
Galactic Odyssey

Sam is a young man who just graduated from high school on planet Moryl and decided to join the army together with his friend Edward, during the military examination he gets caught by surprise by an alien beast and end up falling in an underwater cave. While everyone believe that he died, Sam meets a small robot who gives him an incredible gift.

odyssey101 · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
33 Chs

Chapter 24

"What the fuck do you want ? Scram before I—"

The guy holding the whip turned around and was about to curse at Sam some more but was instantly interrupted by a hand that went to shut his mouth.

The hand belonged to someone Sam knew as he was also someone who had shared the hospital room with him, the man while still not letting the other guy talk, smiled at Sam and said:

"Uhm... it's nothing Sam, just a little score-settling, we'll be going now."

As he said that the man very quickly pulled his friend and left the room, soon they were all followed by the rest of the people in the room, some were guys while other where girls but they all looked scared by him.

Sam looked at the girl who was passed out and sighed.

"You call this a "little" score settling ?"

He approached her and slowly took her off from the hook that was holding the chains around her legs, he looked at her ankles that were completely red and he realized she must have been hanging there for a really long time.

As he called for a military ambulance he asked Mechy how she was doing, if she was in a grave state he wouldn't wait for an ambulance and directly carry her to the hospital.

[She's in a really bad state, although her life isn't in danger she's already lost the usage of her legs, I don't think human medicine can do anything for her at this point.]

"Shit ! These guys are brutal !"



Outside the small room the group of 8 walking away very fast and the whip guy couldn't hold it anymore and pushed his friend against a wall:

"What the fuck is wrong with you ?! I wasn't done yet!"

Just by seeing the guy's eyes it was obvious that he wasn't good at all, he leaked an obvious dementia from his eyes but his friend didn't care and he pushed him back mercilessly and said:

"You can go back if you want, that guy you just provoked killed a grade 3 beast alone and he's a sergeant since yesterday, you think he can't fire a weak soldier like yourself ?"

The man who had been pushed down on the ground trembled slightly, that young man was a sergeant? He looked barely 16 or 17 years old !

"Ron, what can we do ? Isn't he going to punish us ?"

A girl in the back asked with fear on her face, a deep contrast from when she was looking at the other girl being tortured with a satisfied smile on her face.

"When he learn what she did I believe that he won't do anything to us or at least not much, after spending a few days with him I feel like he's the righteous type. The issue is if Ash lies about what happened and throw the fault on us, he also isn't aware of his promotion yet so he still believe that he doesn't have the authority to judge us, let's hope he doesn't learn about it today."



Sam put his coat over the girl's body and carried her outside the warehouse where a flying ambulance was slightly floating above the ground, two paramedics saw him carrying the girl and took over from him right there. He was curious about the backstory of what happened and so he hopped inside with the girl and a paramedic in the back of the ambulance.

"What happened to her ? Her wounds are scary."

The paramedic asked while checking each wound one by one, he had already put a sort of oxygen mask over the girl's face and Sam guessed it must have been releasing a painkiller because the girl's knitted brows relaxed a bit.

"I don't know, I went to the warehouse to grab a thing and found a group of soldiers ganging up against her."

"Sigh, this isn't the first time something like this happen. Usually if someone makes a big mistake that cost the lives of other soldiers or something similar to that then the higher ups won't look into the repercussions because they believe it's deserved. I guess she must have made a huge mistake to end up in this state."

Sam looked at the girl and wondered what kind of mistake could make people torture you like this and then he remembered something, Edward and Ella were talking about a girl who hadn't called the reinforcements because she was too busy flirting, it couldn't be her right ? That would also explain why the soldiers who had been injured during the fight against the midnight cat were in the group of torturers.

'If it's really her then her mistake costed the lives of other soldiers, I guess she deserved it.'

Sam sighed, he was conflicted and didn't know who was right and who was wrong, he believed if he was in their place and his friend had died because of the girl's mistake he would have went crazy too but at the same time when he looked at her sorry state and thought about her not being able to walk anymore he felt bad for her.

Soon the ambulance's door opened and the paramedics pulled the stretcher on which the girl was lying, Sam also disembarked and was surprised to see Ella going out of the hospital's glass doors.

She also saw him and walked towards him with a smile until she saw the girl on the stretcher, she stopped on her tracks and asked the paramedic who was driving the ambulance:

"What happened to her ?"

"We have no idea, she was found by that young man right there some probably knows more than us, you should try asking him."

Ella walked towards Sam and asked him:

"What happened to her ?"

Her eyes were cold but Sam didn't really care, he knew that coldness wasn't directed to him.

"I went to the warehouse to get my grade three beast core and materials when I found a group of soldiers torturing her."


Ella blurted and stomped her boots on the ground which left crack on the pavement, Sam was surprised as he believed that even with his Blazing legs that boosted his legs' strength he wouldn't be able to do that.

"Do you know her ?"

Ella looked at him and sighed.

"She's Ash, she was supposed to call the reinforcements but was too busy flirting so in the end a lot of the other soldiers were wounded and a few even died, I told her to resign but she refused and here is the result."

Sam looked at the disappearing stretcher and since his theory was validated he didn't feel much pity for her anymore but he still felt like these guys were having too much fun torturing someone and asked Ella:

"Nobody will punish these guys for what they did ?"

"Since calling the reinforcements wasn't an order from her direct superior the military court can't do anything against her so it's tacitly agreed that the other soldiers would be allowed to punish her themselves, although it's cruel it's also a good way to deter other soldiers from making such mistakes in the future."

Sam was starting to feel like the military wasn't as good as he imagined it, he was still a naive kid but he believed it wasn't the right way to punish a mistake.