
Galactic empire

A man died whil walking home from his college hit by a truck, he got reincarnated by rob and will establish an empire through the universe and maybe the multiverse

david_vazcano · Komik
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15 Chs

Chapter 1

Robert Anderson he is a 19 year old college man, he is a single man, he didn't have any interest of having a girlfriend, he just going home from class of his college. The good thing he likes when he have time is reading mangas, comics, web novels, and fanfictions, he is looking at his phone because a notification just came out, it turns out a resume from the job he will work.

He didn't look there is a truck is hitting him, killed him in the process. He look at his phone and he close his eyes, he thinks that it would be the end of him. He close his eyes but he feels like he was still alive. He open his eyes and see he was in the dark place.

"Seems like there is a soul wandering in the void," he look back to see a white light and an old man came out. He is confused of who he is. "Well my son you can call me rob or random omnipotent being," the old man said to him, robert suddenly surprised to see him because he read many fanfictions in his world, he will be reincarnated.

Robert :"Wa-wait, if you are rob, does that mean-?"

Rob nod his head, "Yes, you will be reincarnated and by the way you have 5 wishes."

Robert heard what rob said, see him in dibelief he will be reincarnated, it is like a dream come true, he come out of his thoughts amd begin to what wishes he will make.

Robert :"Wait, can you give me time to think?"

Rob nod his head and robert proceed of what to think of what wishes he mill make.

Thirty Minutes Later

Robert finally made his decision, "Alright rob now I already think of what wishes I will make."

Rob nos his head, "Alright, now tell me what wishes you will make." Robert proceed to tell him.

Robert :"Alright my wishes

First wish, I want to have the powers amd knowledge of superboy prime from dc comics and the complete control both void and sentry from marvel comics.

Second wish, I want to have a gamer system with infinite system points, infinite money, multiversal shop taht have everything in it, summon armies or people who will always loyal and never betray me, travel through omniverses, and if there is a mission or quest there will be no penalty.

Third wish, I want to be an emperor of my own world with a civilization ten times bigger and the city combination of coruscant and zakuul.

Fourth wish, I want to have knowledge of all the fictions from my world from mangas, fanfictions, webnovels and Unlimited amount of resources.

Fifth wish, I want to change my appareances and block my memeories from all beings or higher beings also erase my previous life except my name where I came from and all the knowledge.

Rob heard what is his wishes and think if he will approve of his wishes, for a minute he thinks and look at robert, he smiled at him, "Alright If that is your wishes I will approve all of them," robert heard what he said and aigh in relief.

Rob :"Now I will let you change and modify your appareance."

Robert see infront of him a screen and his body so he begin to modify, he change his height into 7 ft, very muscles and ripped, ten pack abs, twenty inch dick and six inxh girth and wear red shirt, brown jacket, boxer, black pants, and shoes.

Robert see him, "Alright, done so when Do I go?" Rob didn't answer him and snap him, he flashed out of the void, "Oh well that's done, time for me to get out of here," rob teleported out of the void.

Somewhere in the universe, There is a planet with advance technology and a population more than a trillion. Buildings are high up even went up way far from the clouds, there is a a building high up more higher than the others and reach up to space.

This place is in the middle of the planet, many people can't enter because this place can enter for every important people. Way high up there is a room with a king size bed ans there is a man sleep. The man open his eyes and sit on the bed.

He see the room and look at his hands, 'Huh, seems like I am already reincarnated,' he see the window and see space outside his window, he walk to the window, he see below there are many cities and buildings way up pass the clouds.

"System, can you hear me?" He ask the system.

[Ding! Yes host I can hear you.]

Robert :"system, from now on I will call you layra and do not use the word ding anymore."

[Yes host, thank you for the name you give me.]

Robert :"Don't worry about that, Also can you explain your functions and call me by my name."

[Yes robert, the gamer system is just like your previous life, It can see the status of people depends of the host level and power, makes you stronger, summon armies or certain characters, move to other omniverses, and multiversal shop.]

He open his status and see he is now a multiversal being makes sense because he has the power and knowledge of superboy prime and the sentry. "Layra, do you have a novice package for me?"

[Yes robert, there is a novice package for you, do tou want to open it?]

Robert :"Yes open it."

[Cobgratulations for opening the novice package you got :

1. Zakuul immortal emperor armor

2. Tony stark knowledge

3. 100000 old republic troopers

4. Golden kyber crystal

5. Dual bladed lightsaber

6. 10 harrower class dreaddnought

7. 10 star destroyers]

He see the rewards and surprised, the first novice package he got an army and a lightsaber, 'Damn I got an army already in the first place and a lightsaber,' he look at the rewards and ask layra.

Robert :"Layra where are my rewards?"

[Your rewards are stored in the inventory.]

Robert nod hid head and go to the inventory to see all his novice gift package, he take out the zakuul immortal emperor armor and began to change. He look at his mirror self and feel like an emperor now more like The Immortal Emperor of Zakuul.

He goes out and began to wander around. "Layra do you have a map functions?" He ask because he don't know where he is going.

[Yes robert, you can check the panel below and there will be map functions.]

He open the system and see there is a map funtion, the map have many mode functions, like map of the buildings, planet, galaxy, and universe. He chose the building map and see a dot of where he is now, he follow the map and now infront of a golden mettalic door. He step forward and the door automatically open and see a throne infront of him.

