
Galactic Technological Library

I have moved the novel due to a bug in the system that won't allow me to change the name or update the novel. don't worry it still on webnovel.https://www.webnovel.com/book/17276697706301005 Galactic Technological Library that is the access point for different races of the universe to exchange knowledge, choose an ordinary boy from the earth as its librarian. How a boy with no ambition would use this chance given to him. He is given the right to access all kinds of technical knowledge which has yet to discover by the earth and interact with different races that come to the Library seeking knowledge. Follow the adventures of Fu Yan while he uses this knowledge to become the strongest man on earth and travel the different worlds as a librarian to collect books. join my discord server:https://discord.gg/zAyYpJX support me=www.patreon.com/sakakoi24

sakakoi · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
64 Chs

Company planing

Fu Yan was resting on the bed, in the hospital room. He was working on the laptop when Fei Hong and forced him to rest.

She was sitting beside his bed, peeling an apple.

He could feel that her attitude towards him had changed. She was a lot caring now and would often stay beside him, just looking at him. When Fu Yan tries to look back at her, she would quickly move her face towards the other side.

"I don't understand what women think."

His days in the hospital were spent like this. Fei Hong would go to the office then stay with him for 2 to 3 hours each day after that she would go home.

He stayed in the hospital for 12 days. Fei Hong wanted him to stay there until he recovered but he felt quite well now and insisted that he would be better at home.

He had visited the library while Fei Hong was not present.

He noticed that the way he visited the library after signing the contract has changed.

Before his body would stay on earth and would lose consciousness when he came into the library but now his body could move and he could feel it freely.

While staying in the library, he could move his body if he wanted, Talk through it.

"Guess this is one of the perks being a librarian."

He would read and stay in the library most of the time but when Fei Hong come, he would return.

Though he could control the body through consciousness, he knew that after staying with for some time, Fei Hong would notice the difference and would get worried.

He had read many books on software development and with his enhanced memory, he can now be considered one of the top experts on earth in the field of software technology.

Though he was allowed to read any book while he was in the library but there was a huge difference in the benefit of borrowing a book to take it outside the library and reading it in the library.

While you read in the library, you would have to spend quite a bit of effort to understand it but after taking it outside the library, you can understand most of the knowledge easily.

"Well, this might be one of the ways the library encourages people to borrow books." Fu Yan thought.

When he inquired about this from Old Shun, the answer surprised him.

"Well you are a librarian so letting you take out books from library can be considered as a compensation but when other want to borrow books to take them out of the library, they need to pay a fee, it can be knowledge or energy or something else which is equivalents to 1/10 of the knowledge of the book to the take out."

Fu Yan understood many things from this answer.

His understanding of the library has expanded a lot under the guidance of old shun.

He would often arrange books with him, learn about how to keep inventory, check the condition of the old books, etc.

Though he had been helping Old Shun and learning, he had not seen a single person or living being other than him and old Shun.

Old Shun told him that since he was just an intern so he did not have the permission to meet other races yet and he just had to work and learn first. When the time comes, everything would be revealed to him and he would be the sole person in charge of the library.

Fu Yan nodded to this and did not inquire about it anymore.

"Since I am not ready yet so why should I be curious about it. Time will reveal everything."

So his days continued.

Fu Yan was now in the bedroom of his house. Fei Hong was visiting him after office hours.

When she came in Fu Yan was reading the new book that he had borrowed from the library.

"Algorithms Essentials for Optimization"

He chose this book after thinking a lot about the next project that the company would be developing.

He was thinking about developing a "voice to text" and "Voice command system".

He decided to develop this software after contemplating a lot. The company had only launched a game and no matter how good technology is used, it would still be known for the game so he wanted to change this misconception of the people and other people who might be underestimating the company.

He wanted to enter the mobile software market and by making a name there first and generating enough revenue for the other projects, He will show the full potential of the company to the world.

He discussed with Fei Hong a lot and chose this path.

Though he had many ideas about hardware and technical stuff, he knew this market was huge and stepping into it unprepared would result in a huge backlash.

Even if he had advance technology, he would not be able to compete with the giants who were sitting on this mountain for years.

To enter into the hardware field, one would need a huge amount of cash flow as well as connections because the physical products would need to deliver to customers and would need store and most important of all no matter how good the product is, not many would embrace the product of a company which is new and if the product is too advance, it would be bad as well because it would attract predators.

So after considering all this, it was decided that this field would be left untouched for a while and by using the software as the building material, the foundation would be laid for future projects.

Fei Hong listened to Fu Yan but never questioned how he was so confident that he would be able to develop all these technologies that he said.

She knew that Fu Yan had a secret but never probed about it. She knew somethings are better left unsaid and when times comes he would tell her himself.

Fu Yan was also satisfied with Fei Hong's attitude.

While they were discussing these matters, Fei Hong received a message and showed it to Fu Yan.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<End OF Chapter>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

4/4 chapter of the last week