
Galaxy Of Infinity World's

A Battle Engineer making a brakethrough in technology had it go wrong when Truck-kun stuck at the wrong time sending him to another world.

LordSpecter3366 · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Chapter 1: Battle Engineers/Truck-kun

In space a black ship that is 300m³ having a curving body that is alien having a large central area and then Branches off into thinner areas, it moved close to a planet, this planet is earth home to humanity.



Stopping the sun from turning into a Red Giant and destroying earth, then a proper spaceship was made that then became a mass production allowing humanity to move through endless of space, as the ships moved through space going deep into the galaxy, life planets was found one after the next the planets holding alien life are of different technology tiers many more advances then humanity, some less advanced or even not knowing of what technology is even. Humanity got in contact with the higher advanced aliens then a trade system was established, that made humanity have a jump in technology.


You have entered restricted territory, return the way you came or be fired upon! (Human)



After gaining technology the wars became active, not all aliens are nice and become allies with Humanity, wars with the aliens started plunging Humanity into a Galaxy War. When humanity arrived the powerful aliens believe the new race is weak and can be over taken the planet is rich after all, but as humans who are battle harden and made wars about the simplest things held back the attacks then using the aliens technology against them humanity started over powering the attacking aliens, with the trade on other aliens allowing even more technology changed from survival to dominating the enemy alien race but it was not easy, ships have been destroyed over taken from the inside out, the engineers that had to work on the ships to keep them working and repairing after attacked had it bad as they had no combat experience and will succumb to death.


This is your last warning! Return the way you came or be destroyed! (Human)



But then a engineer had enough, with his intelligence and alien technology in hand he the supposed to be useless engineer built drones, weapons, armors, new systems, and more.

By making the new equipment the armor was able to create things around him by braking the matter of material aroumd him then using that matter to reconstucting it into something he wanted, using a system that puts a holographic surrounding in place around him, he made plans and using the matter he just filled the plans like molding what he needed speeding up construction by huge amounts.


You have been warned! (Human)

A Defense Platform in orbit of earth opened up as a cannon reviled itself and moved aiming at the uninvited ship as humanity had alien enemies the ban of aliens on earth was established to prevent any attacks on earth on the ground but still established colony on further planets allowing aliens to be present on them mixed with humans.

And many ships fly over to get a sight of what earth looks like from space then fly off, unless they get too close they are ignored.



The new engineers had enough fire power and ways to create drones almost instantly and make weapons on battlefields. Combat turned the engineers into battle engineers they joined on the front lines dominating many battles and peaces was followed and engineers became a high seeking job.


Inside the ship that is moving to earth, red flashing light moves all through the ship, aliens with there blue blood covered bodies was moving about some missing an arm or a chunk of there body parts and some was eating others of there kind that laid on the ship floor.

The cannon lit up bright, then a huge slug was fired as the cannon was a railgun it sent the huge slug and took only a few seconds for it to arrive at the ship, there it smashed into the ship blasting a huge hole into the ship sending parts into space a shield activated around the ship preventing the oxygen from flowing out, it had small explosions inside but it did not stop and continue its path the VI locked down everything and the ship entered the atmosphere of earth.


A engineer on earth is messing with something that will change the way one will travel through space.

A portal system, setting a portal one can travel to and from anywhere as long as they have it set up and if they don't making an estimate location jump is also fine but long distance will be bad by any miss calculated jump can end up in a planet or sun.

Hmm, if the estimate jump is made in space that is fine, but it seems if it is to close to the planet the gravity well will warp the jump making catastrophic damage to the ship even making it collapse into itself making a portal on the edge of the sol system will be the ideal and defend against invaders. (?)

The white lab is full of equipment from moving robotic hands going things on there own. Weapons, armors, ship schematics on a holographic surroundings system the room is very active.

The young man is in his 20s made his way to a few robotic arms and spoke.

Echo, established connection and get me my armor and link to it we have work to do. (?)

Master Specter, a defense platform has just been activated in space. (Echo)

That is not important. (Specter)

A white armor floating over in segments as it defied gravity and it attached itself onto the man as the armor was finished it was a combat armor, next a helmet floated over he grabbed it and put it over his dark brown hair and green eyes it sealed connected to the armor. It was not bulky but also not slim, it has a Shield and a core to power weapons from Lasers to Railguns.

Connection established. [Echo]

His sights came to a loading bar appeared in the center as data ran through, a Radar appeared on the bottom left of his sight and a map in the top right, a bar appeared on top as it raised a shield surrounded him completely sign of the Shield working fine.

Good, transfer data over and fuse to the armor, we are going to enter offline mode. [Specter]

Affirmative. [Echo]

The helmet has a sharp look just as his armor and where the eyes are is glowing purple but its only cosmetic, the helmet has a visual system all around the same as the holographic surrounding system allowing him to look around and even can change his surroundings to see behind him without turning to physically look.