He step forward until he is exactly infront of the throne, he knows exactly what throne infront of him and what is the functions, it is The Eternal Throne. This throne can control the whole fleet of the eternal fleet and droids.

Robert :"Um layra, why is no one in the throne room and is this throne for me?"

[There is no one here because you do not have an army and yes this throne is exactly for you.]

Robert understand and still see the eternal throne, he still can't believe the throne is for himself, he already play SWTOR and see what kind this throne can do. He began to step forward and stood infront of it. "Layra, is there a mechanism security of function this throne will do if I will seat at the throne?"

He remeber in the game the throne have a blood dna system that only the emeperor and only his bloodline can sit and control the eternal fleet.

[Yes host there will be informations and power that will go inside you but it will not kill you.]

Robert nod his head and began to sit on the throne, he see nithing happened, "Huh, nothing, hey layra are-" he didnt finish and there is a power and informations surging through him.

He gritted his teeth of those powers and informations surging through him. Minutes later, it stopped and robert is taking a breath from that shock. 'Holy shit, that was intense, now I got the informations of the planet and the people, also in the planet I do not have armies or fleet, only police equipped with advance tech.' He tried to summon his eternal fleet but nothing happened.

Robert :"Layra why is there no respone of my eternal fleet?"

[It is because you do not have the eternal fleet, that is why there is no eternal fleet response to you, that is why you may have the eternal throne but not the fleet.]

Robert is speechless he may have the throne but the fleet, he sigh in dissapointment and begin to open the shop.

[Shop :

- Star wars

Missions to unlock more worlds]

Robert see and confused and ask layra, "Layra why is there only star wars in the shop and there are no more?"

[This is lock because you need to complete the missions of this universe to unlock the shop of other worlds and go to other omniverse.]

Reobert heard this understood and begin to wide eyed, 'Wait, did he said other omniverse?' He begin to choose omniversal system and see all other worlds are lock except ofr his world.

Robert sigh in dissapointed and begin to go to the multiverse shop and begin to buy armies and fleets

[Star wars


-Old Republic troopers

-storm troopers

-Clone troopers

-Sith empire troopers

-first order troopers

-CIS droids

-Sith empire droids

-Zakuul troopers

-Zakuul knights



-Star destroyer

-harrower class dreadnought

-venator class destroyer

-Resurgent-Class star destroyer

-acclamator class assault ship

-centuriom class battle cruiser

-Gage-class transport

-eternal flaship

-Eternal fleet warship


Super weapons

-Death star

-Star forge

-Star killer


He see many of the options and surprise there is even superweapons from star wars, he begun to buy all armies from the old republic troopers, clone troopers, sith troopers, sith empire droids, and all eternal empire troops. He didn't buy the galactic empire troops because they can't shoot at their target.

The fleet part, he begun to buy all from the galactic empire, sith empire, first orderand eternal empire also medical ships from the rebels. He see his inventory and ask layra of how to summon all these armies.

Robert :"Layra, how can I summon all my army and fleet, also are these people loyal to me?"

[You can open the map functions and there is a unit functions in the right up corner, select the troops or fleet and how many do you want to summon, after you select how many you want to summon you go to the map functions select of you want to summon them on the ground, sky or the space of your planet. These army and fleet will loyal to you and never betray you]

Robert undertsand and begin to summon all his ground troops outside the city and his fleets at space, he begin to look from the windows of his throne room and see all of his fleet in space.

'Holy shit there is so many ships out there,' he is surprised of his army but not the entire army only a few he summons from his planet, he begin to see the characters he want to buy.


-Obi-wan kenobi


-Darth maul

-Darth revan

-Captain rex

-Anakin skywalker

-Han solo


-Ashoka tano


Robert see many characters from star wars series from comics even series and movies, he wants to summon some jedi's and siths but it will be later because he see a particular characters he wants to summon.

He buy the character and it was appeared in the inventory, but first he buys himself an advance helmet, "Layra, Can I modify my helmet, armor or lightsaber?"

[Yes you can modify anything it in the system if you want to.]

Robert begin to buy his helmet and change the color to white with golden stripes with blue light color with attract and retractable function, it is because I have tony stark knowledge He put on the helmet and begin to summon the character he bought and he also disguise his real voice and change use voice modul.

He first begin to summon ten zakuul knights, they are now infront of him lining, they see me and kneel, "Your highness," he nods his head, 'Seems like layra is not wrong about them being loyal to me,' he see them still kneel, "Arise my knights," they begin to stand up.

He begin to summon the character he bought. There is a white light infront of him and see the man himself, He has blue skin, red eyes, blue-black hair, a tall, solidly built humanoid with blue skin and glowing red eyes who wears the white uniform befitting his rank.

He see me sat on the throne, he kneel and put his right hand to his left chest, "Hello my master," I am surprised to see him because this man in star wars is a brilliant and cunning man.

Robert nod his head, "Welcome grand admiral thrawn, now arise," Yes this man he summon is thrawn a brilliant strategist as ruthless as he is cunning.

Thrawn stand up and ask me, "What is my mission, my master?" He said to me with calm and inttelegence eyes, but those eyes will crush the enemies that will stand in his way and the empire.