
Xie Kun

Xie Kun didn't even graduate from middle school. He became a gangster five to six years ago. Now he was a leader of more than ten gangster and had made a name for himself as a gangster.

Today, the son of Xue Wansheng, a famous rich man in Xiangcheng City, contacted him. He paid 10,000 yuan and asked Xie Kun to teach a student in Shengye Middle School a lesson. The student was Song Yan.

It was already near twenty minutes after school, but Song Yan hadn't come out yet. Xie Kun was a little impatient.

"Brother Kun, Song Yan is there." Suddenly, one of his men pointed a couple coming out and shouted.

Xie Kun immediately took out his cell phone and looked at Song Yan's photo. He threw away the cigarette butt and demanded coldly, "The target is coming. Get ready."

"Song Yan, I'm going this way. Goodbye." Han Sha said to Song Yan.

"Goodbye, Teacher Han." Song Yan waved his hand to Han Sha.

At this moment, six men came up and surrounded Song Yan.

Han Sha was about to leave. After seeing this, she was frightened, but she still ran to Song Yan and stood in front of him. She stared at Xie Kun alertly and asked, "Who are you? What are you doing?"

Watching the beautiful lady in front of him, Xie Kun swallowed and said, "Beauty, I have some private businesses with Song Yan. It's none of your business and you'd better leave."

"I'm a teacher in Shengye Middle School, and Song Yan is my student. I won't let you hurt him." Han Sha was very nervous, but she still stood in front of Song Yan as he was her student.

Seeing Han Sha's moves, Song Yan felt moved and grateful. He stepped forward and stood shoulder to shoulder with her, "Teacher Han, step aside. I can handle it."

Song Yan had been learning boxing at the Zhao Boxing School near Shengye Middle School. It was a little difficult for him to deal with six gangsters before he had the Intermediate Stamina. But now, he was able to fight a hundred people with the Intermediate Stamina. He didn't take these gangsters seriously at all.

Han Sha's face darkened as she said seriously, "Don't show off. Don't worry. I'll protect you."

Hearing her words, a wave of happiness flooded Song Yan. He felt Teacher Han Sha was extremely beautiful at this moment.

"Teacher Han, trust me. I'm not showing off, okay?"

Han Sha hesitated when she saw Song Yan's serious expression.

"Beauty, will you step aside or not? Otherwise, I will show no mercy." Xie Kun urged.

"Trust me!" Song Yan said again.

"Okay." Han Sha was convinced by Song Yan's confidence as she nodded and stepped aside. But she still held her cell phone in his pocket. She planned to call the police if something was wrong.

"Song Yan, someone hired us to teach you a lesson. I hope you don't hate us. Go get him." Xie Kun demanded.

The rest five gangsters dashed to Song Yan together.

Watching their moves, Song Yan took a deep breath and he moved.

He stepped to his left to avoid the punch. Then he kicked a gangster on the foot; meanwhile, he punched two gangsters right on the fists.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three thudding noises were heard. Three gangsters stepped backward groaning. Song Yan immediately drew back his left leg. Then he stood on his left leg and swept his right leg like a whip.

Bang! Bang!

The rest two gangsters were swept down to the ground. Song Yan's moves were so neat and efficient like floating clouds and flowing water.

After knocking out two gangsters, Song Yan didn't stop attacking. He turned and flew at the three gangsters.

After a series crashing noises, the three gangsters were all knocked out.

The fight only lasted less than twenty seconds.

Han Sha's jaw went slack when seeing this. She didn't expect Song Yan was so good at fighting that he knocked five gangsters to the ground so quickly.

Xie Kun was also surprised. Seeing his men being knocked to the ground, he knew he shouldn't have offended Song Yan.

Song Yan let his eyes settle upon Xie Kun and said loudly, "You are a man of principle, and you haven't hurt the innocent. I won't beat you. Just go with your men."

"Brother, thank you. I'll repay you in the future." Xie Kun held a fist salute to Song Yan and felt grateful for him. Then he left with his men. He was lucky that he didn't show any disrespect to the beautiful teacher, otherwise, Song Yan wouldn't let them leave so easily.

In the cold drink store, Xue Yuancheng was both anxious and angry as the gangsters that were hired by him at 10,000 yuan escaped like disowned dogs. He hated Song Yan even more as he ground his teeth, "Song Yan, you are lucky this time. Next time, you'll be sorry."