Another loading bar appeared and this one was different as data flowing had more but it was fast still, after a minute the bar showed complete.

I have transferred to the armor. [Echo]

Establish connection to the builder drone I need help if the portal goes haywire. [Specter]

A blue holographic sphere floated over and it turned purple Echo linked established between the armor and the drone was completed.

The Drone was made out of a hologram that is physically present, it also has a Core allowing it to produce and create things before it.

Connection established, want me to activate the portals? [Echo]

Affirmative. [Specter]

Two ring arrays was far from each other being on the complete opposite side of the clean room on a higher platform they turned on and the ring levetating off the floor spun like a ring on a finger being twisted but going super fast as sparks flew then the sparks converged to the center of the ring and a black sphere appeared on both portals at the same time then it extended until the inside the ring array was a void as if looking into space with no stars.

Making my way to the closest Portal Array, and arriving on the platform ramp and going up to level with the portal, there he turned around and looking to the other side of the room the second portal is present.

Turn offline mode on now. [Specter]

Offline has been activated. [Echo]

Oxygen recreater, Online.

Local Map, Online.

Local Radar, Online.

Local Storage, 500 YB free. •Yottabyte•

Sensory systems, Online.

Overly systems of light/Energy, Online.

Armor damage report, Working no fault found.

All systems working ready to pass through portal. [Echo]

Turning back and going to step through the portal.

One small step for man. [Specter]


Wha! [Specter]

Turning around a huge levetating Truck blasted through the wall destroying the portal on the back and moving through the lab destroying everything in its way as it moved closer and closer, hitting the ramp the levetating truck pushed upwards and heading straight to Specter, reflex defense mechanism in the brain held his arms up and crossing them to protect himself had the truck smash against him and pushed him backwards hitting the builder drone that Echo flew behind Specter and both fell into the portal the Truck stopped barley at the portal edge, the portal shut down and the ring lowered back to the groumd.

As one portal is now destroyed, Specter will be unable exit the planed location, now its sent him randomly.


A black void ripped sparks flew and hit everything aroumd trees was chard and the grass got burnt the earth was scorched then a builder robot flew out first followed Specter that landed on his right knee and his left foot before him as he slid forward his hand landed on the dirt to stabilize his slide to a stop.

Did you see that Landing! Haha! That was awesome! [Specter]

Getting to his feet, Specter looked around and he is in a forest, but a large ring around him was burning.

Using the local dirt Echo lifted the dirt over the burning parts and covered the fires and burning trees.

Electric discharged detected in the surrounding atmosphere, remains from portal rupture as planned, surroundings damaged expected to happen. [Echo]

Good thing we landed in a forest not a town the power would have killed a few people. [Specter]

Sighing, I look up at the sky and became froze, there is a blue giant sun present in the sky.

Warning! Appeared on his helmet as Echo started scanning the Sun.

It is very close to this planet, too close, the fact we are alive is saying there is a external reason behind the planet surviving even now. [Echo]

More information on how the planet is alive is recommended and if only delayed on destruction of the planet is discovered get off planet as soon as possible. [Echo]

We are not on earth, Clearly. Echo build me a Laser pistol to defend against unknown threats, Railgun still need ammo and might not have enough time to prepare that. [Specter]

Affirmative. [Echo]

Echo Controlled the builder and flew around, as she was collecting resources she was also scanning the area and space above to figure out the location in space by mapping the stars, it is not overly difficult after having the map charts from multiple planets and directions on all North East South, West direction to the Center of the galaxy to help space flight to know what direction they need to go by using the starts that are most unique and can be discovered by looking at that direction.

As for how its being scanned in day time the lighting was changed to dim the sun and bring out the stars alien race that can't see the sun has to have a helmet that is like powerful sunglasses this was the technology uses to see the stars.

The ground deformed and ores was moved up from the ground defying gravity, then a purple beam hit the ores from Echo who melted the ores and the molten metal moved together then started fusing together that turned to compressing, then more ores flew doing the same on flash melting prosses.

After doing that and having a few alloy made together, she then sliced the alloy using the beam and dematerialized the alloy chunks and rematerialized them before her as a White pistol was created, ots light and long habing a thin slit where the laser comes out, the gun is also has a gravity system in place making the gun in segments as it Floats in parts but still keeping the pistol form.

Sending the pistol over, Specter grabbed the Pistol and looked back to Echo and spoke.

Was that a Gravity truck that hit us to another world? [Specter]

Yes, Master you do know Gods love there Trunk-kun. [Echo]

Chapter 1 of this new novel hope you enjoyed it.

updated: Fixed errors and added {history} to help organize what is being read.

LordSpecter3366creators' thoughts