evil. Why did they feel like they were more important because they had money? I should have known that today would be a horrible day no matter what. I looked at the clock on the wall hoping that time would move faster but I realized I had only been at work for 15 minutes, so I still had a long way to go. Plus I couldn't go home early today after work because Rue was going to bring her date back to the apartment and I wasn't in the mood to hear her screaming while she got fucked. I gave James their orders and I stood with him telling him how much of a jerk my clients were today.

"They have zero respect for me as their waitress."

"You're their waitress, they don't see you as an important being. Just smile and please them as much as you can. Mr. Mieng would ignore complaints from ordinary customers but he won't ignore complaints about you from VIP's."

I had never received a complaint from any of our ordinary customers. They were all so polite, yes once in a while I would get 1 shitty customer out of a 100 but when it came to VIP's more than 50% had the nastiest attitude ever."

"Here's your drinks and Mia smile."

I gave him the fakest smile ever.

"Perfect now, keep smiling like that." I could hear the sarcasm in his voice and I just had to chuckle.

"Thanks James."

"You are not welcome. Now move."

"I picked up their drinks and walked over to their table. I was going to try and be as nice as possible.

"Here you go sir. Your drinks." I placed their order on the table.

"Can I get you something to eat?"

He didn't respond. He only waved his hand at me as if shooing me away.

"Okay you can call me when you ready to eat."

I walked away with my head hung low, this was getting too much. There was only so much hate you could take from one person before you lost it. I'm not some dog that they can belittle even dogs did not deserve to be belittled.


Thank you once again for reading All feedback is greatly appreciated

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